Mal is a gutless little weasel with no balls. Same as Rudd all style and absolutely no substance.
He goes which way the wind is blowing, hardly what you want in a leader let alone a PM.
I think if you actually look deeper at the situation, you will find that the federal LNP are hamstrung with factions. You have the loony right, the country bumpkins (Nats), the center and the left of centre. Turnbull won the spill over Abbott because they were facing a landslide loss. The 2016 DD election returned Turnbull yet his party led by the loony right are still in disarray. The very merkin you admire (Abbott) is constantly white anting his own party for his own benefit.
To put in a way that is relevant to this site, Abbott is the Denis Fitzgerald of federal politics.
BTW, you say that you admire Abbott bc he follows through with what he says ? Need I remind you of what he said after the leadership spill ?
"My pledge today is to make this change as easy as I can.
"There will be no wrecking, no undermining, and no sniping. I've never leaked or backgrounded against anyone. And I certainly won't start now."
BTW I am historically a labor voter but would rather have a stable Turnbull government in right now than a Shorten government. To get a stable government, merkins like Abbott need to back right off and let Turnbull do what he was elected to do.