Sure ... subtle difference is that Keating was a politician whereas this boofhead is (supposed to be) a journalist. The former is, by definition, required to be partisan and critical of his opponents; the latter is supposed to be objective and impartial. Being an opinionated shock jock is simply being paid to be an intellectually lazy, egotistical, arrogant and often racist bully. There are right wing groups where these sorts of nitwits can mouth off to their cohort to their heart's content. Personally, I find them more tolerable when they have their megaphones and golden microphones removed.So someone tell me the filthy bits
i think the most controversial bit is where he says the trans swimmer has a penis which i dont think is accurate ..... but i actually agree with the ridiculous situation where a former male is allowed to compete (and easily beat, for obvious reasons) with females.
He calls Penny Wong mean - doesnt everyone? .... he bags albo prancing around for the cameras with his poodle - obvious pr stunt, just like scomo did .....blowup clown doll is not filthy .... flush em is not filthy
he is a big talking shock jock doing what he does ..... i reckon paul keating gave bigger sprays in his day
a bullshitter on a bulldozer more like it.^^^^
Fair enough. She can speak her mind and we can laugh at how puerile she is.Costello's Nine is trying hard.
Point taken ... this thread is filthyFilthy in this context to me just means dirty, biased and dead shit dumb. Sky Night hosts and their viewers, summed up in one phrase.
Filthy in this context to me just means dirty, biased and dead shit dumb. Sky Night hosts and their viewers, summed up in one phrase.
Yeah Alan Jones / Andrew Bolt / Peta Credlin are no different.
I find it ironic how Scomo says Deves can speak her mind yet when a member of the public confronted him about the Solomon Is/Pacific issue he had the feds remove him from earshot when he was publically speaking
Sure, everyone's got their views... but I'm not a paid news "journalist" who's surely meant to be above being a Trumpian party political cheerleader.your not very biased either, are you?
And he's not masquerading as a paid news "journalist" who's meant to subscribe to some sort of code of ethicsAnd either are you except you lean left
Who is "they" exactly? Is it Albo? Or a mythical monster that Sky News hosts have created just to deflect from more pressing matters and create some fake outrage...I find it interesting how some gus on here only post bad things about ScoMo and ignore anything rubbish Albo does.
In a world where they want to ban Mothers day, the term breastfeeding feeding and replace with chest feeding I tend to agree with some of these old dudes like John Laws. Things have gotten ridiculous.
Except that I don't rant to 100,000 viewers. f**king rabbitt !And either are you except you lean left
I find it interesting that you think that your trolling isn't half obvious.I find it interesting how some gus on here only post bad things about ScoMo and ignore anything rubbish Albo does.
You know how some people say that a person has an old soul ? Yours is 140.In a world where they want to ban Mothers day, the term breastfeeding feeding and replace with chest feeding I tend to agree with some of these old dudes like John Laws. Things have gotten ridiculous.
Sure, everyone's got their views... but I'm not a paid news "journalist" who's surely meant to be above being a Trumpian party political cheerleader.
And he's not masquerading as a paid news "journalist" who's meant to subscribe to some sort of code of ethics
He is paid to wind merkins up ..... mission accomplished .... give him a payriseExcept that I don't rant to 100,000 viewers. f**king rabbitt !
I find it interesting that you think that your trolling isn't half obvious.
I'm not telling. I am stating a fact that I have observed on here. You where exactly the same on the coronavirus thread.
You know how some people say that a person has an old soul ? Yours is 140.
Save your sermon for someone else merkin.You are young at heart. A man of the people who believes in equality and just wants to live his best life. I applaud you.
Reality check - Life's not fair and it will never be. You have to create your own little happiness the best way you can and forget about changing all the rules.
Some people are born rich, some poor, some pretty and some ugly. We can all lie about things to make us all feel better but it is only evading the truth.
But hey if it makes you feel better.