There are massive differences.
- Sydney's double deck fleet are slow and cumbersome. Their dwell time at stations is slow because they only have two doors per carriage. The stairs between the two levels creates congestion loading and unloading in peak times
- Sydney trains have drivers and guards, both front an back. This is useless.
- As
@Gronk suggested, Metro is a completely different system.
It is fast (100 km/h) between stations. It has three doors per carriage, it is single level so dwell times at stations are short. It covers distances between stations far more quickly. And because it is automated with no operating staff, it is immune to industrial action and strikes. It is in and out of stations very quickly. If you miss one train, another will be there in quick time.
The more metro's Sydney can build, the better.
There are so many more advantages. And it is all available on the same Opal card of the rest of the system.
Sydney actually has an amazing transport system including buses, ferries and trams, and the Apps available make it so easy to use.
Here's a screen shot of current transport.
It's a live app and updates every 15 seconds.
If ya zoom in on the app, there's even more than this.
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