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OT: Current Affairs and Politics


Super Moderator
Staff member
He was so f**ken wrong about Sandy Hook. Have a look at some of his arrogant quotes that turned out to be complete and utter bullshit. What a f**ken dill.

Why would you put your faith in someone that is so obviously full of shit? Doesn’t the fact that he was so clearly dribbling shit about Sandy Hook make you question anything he says?

You treat him like some sort of messiah who is right about everything but he’s just a *dumb merkin like most people are.



Super Moderator
Staff member
Thank you for posting this. I get that it sounds unsavory and unsympathetic and even down right cruel to people that read or listen to it for the very first time, especially if you don't have context of what he(Alex) had been going on about for days and weeks and even months and years, but to millions of people that did and do, he wasn't actually attacking the parents or children, but he was looking at parallels of other instances of false flags and Manchurian candidate types of things like he usually does when stuff happens.

But at no stage did or has he ever suggested or encourage or anything like that to hound or harass any of the family members or anyone ever really, other then some of the political class and globalist that need to be put on the spot and asked the hard questions. If anything he goes to great lengths and always has for 29 years now to strongly point out that violence is not an option and that we need to turn this around in a peaceful resistance kind of way. And I do mean he preaches it. He almost has a no violence mantra every freakin show. The only time he says that violence is an option is from a defensive stance and not offensive. He often cite Gundi and Martin Luther King Jr as the role models to follow.

He can't though control what idiots (not necessarily viewers/listeners) then go and do out there. He was never part of any Sandy Hook family harassments. He only ever named one of them and that was it from memory.

So getting back to what freedom of speech really means especially in America. As long as you aren't calling for violence or murdering someone you can pretty damn say almost anything. The reason we have it is not so we can all pat ourselves on the back in agreement, but for the people that want and have an opinion that may be totally different to yours or mine and may even be very upsetting and down right offensive. That's the freakin point.

So where in anything that Alex Jones over his whole career can anyone show him calling for violence or murdering someone or even civil unrest for that matter? Joking and dressing up and doing silly parodies over the years doesn't count. Remember in the courts own admission and the prosecuting lawyers they all want to shut him up and get him off the air. If he was a real loon, why would they bother? I mean eventually more and more people would just point and laugh right. The courts and Govs won't need to get involved. The people would have spoken and done it for them.

But what has actually happened? Oh sh*t he has only gotten bigger and bigger and more and more credible, with more and more people joining in and calling out Alex as a Paul Revere type and the catch cry that is growing all the time of 'Alex Jones Was Right'. Even the number one cable TV news host Greg Gutfeld publically stated on his show this very week that he will channel Alex Jones and then went on to impersonate him and started connecting all the dots of what was going on right now and that a whole lot of seemingly unconnected things and events are actually all connected and that there was a plan evolving that he wasn't to happy about. In days of old he and others on that show even when they would bring up a topic or story that AJ had broken in the first place, they or almost anyone on that network would never even dare mention his name. But now he even puts on his voice ffs!

So instead of this supposed whacky loon rolling off a clif in the ratings and disappearing into obscurity he and his message is only getting bigger all the time. Joe Rogan is one of his mates who now agrees with almost everything AJ says and Rogan is a lefty, but a real one that isn't a Marxist twit. There are many celebrities that have appeared on his show and agree with him totally, but even more that won't come on because they say to him that it would end their careers but he is right, especially with the things he says about Greedy Evil Hollywood and all those shenanigans.

But finally, you don't have to agree with any of this and still hate AJ to the bone, but $1B or asking for $2.75T for what he said? Are you kidding me? So he upset the families of dead children, That deserves $1B? What should the loved ones of someone that is actually tortured, raped and then set alight to receive? The whole worlds GDP?

It was a kangaroo court that just went in to silence a man that helped get Trump elected and is a constant thorn in the side of everything the greedy evil Globalist want to do to us. They are cancelling and silence all their opposition and you need to take out the biggest gorilla as fast as you can. Especially before the next election cycle.

Again $1B - $2.75T let it sink f**king in! It is insanity that I even have to argue the point. But you all know it, you have just chosen to go along with the greedy evil merkins that run all the sh*t. But the day will come, You may never lower your arrogant pride, but you will know you rode the wrong horse and now it's to late.

You may even whisper under your laboured breath just as the shot is fired, Alex Jones was f**king ri...black out.

What a load of apologist nonsense.


Super Moderator
Staff member
I would say that his 'right' strike rate is somewhere in the 90% category and unlike the MSM who are now a days in the 90% 'wrong' category he has nothing to be embarrassed about. He is doing the world a massive favour even if people like you don't appreciate it.


He's a f**kwit.

And he rambles shit to merkins who are also f**kwits.
Rotum GIF


Staff member
I clicked on postal dot vote website and it takes you to a liberal party page that kinda looks like an offical Australian electoral commission page. It gathers your information and before it diverts you to the actual application for postal vote, you have to check a box YES that you agree for a member of the liberal party to call you. Dodgy AF.

Like when the libs used AEC purple at polling places……



Super Moderator
Staff member
I clicked on postal dot vote website and it takes you to a liberal party page that kinda looks like an offical Australian electoral commission page. It gathers your information and before it diverts you to the actual application for postal vote, you have to check a box YES that you agree for a member of the liberal party to call you. Dodgy AF.

Like when the libs used AEC purple at polling places……

View attachment 79430

Click on link in text, fill in form providing personal information

Cool and normal, what could possibly go wrong.


Staff member
There is a bit of political irony here, but hey if he crimed, he crimed.

So let’s frame it this way. The GOP who love guns, hate anyone impinging on their 2A constitutional rights even background checks for Adolf Hitler, have charged Hunter Biden (finally on something :rolleyes:) for fibbing on his gun “…form indicating he was not using illegal drugs when he purchased a Colt Cobra revolver in October 2018. The third count alleges that he possessed a firearm while using a narcotic. The indictment says Biden certified on a federally mandated form "that he was not an unlawful user of, and addicted to, any stimulant, narcotic drug, and any other controlled substance, when in fact, as he knew, that statement was false and fictitious.”



Post Whore
I dont think even casper would click on a link postal <dot> vote

it literally says Liberal Party of Australia and National party at the top .... looks like an AEC page - lol .... it looks like someone knocked it up in microsoft page builder

But yeah, silly domain hijacking

so where did you find said link and click on it? And you filled in all your details before realising?
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Post Whore
I dont think even casper would click on a link postal <dot> vote

it literally says Liberal Party of Australia and National party at the top .... looks like an AEC page - lol .... it looks like someone knocked it up in microsoft page builder

But yeah, silly domain hijacking

so where did you find said link and click on it? And you filled in all your details before realising?

Analed by AEC


Staff member
But yeah, silly domain hijacking

so where did you find said link and click on it? And you filled in all your details before realising?
It comes as a sms to random phones. They must have access to electoral rolls plus phone numbers because apparently it is targeted. The link is in the sms. Whilst many like you would not click on it, apparently 100s of thousands already have.