Woman's football is actually quite excellent.
Anyone who suggest's otherwise really has no idea about the game.
It can be, but you're deluded if you think this WC has been excellent on the pitch. Major tournaments are rarely great to watch objectively. This isn't week-to-week club football.
As with the men's WC, most players from lesser nations play in minor leagues. The gap between the best and the rest determines how many of the games are played. It's in the nature of Soccer that poor teams can still make a game of it. Similar imbalances in RL result in massacres.
Standards should improve through the knockout stage. Although not necessarily. Apparent no-hopers can go deep into a comp. The Greek team who won the men's Euros in 2004 were truly awful. Transplanted into EPL they would have been relegated for certain.
Soccer fans following their national team at a WC are not interested in inherent quality. The event is the pull.