So all the "income/revenue" blah blah - for who? The goverment or for private businesses? (Hotels, restaurants, etc) .... if goverment, who is giving up all this cash & for what? .... if private businesses, the cool but that dont mean diddly squat for hospitals and schools
Are you serious?
Any event that brings people in is a revenue raiser for everyone.
The local economy benefits with expenditure in hotels, restaurants, local business, - local councils even (through parking fees), public transport usage. Even spending in unrelated businesses just because people are there. All these businesses then pay more tax, therefore, the govt wins as well and has extra income to spend on....guess what........hospitals and schools.
Gronk said it before. The VIC govt spends a shit load on the Aussie Grand Prix. You reckon that they'd keep doing it if it wasn't a money spinner all round?
As for money for schools and hospitals, I'll talk about that another time.