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Ot- qantas

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Yeah Quigs, there is a big queu out the front of the old exclusion zone(40km) waiting for the red yellow green lights so they can slam the pedal to the floor.
Or , what might be happening, in a sensible non commy non-greeny non-windmiller way, is that they are gradually reducing the zone & alowing people to re-enter the areas that were previously in an exclusion zone. One day it will be reduced right up to the walls of the reactor(so it is on record, 1 metre), if it hasnt already been removed.

Now, did you guess where that picture of the city was?
Here is a hint. It disappeared along with 400,000 people in the 1940's.

Sooooo your facts from this morning that the poor japs were all going back within the 20k exclusion zone was crap. Your fact was all bullshit.

Where did you get your information from. Interested.

Re the answer to your question about the 400,000 people in the 40's and did I happen to guess the name of the place.

Anyhow see, I am a very learned person here myself. I happen to know a little bit about that city. You see I am a very learned soul.

I will answer your query with some pics... this might answer your own question.

Some lead in work. In 2007 I visited the USofA and whilst there I had the pleasure of visiting a rather huge aviation museum. That had all sorts of craft there and even for a poor dumb greeny like myself I took a lot of interest in some of the historical planes.

Here are but a few of them... I actually touched this particular one.



Now your homework Reefy, of course you know about this plane dont you.
Silly question.

But as you assumed I guessed the city of your pic.

Just another bit of home work for you. Do you remember my post about the shrine to Paris....... there might still be a sticky link or something ... anyhow check out the actual shrine building. It might ring a bit of a bell so to speak.

Question... what is the name of the building I used in the Paris Shrine thread and where did it come from.

You can guess if you like.

Hey you want to see the pic of me with the space shuttle or me with the space capsule that the apollo guys came back from the moon in.


Hey a bit of a hard question from the floor without notice.

Re the 100,000's ( you say 400,000) of dead in Hiroshima in 1945 can you explain to me in simple terms about the results of a low altitude exploding atomic bomb detonating over the confines of a populated city and a nuclear reactor complex with multiple meltdowns.

Somebody actually told me they were safe as....

Bloody Nora Reefy - you and those dammm stats again. How many got killed at Hiroshima. You state that 400,000 disappeared. Where did you get that figure from. Not your mates at the Institute of Public Affairs again. They are real characters, those "dudes".

Here are some figures... just saying, didn't go chasing it. just googled it. CLICK HERE
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Given that this started as a discussion about Qantas, I thought I'd add my 2 bits by sharing some historic photos from my travels of long ago. I was on the 1st Qantas plane to fly passengers to an Eastern Bloc communist country back in May 1969. This is the Qantas charter flight just after landing at Warsaw airport. The 2nd shot is of some of us passengers in the terminal soon after landing, me 3rd from left. (Sorry Quigs couldn't afford a Sharks jumper at the time) Anyway, it was a big deal at the time, with the Cold War still in full swing, but Qantas did the job for the 170 odd Pollacks going back to visit the old country.




Given that this started as a discussion about Qantas, I thought I'd add my 2 bits by sharing some historic photos from my travels of long ago. I was on the 1st Qantas plane to fly passengers to an Eastern Bloc communist country back in May 1969. This is the Qantas charter flight just after landing at Warsaw airport. The 2nd shot is of some of us passengers in the terminal soon after landing, me 3rd from left. (Sorry Quigs couldn't afford a Sharks jumper at the time) Anyway, it was a big deal at the time, with the Cold War still in full swing, but Qantas did the job for the 170 odd Pollacks going back to visit the old country.

View attachment 4284

View attachment 4285

Was it those bloody Commo's that stole your hair. The bastards.


Zero deaths from f**kishima reactor.
Zero deaths in teh USA from nuclear energy in the country with the most reactors on the planet.
Windmill deaths on the other hand

• 41 worker fatalities - includes falling from turbine towers and transporting turbines on the highway.
• 39 Incidents of blade failure - failed blades can travel over 400 meters, killing any unfortunate bystanders.
• 110 Incidents of fire - When a wind turbine fire occurs, local fire departments can do little but watch due to the 30-story height of these turbine units. The falling debris are then carried across the distance and cause new fires.
• 60 Incidents of structural failure- As turbines become more prevalent, these breakages will become more common in public areas, thereby causing more deaths and dismemberment’s from falling debris.
• 24 incidents of “hurling ice”- Ice forms on these giant blades and is reportedly hurled at deathly speeds in all directions. Author reports that some 880 ice incidents having occurred over Germany’s 13-years of harnessing wind power.”

haha Awesome. Useless pices of shyt & deadly too. What next Mirrors aimed at the sun???
You got fairys in your garden up there too quigs?


Hey what answer did you lock in in the Hotseat.

Did I pick the right answer for the question about the city pick?

Did my wealth of factual knowledge on the subject surprise you... I surprise my self at times with what I know. The missus just calls me a smart arse.

Now going on present form here with facts Reefy, I wont even embarras you with asking you where you got all those facts and figures from.

Afterall I am still trying to retain my composure over the 60% depreciation in home values that you posted earlier. Annnnddddddd now your 400,000 dead at


You know it takes all types to make a good forum room go round and round, smart ones, dumb ones, ones that know a lot about nothing, and ones that keep on posting things that somehow just don't add up.


But all in all I love it in here.
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Reefy you know how you posted that pic on that city I had to guess.


This one.

Then you asked me to answer your questions. Which I did.

Remember how I then posted this pic and a couple of others.


And then I asked you if you knew anything about it.. sort of hinting if you knew what it was famous for ... sort of hinting if you knew of its relationship to your question and my answers.

Well I am just wondering if you would care to answer - you know just for the record so to speak. I think in the course of being a balanced Q and A, Q and A it would be of interest to those who visit here.


I have been to that Aero space museum too Quigs. I have also been to the aircraft graveyard between phoenix & tuscon(on my to boot hill). Its not open to the public. But we went in anyway because the NASA 747 was there with a shuttle on its back. In the end we got a full tour by a collector there.
When I saw Enola it was incomplete. Little boy was not with her.
But as a means to an end, after wiping out a city that was home to 400k people & killing who knows how many, the city started rebuilding very quickly & is now the powerhouse centre it is today.

Sorry for the delay in the replies. I am working longer hours now to help pay for the increase in health care brought on by the current minority elected government.


Yeahhhh so I got my answer right then. It was Hiroshima.

I don't think you locked in an answer yet. You must of been busy ... hey?

IT'S HOTSEAT TIME FOR REEFY ...... (drumroll .....)

Reefy Your answer is ?

A. No they are not moving back in - only those outside of the 20k exclusion zone.

B. Every misplaced farker is moving right bang smack into their own houses just like nothing ever happend.

C. I (Reefy) really don't know but the Institute of Public Affairs - Alan Jones - and Ray Hadley said so so it must be right.

D. I made it up because I really know f**k all about it. I might think I do, but honestly I dont know facts from shit


They are moving back in to the exclusion zone Quigs , deal with it. Reactor workers have been living in the exclusion zone for months.

Here is some bottled water for you.

Interestingly, doing a search on the f**kishima problems(not a disaster) the first 3 pages only bring up lunatic web sites like greensnow, japannucleardisaster.com etc. The kinda of material found in alrmist greeny windmillers blogs. Took me to page 4 to find a respectable update on how well the cleanup is going.


They are moving back in to the exclusion zone Quigs, deal with it. Reactor workers have been living in the exclusion zone for months.

Here is some bottled water for you.

Interestingly, doing a search on the f**kishima problems(not a disaster) the first 3 pages only bring up lunatic web sites like greensnow, japannucleardisaster.com etc. The kinda of material found in alrmist greeny windmillers blogs. Took me to page 4 to find a respectable update on how well the cleanup is going.

Reefy, you didnt lock in your answer...

Reefy Your answer is ?

A. No they are not moving back in - only those outside of the 20k exclusion zone.

B. Every misplaced farker is moving right bang smack into their own houses just like nothing ever happend.

C. I (Reefy) really don't know but the Institute of Public Affairs - Alan Jones - and Ray Hadley said so so it must be right.

D. I made it up because I really know f**k all about it. I might think I do, but honestly I dont know facts from shit

And why did you have to go trolling four pages in when I gave you a link from the ABC International Bureau from Namie Japan.

They just went into the exclusion zone 3 days ago. They didn't see too many of the hundreds of thousands of the population that you think have returned.

HERE IS THE LINK WITH THE VIDEO. and its only three days old.

But I guess you know more than someone who is actually living in the near vicintiy - they are not inside the 20k zone unfortunately, according to the report the Police wont let them or anyone else .... its too dangerous.

If I was you I'd probably lock in "D" Eddie.


Quigs people were evacuated at a radius of 40km. That has been now reduced to the 20km exclusion Zone. The town on the 40/20 exclusion zone perimetre is rebuilding. It will continue to reduce. Time for you to just deal with that.


Ha Ha Ha Haaaaaaaa. Swat !!!

You are very vunerable when you are proved to be a little bit wayward with the facts Reefy.

Your comment was "They are moving back in to the exclusion zone Quigs, deal with it. Reactor workers have been living in the exclusion zone for months" has again been proven to be total crap.

I drew your attention to the article dated a few days back along with the video. Seems to me and that article and vid, that no one is allowed to return to live inside the 20k exclusion zone. They arnt now and they wont be able to for a long long time into the future.

It is real safe for all those "Reactor workers have been living in the exclusion zone for months". Everytime you see them they are wearing those full body white outfits with full face mask. I guess if the japs have a few million of those disposable little outfits then the population might be able to return to live "normal" life inside the 20k zone.

But your factual information comes from the same mouth that told us the reactors would be up and running within a week or two.

You do seem a little vunerable when even an old fart, tree hugging, bludging Commie shoots multiple holes into your alleged facts.

Lets go on record here about this. I reckon - just a hunch mind you - that the mass population of fuckishima and the surrounding 15k will not return to their houses by the next decade. I reckon the old Fuckishima State School will probably never reopen. The fish markets will stay closed and I am pretty sure that those snazzy little full body white outfits will be the choice of garments for quiet some time.

When do you reckon - life back to normal by when ????

Probably as good as it is for the population of Chernobal. Has the nearby State School reopened yet.?

How munch did those house values depreciate again ....... 60% was it? I love that one.

As Joe Friday was know to say, "The Facts Mammm, nothing but the facts"
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They are moving back in to the exclusion zone Quigs , deal with it. Reactor workers have been living in the exclusion zone for months.

Here is some bottled water for you.

Interestingly, doing a search on the f**kishima problems(not a disaster) the first 3 pages only bring up lunatic web sites like greensnow, japannucleardisaster.com etc. The kinda of material found in alrmist greeny windmillers blogs. Took me to page 4 to find a respectable update on how well the cleanup is going.

Forget the Bottle watered Reefy-son

The workers arn't living in the exclusion zone.... they are bussed in from 40k away.

But thats just a little side bit.

And its very safe work enviroment too


Whispers are getting stronger ....

LIBSPILL on the way.

Remember the Wingnut NoNo only won the leadership by 1 vote.

Some numbers are being counted .... Hmmmmmmmmm.

You might of even noticed a little swing behind Prime Minister Gillard in the Press.


Ha Ha Ha Haaaaaaaa. Swat !!!

You are very vunerable when you are proved to be a little bit wayward with the facts Reefy.

Your comment was "They are moving back in to the exclusion zone Quigs, deal with it. Reactor workers have been living in the exclusion zone for months" has again been proven to be total crap.
Again your furious fantatical bloggers lettign you down quigs.
On March the 25th the exlusion Zone was extended to 19 miles(32km). that has been lifted & now the zone is set at the evacuation zone of 20km.
People have been living & working in the exclusion zone of 32 km for months.
Change blogs or RSS feeds. Your windmill fanatics are letting you down.
As for what your fanatical buddies think, well, i will bet my bottom dollar9not too far off under this shyte government) that the Japs come up with a brilliant no holds barred decontamination effort that just stuns the world(but greenys will say was filmed in studio in the desert)

So wrong again quigs. About time you jumped on a winner. Im starting to think you are the problem with the Sharks!


but But But....

hit me with some more facts... I am in a humerous mood.

So no residence are living normal everyday lives inside the 20k .... umm right?

mums not putting their kids on the school busses just yet. But outside the 20k zone that is still honky dorey... ummm right
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