That's fine, but what would you rather money be spent on?
A fancy roof aka Allianz where most people still get wet, or a short beer and food queue at half time?
Exactly! Suity is right, we should build a sh**ty, boring stadium and make sure the pi**heads and get their beer, after all, that's what it's all about.
This stadium will serve as a landmark for the city, It can end up reflecting the city (and broader area's) identity. Think about it, this thing is likely to be there for at least 20 years, maybe longer, It'll be the largest, most distinctive building in Parramatta, if you don't think the exterior design is important, or you think having better access to beer is more important than than that, you need your head read, as your priorities are out of what.
Personally I think they go all out, I think they can learn from either US American football stadiums, or Football stadiums in the UK/Europe.
They have a real opportunity to be really unique and innovative here, rather than producing some cookie cutter beige stadium we've seeb built a million times already. (I'm looking at you ANZ).