Bob Hawke labelled Obama an impotent leader, so Quigs must agree with him. So it suits the lying dyke no end.
Heres the BBC/ABC read Quigs. I know how you go on & on & on & on & on about right wing corruption & like to bite the hand that feeds you, so I would like to give you a brief insight into what really happens with you lunatic lefties cult enthusiasts.
In summary, the smae thing that happens here, happened over there, but they got caught out. A group of BBC executives held a conference on climate change & how the BBC would in the future handle all Climate change stories. ie. would they be pro-doubters, neutral or pro-lunatics/cultists/windmillers. Over 100 "experts" gathered to forge the public broadcasters policy, but the list of attendess was kept a secret. A little ole pensioner with first calss morals & ethics wanted the names on the public list, but was refused. 5 years later & millions of pounds in court costs the BBC lost the case & through freedomof info the pensioner got his list. Surprise surprise surprise the list only included low level BBC climate kooks, climate reporters, pro-man made climate change "scientists" & few dumbo windmiller solar panel tinfoil hat conspiracy theorists left wing loonies ohh & one very low level George Entwistle BBC exec.. Not one person from the other side of the debate. not 1 scientist reporter or climate change doubter to provide balance.
So as it turns out, the BBC was in fact shaping policy, to ram down peoples throats that the climate change fantasy is in fact a reality.
Fast forward 4 years, the low level execs rise up the company lader. Entwistele becomes the head of the BBC. A former politician & climate sceptic is targetted by the BBC as being a peadophile. Funnily enough, the 4 people who ran the story & were in charge of the story , all attended the climate change seminar.
Anyway, teh law has prevailed. Lord Mcalpin has won his first settlement, the the climate-change kooks have all lost their jobs & the BBC is in the biggest series of crisis in television history, world wide.
It just goes to show the depths & lies & corruption that the left wing will go to force their cult onto unsuspecting & less educated people in society.
You should be embarrassed by your colleagues in communism Quigs. Im embarrassed for you.
For further reading, why dont you do a search on the US EPA. Type in EPA human testing.
The EPA is your team. The windmiller solar panel carbon tax lunatics that oppose every type of power source & are anti human to the core. Seems they are in a quandry right now. They will either have to admit that a lot of what they have said is a complete fabrication or they will be tried a by a federal judge for illegal human testing with "cancer & death causing diesel exhaust fumes"
You lefties are so pathetic you are funny.
Go the good guys !!