Does May need to be sacked over this ?
Or am I being way over the top and allowing anger to rule common sense ?
We understand the anger and frustration as it has the potential to harm our chances of the football field, particularly, in the early part of the season. This situation is highly disruptive whether we like it or not.
The fact of the matter is, the recording of one's sexual activities has become commonplace in today's society and in 99.9% of instances it is not an issue for obvious reasons.
Clearly making a recording without the consent of one or more participant's is a different matter and is deserving of attracting criminal sanctions and the punishment that may follow. Similarly, the distribution of recording's into the public domain has the potential to cause embarrassment and hurt so again such acts are worthy of being placed before a court.
I think any decision of the future of Tyrone May rightfully can be determined after the conclusion of the court proceedings whether his guilt or innocence is determined and the facts surrounding what transpired are more widely known.
This is not a matter that would warrant his being stood down indefinitely based on the new NRL policy outlined last week although our General Manager may have a different view and impose a club based sanction effective immediately.