Don't worry too munch about the "I" Spide, there is also friends, people of Australia, working families, and Mr Rabbott.
But as you are probably more aware than most, people do misunderstand things, and often people who you'd expect would understand more than others.
Take for example when the democratically elected Prime Minister Gillard said at the National Press Club to the gathered Press when questioned about their coverage PM Gillard said, "Don't write crap"
And take early this week for example when she said to all that would listen "Don't believe everything you read in the papers" Why she even stressed that to Tone NoNo and his deputy Mesma Bishop. More than once she did.
She also said and was recorded as saying "I (that word again -I - as in executive power of the PM) I will be announcing my Ministry on Friday.
Me smells beat up, lemmings jumping off cliffs, and lot of people with lots of egg on faces. They are now frantically trying to save some face.
"I" reckon I reckon.