Hey what happened to the greens vote, they dropped 25% of their voters lol
(Adz said this) One poll in your favour and that's it? Landslide? What about all those other polls having labor at wipe out levels?
Nothing to loose sleep over Surely. Duh Governments onto it already... on the ball they iz.
Gillard Gov introduces $1000 bonus for employers who hire staff over 50. Making it even more beneficial to employ mature age workers
Its the poll trends over a lengthy period Adz, now have a good read of what I said and compare it to your reply. I will put it all down to the fires.
Okay my Tory friends. Call it. Who is going to take the reigns when Stuntman gets the "Don't Come MOnday"
Its got me buggered. And I was always reading in Rupes Rags that Tone the Truckwit Stuntman was going to have the keys to the Lodge by Christmas 10, Christmas 11 and Christmas 12. Throw in 39 other times he was going to get the keys.
Funny huh !!!! Me thinks old Rupes is just a little bit worried about the NBN and might need to find another jockey for his horse. Stuntman is Gone.
It's the others youse have got to take into consideration Surely and Coastal. They are the uncommitted at this point in the race.
They are the ones that get the Schoolkids allowance, the pension increases, the June lowering of the Tax Free Threshold, the NBN, ohhhh and don't forget they were the ones that were going to be python squeezed, cobra struck by the big Carbon Tax thingy that was going to put the price of everything up.
Punters arn't mugs and they all have purses and wallets. Lower taxes, low interest rates - saving thousands on their home repayments. That 9% looks sweet to me.
And Tone and the Fibs are going to repeal it all.
The advertising, 3 less greens preferences, no independent preferences at least 3 labor seats already lost. Theres 10 seats lost for the minority government. Who she going to get this time Quigs? She going to invent a NEw State?
perhaps she could call it NEw South WALES??? Ohh .....hang on....
And less jobs available
If Wayne is getting more revenue, resources prices are higher than under Pete, then how come debt is ballooning and job vacancies plunging ?
Life lefties like yourelf will vote Left in QLD. maybe. Some public sector workers may hate the current premier. Small business, the biggest employer of Australians love him. Like my mates tell the guys working for them. Next election, bring a photo in of your election ballot & show me how you voted coalition. if you cant, dont come monday. Worked a treat at the last QLD state elections.
Clutching at straws there Surely. Two years of hard decisions ... 420 pieces of legislation passed through the house. The Do-nuffin Government has the race planned from go to whoa.
The Fibs have no Plan B. And it is becoming more obvious every day. They are so 1960's its laughable. The days of the Kingmakers like Rupe the Curtis are dying off.
Stuntmans stunts and three word slogans are a thing of the past.
The Repugs tried it in yankland... and it failed. Your Coalition is trying the same stunts... will get the same results.
Come over to the future, join the brave new world.
Policies -v- Slogans.
The Fibs have already stated they are going to repeal everything. Lower the Tax Free threshold.... Do a Can't Do and sack everybody....
Tip from Quigs..... keep an eye on the 9% undecided. When the facts get out there... hmmmmmmmm
If they are all the builders and tradies that you cried for because they were going broke on the Gold Coast - I hope they go broke. They don't deserve to employ humans.
If they were all the scammers that lived on Hedges Farkkkken Parade, Gold Farkkken Coast I hope they lose their houses. Anyone that attempts to stand over anyone in a democracy deserves to go broke.... I laugh in their faces.
They might have to get some work visas peolple from Bangledesh.
Hard decisions, which ones ?
Reduce electricity prices, how ? Hahaha
Rude shock for you quigs, market power means big users negotiate a price, that reduction in price is then subsided by your bill lol
hmmmm where to start.
NBN, National Disability Scheme, Gonksi, Murray River Darling , Marine Parks, National Curriculum for schools, Plain Packaging for Tobacco, The U.N - reduce electricity price gouging by the states, the MRRT, ....ohhh and the Carbon Reduction Scheme (that bloody python squeeze, cobra strike thingy)
So it wasn't the democratically elected Prime Minister Gillard who called out the State Premiers to do something about the Gold Plating and Gouging of Electricity Prices. I must of been watching another country or something.
you must have been.
was it called gold plating when the power stayed on for the countries elderly during ferocious fires last week?
Thank f**k solarists arew just a nutty minority.