Wow and Wow, you are hearing voices "we" think.
No, all good. Lunacy, fairies, conspiracy theories & end of the world scenarios is strictyly from the side of politics that you support.
"We" owe Gough a lot don't we. Opening the door into China a year even before Kissenger. That didn't work out real well did it.
What a load of rubbish. Australias movement towards Asia started in Japan & with Sir Joe.
Do you know a lot of Australian kids that speak two languages - not from migrant families.
Yes. Just after I left school joe made it compulsory for japanese to be taught in schools. NSW & Vic followed soon after. The discovery of surfing havens in Bali has led to a huge increase in Aussies who speak Indo. Then there are people like myself who are just interested in other cultures so learn to speak another language.
How serious & how far people take that skill is very different to how it is done in Europena countries though. To truly teach a language, you need to be taught in that language, & that is why so many European kids are so skilled in speaking the hardest language in the world to learn, in English.
The stupid red haired cutie is lying again if she things that the curriculum will soon be taught in mandorin or cantonese.
Every kid already studies an Asian language through school.
?@abcmarkscott: Extraordinary crowd gathered for launch of #AsianCentury paper ? Hawke, Carr, Garnaut, Woolcott ? a room of serious foreign policy thinkers?
ROFL X 100!!!
Mark scott=pharkwitt lefty blogger.