I think we all have friends or family that have gone down this path? Openly calling everyone a sheep online, for believing the Government and the MSM instead of the "real" research?
I've heard some real doozies, like China has known about the Sun going into a grand solar minimum that will last for 60 years. Apparently the CCP have known about this since Jesus was a pup and have been biding their time, until this "climate change" has now started to reduce crops by 50%. So to combat this they designed through the Wuhan lab a virus which they know that down the track, will need to inoculate every human on the planet. Secretly they will inject you with a substance that will kill the majority of people off (some will get saline) in 5 years time so that the CCP can use the land to feed it's people.
This rave came from people that I respected and previously thought were pretty switched on as they are documentary makers on Egypt and made some serious coin doing it too. At least it's a bit different to the norm, 5G, nanobot Fauci and friends theory. Mind you they do like their hallucinogens.
I had a story from a guy who is a respected scientist in his field and a super smart guy.
Truly believes that Hitler escaped to a secret base in Antactica where the Nazis still operate from. Reason that they werent taken out is that they have some amazing rail gun technology that the rest of the world can't compete with.
There is a documentary on Netflix called Beyond the Curve I would recommend everyone watch. It is about flat earthers.
For the conspiracy minded it may show you some of the patterns that may be recongnisable. There was one painful moment where a lady is questioning some of the extreme rubbish some hard core guys go on with, and she almost makes the connection she is on the same path just a bit further back.
For the non conspiracy minded it shows how little chance you have of actually changing peoples minds. An example is the flat earthers come up with a scientifically plausible method for showing the earth is not round with an experimental outcome that proves their point and a counter outcome that proves the earth is round. Low and behold experiment shows earth is round. Excuses are made, experiment adjusted to account for the newly "found" error source, repeated and same result of experiment and new round of excuses.
I found it very enlightening.