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Orford the new diver


effnic said:
Btw how come no one has mentioned the blatent try by steve Matai that on several replays you can see the arm with the ball touch the ground.
You can't score a try with downward pressure of the arm, the ball needs to touch the ground or at least be seen to touch the ground.


I wonder what you would have to say God-King Dean if he had gone off? probably more obscenities like '#@$%ing Cat' and the like. There would be a thread started by scum low-lives like yourself about how soft he is for going off the field for what looked to be a little winding from a soft blow. Orford has pride and wanted to stay playing for the team cause he felt the hit wasnt going to effect his input in the team effort, and this was proven correct when he set up a try not long after. And, even after that he didnt look 100%. Ox is a good player - a match winner when he is at his best.
Mr Saab said:
Amazing how eels and sharks fans rip into Orford, but when other comment on Hayne, Gallen and Tweety Pie then the respective fans blow up

Amazing...... bit like Wayne Bennet giving it to Hayne but refraining from criticizing Ennis or Boyd for their blatant dives, who would have thought :lol:


I dont believe it was a dive, getting winded is not fun. I agree no penalty should have been given, it was a terrible decision to award one but I cant see how he dived.


BlacK_WhitE_N_BluE said:
didn't dive he was coughing up blood :lol:

:lol: Don't let facts get in the way of a good whinge:lol:

Didn't deserve a penalty, but in no way did he dive.

The Preacher

First Grade
Dogaholic said:
Was more of a cough though. It is not like he hocked it out.

Yeah, a farcough. Absolute sh!t IMO.

Just looking at your sig Dogaholic, if Sonny Bill would've had a Ronny Coote in the bushes and a piss in the cubicle, would it ever have made the papers ?? :?
Manly fLIP said:
I'd love to see how half the doctors in training on here would feel after running full pace into the back of a 115kg forward trying to charge your kick down.
:lol: There has been some rubbish written about Orford from the anti Manly brigade but wtf....

115kg when did Rogers turn into Dave Taylor? Poor attempt at a charge down... turn you back and finally why would Orford be running at full pace when he was always going to run into Rogers and play for penalty.


That was the worst dive I have ever witnessed. Orford should be fined for those theatrics. And the Manly trainer "He could swallow his tounge, he could swallow his tongue" which is physically impossible by the way so was obviously put on. Fair dinkum it was the lowest act ever and Orford is now the biggest cat in the game. I think the NRL should mic the trainers so we could here him whisper in Orford's ear "take the dive mate, we may get a penalty".

God-King Dean

MSIH said:
Well done on answering your own question. Any need for the rest of the sh*t in your post.

:lol: You're a moron. So you'd let a man play with a possible collapsed lung ?

Put your head out your arse. Honestly.


God-King Dean said:
:lol: You're a moron. So you'd let a man play with a possible collapsed lung ?

Put your head out your arse. Honestly.

Mate if your lung was collapsed: 1. You would be struggling to breathe 2. It would hurt so much you wouldnt go on or even consider it 3. You wouldn't be able to f**king BREATHE PROPERLY. Are you just thick or 'special'? If the trainer thought it was possible, of course he wouldn't of let him play on. I think you are the one who needs to pull ur head out of your arse, and try and develop some common sense with it FFS!

Rockin Ronny

Gaylord said:
Orford, you're kidding mate.

In fact the trainer said he was gunna swallow his tongue, called for the stretcher, Orford stays down just long enough to get a penalty, does a Jesus Christ, Manly score, Orford kicks a goal. His resurrection from the dead was surely incredible. Is it Easter?

Delmage should buy him another Harbour side apartment for his efforts.

Well done the bunnies, impressive season all round.

The referee was in danger of swallowing Orford's tongue.


And your in danger of swallowing Alan Tongue, you fat F@#k! If you are trying to suggest anyone is debating the Ref made a bad descision, then you gotta stop eating and learn to read, Keyboard Hero!


Hey guys, I believe Orford got through to the 3rd week of the semis. This may be the reason why everyone is trying to discredit him with something else.

God-King Dean

slamminsam246 said:
Mate if your lung was collapsed: 1. You would be struggling to breathe 2. It would hurt so much you wouldnt go on or even consider it 3. You wouldn't be able to f**king BREATHE PROPERLY.

1. " He was getting a fair bit of spasming in the diaphragm and struggling for breath. "

"There was a bit of blood coming up on the field"

"We weren't sure whether it was coming from his windpipe or lungs."

"At first, Matt couldn't talk and was struggling to breathe. "

2. Exactly. That's the point.

3. See above. From the mouth of the Manly doctor himself. But I spose you think he's a genius too :lol:

But I'm glad to see you're getting so upset. Truth hurts.


God-King Dean

slamminsam246 said:
And your in danger of swallowing Alan Tongue, you fat F@#k! If you are trying to suggest anyone is debating the Ref made a bad descision, then you gotta stop eating and learn to read, Keyboard Hero!


Wanna fight ?


Ok, so he isn't a diver, just a complete spastic who runs into people..

Orford should have been penalised for illegally smashing that guys back.


God-King Dean said:
1. " He was getting a fair bit of spasming in the diaphragm and struggling for breath. "

"There was a bit of blood coming up on the field"

"We weren't sure whether it was coming from his windpipe or lungs."

"At first, Matt couldn't talk and was struggling to breathe. "

2. Exactly. That's the point.

3. See above. From the mouth of the Manly doctor himself. But I spose you think he's a genius too :lol:

But I'm glad to see you're getting so upset. Truth hurts.

But once again, its all comes back ot Orford! If he doesnt come off, they can't stop that. Obviously Orford knew it wasnt too serious aye or he would not of played on. "At first, Matt couldn't talk and was struggling to breathe. " That's exactly what a winding does. Orford must of felt that it was just a huge winding and that there ws no risk. So in other words, he wasnt faking it and he played on because he knew it wasnt serious case closed?

As for the fight, I live in Brisbane. :D :crazy: :p And the Alan Tongue comment just had to be incorporated somehow after the word tongue was used twice in an NRL Forum

God-King Dean

slamminsam246 said:
But once again, its all comes back ot Orford! If he doesnt come off, they can't stop that.

Yes they can. It's their responsibility to look out for the players best interest. That's what they are paid for. (& letting a player with internal bleeding & possible collapsed lung is obviously not doing that)

Obviously Orford knew it wasnt too serious aye or he would not of played on. "At first, Matt couldn't talk and was struggling to breathe. " That's exactly what a winding does. Orford must of felt that it was just a huge winding and that there ws no risk. So in other words, he wasnt faking it and he played on because he knew it wasnt serious case closed?

Well this is the point. I think Orford was diving.


How can it be diving when it was proven he was winded or worse?! You can debate whether he should of stayed on the field as much as you want, doesnt change the fact he did get hurt legitimately. Or are you saying Grant Mayer and the Trainer are trying to protect his integrity and that he inhaled blood capsule so that when he coughed or spewed, red dye came up? Quite a stretch mate. I think this is just another Manly Hater tryin to find more dirt that isnt there out of pure jealousy. You cannot physically stop someone from playing on without getting the Ref involved, and the Ref didnt get involved. He allowed Orford to play on cuz he backed Orford's judgement.