Break it down very simply. Boats stopped under Howard. Boats started again under Rudd/gillard. There is only one party responsible. If they are serious about stopping boats go back to what has worked ffs.
Malaysian solution! Idiots! More people come in a month than the whole of the swap deal allows for. Hilarious that they even talk about that idiotic idea, and that's on top of the court ruling against it. No wonder they are polling so badly.
Theres is none so blind as those that cannot see.
What happened under Howard has now been deemed illegal by the High Court of Australia.
Ads the purpose of the proposed legislation put forward yesterday by both parties was to have new legislation of overule the clause that the high court of Australia found unlawful.
Now that is why the elected Government of the Day (that includes both side) had no powers to process offshore. Australia has signed up to (a long time ago certain treaties and international agreements) that requires certain procedures to follow under international law.
Hey but don't let facts get in the way of a Daily Telegraph headline.
It does amaze me at times the tunnel vision of some in here.
I believe we are "that lucky" that we live so far away from the worlds turmoil. Some need to grip on what is really happening in the one and only planet we all live on.
Lucky for "youse" you have your Today Tonights, A Current Affairs, and the Daily Telecrap type rags to give "youse" the real picture of whats going down. We are the lucky country remember.