Agree with your concerns. Ray Price as a replacement for Steve Sharp? :lol:OK, so now I am confused.
Andrew Eagleston has just advised of his "team to lead the club into the future" but I am not sure if he realises that the Board is the PLC Board and not the Footy Club Board (although there are some Directors that would be on both).
Apart from himself, he has included on his 'ticket' the following:
- Ray Price (and selected him as Chairman)
- Ian Sekuloski
- Paul Barber
- Two Directors to be appointed by the NRL
- One Director to be selected from Parramatta membership
Here are my personal concerns.
Very true. People need to stay away from this Eagleston petition/vote down his EGM motions. As an ex-ParraMount candidate, it is highly likely his ticket is just a wolf in sheep's clothing for you know who....At least the other option doesn't pretend to pick the 'best people' from previous failed candidates.
Good to see the factions out in force to shoot down the possibility that this group might be a faction.
so has Eagleston actually handed in his EGM proposal to the board or is this for next May's election? ....either way there's a serious LOL factor to it al
Emjayce's final sentence refers to Eagleston's petition with 26 motions on it, so I'm guessing yes?
The question I have is does that mean we have the one EGM to deal with matters raised in the two petitions (once vetted, to ensure all are signed only by valid members etc)? What a shit fight that will be... :crazy:
So, we can assume that the losco EGM runs on it's own, and the Eagleston petition doesn't piggy back on that same EGM, right?
Does this mean there will be two separate EGM's?
Scenario: The Losco petition is already submitted, so the Losco EGM will be sometime soon. Let's say in 2 weeks, Eagleston gets the required signatures to submit his petition and does so. They have the Losco EGM first (let's say it's successful) then the Eagleston petition triggers another EGM at least 2 weeks following that? Is that what would happen?
Twenty-Second Ordinary Resolution
That in the event a vacancy, or vacancies, on the Board of Directors remains unfilled after
the determination of the previous resolutions as set out above, that this meeting appoint
such person, or if more than one, such persons as are nominated from the eligible members
present at this meeting and who consent to fill any remaining vacancy or vacancies on the
Board of Directors, as remain unfilled.
Good to see... oh never mind.Good to see the factions out in force to shoot down the possibility that this group might be a faction.
He has started collecting signatures so doesn't have his 101 yet to call an EGM.
Excellent news.Actually no. It seems he is raising his required signatures now.
Separate EGMs for each separate petition? If true/confirmed, even further excellent news.My understanding is that an EGM can only deal with the motion(s) raised as part of the request for the EGM. Nothing additional can be tabled from the floor or otherwise. If this is true then the EGM will deal only with the issues of the Losco petition if that is the trigger for calling the EGM.