Peter Starkie 72, Skyhooks (guitarist).
I hope your being facetious, if not you’re not AustralianGawd l hate Skyhooks.
Dreadful band.
Ha, yeah, I can’t cop them either.Gawd l hate Skyhooks.
Dreadful band.
Peter Starkie 72, Skyhooks (guitarist).
Sad news. Yep I remember Max Merritt and the Meteors. Like my memories, the past is "slip sliding away".
However the 17 local member band and their 2016 hit" Premier Shark" will forever remain in my memory bank.
Max's death caused by Goodpasture Syndrome .Never heard of it.A bleeding ,lot of nasties out there.
" WOA Oh Oh Slippin away from me!" Max was breaking in two , "Watchin you ,.... Slippin away! " The Ultimate breaking up song! ......... I think" Slip sliding away" was Paul Simon ?