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Parramatta Stadium Rebuild and other stuff


Post Whore
While the RBTU claims might seem far fetched. They are nice to haves for the most part. 50c fares for people who ride the busses and trains on the regular it would be a massive saving especially in the current cost of living environment. These are publicity winning demands.

Their main claims and reasons for being upset is the job losses. Less drivers and guards mean less members for the union.

But also from a member standpoint it means worrying times for drivers and guards, especially those getting just getting into their careers.

it would be like the world creating a robot builder the promised you a porch and then got chased by ACA, actual builders would wonder what the future held for them.

May I correct or comment on a few things in your post. The two bolded lines.

Firstly, demanding 50 cent fares across the board is just ludicrous and approaches the point of greed. The govt already subsidise's Sydney Trains at a cost to the taxpayer. Sydney's rail fares are already cheap, and we also have a weekly cap on fares and discounts on trip transfers It's a pretty generous system as it is.
The NSW branch of the RTBU are demanding this as one of their claims because the QLD Labor Party have introduced them in a desperate bid to remain in power (which is looking very unlikely). It's a bribe as such by QLD Labor.
To fund these services, the user needs to pay.
If we bowed to the unions demands on this, we as taxpayers would have to make up the shortfall some other way, which would probably mean extra taxes elsewhere. Someone has to pay for these services and it's only fair that it is on a user pays based system. 50 cent fares will ultimately result in everyone paying, whether they use it or not.

The second bolded sentence is just incorrect.
With the conversion of the Bankstown section of the T3 line from Sydenham to Bankstown to Metro, NOT ONE Sydney Trains employee will lose their job. Freeing the T3 line from the City Circle will open up slots and provide more services to other lines like the T2, T8, T1 and T9.
When the City West Metro, is completed, from Hunter St to Westmead, NOT ONE Sydney Trains employee will lose their job.
When the WSIA Metro line is completed, NOT ONE Sydney Trains employee will lose their job. These extra lines will actually create hundreds more jobs and provide fast reliable services.

Just one more thing. Unrelated to anything you posted.

The Union's claims about their concerns about safety on the Bankstown Line Metro conversion ("because they are driverless trains running at ground level") is just BS. May I remind the RTBU that 5 people have died just this year on the Sydney Trains network that runs at ground level and actually does has drivers and guards. Not to mention that one guard has also fallen out of a train. If they want to talk about the safety of the Metro, I think they should look in their own backyard first.
May I correct or comment on a few things in your post. The two bolded lines.

Firstly, demanding 50 cent fares across the board is just ludicrous and approaches the point of greed. The govt already subsidise's Sydney Trains at a cost to the taxpayer. Sydney's rail fares are already cheap, and we also have a weekly cap on fares and discounts on trip transfers It's a pretty generous system as it is.
As I said it is there to curry favour with punters. If the union got everything they want but not that they would not be fussed

The second bolded sentence is just incorrect.
With the conversion of the Bankstown section of the T3 line from Sydenham to Bankstown to Metro, NOT ONE Sydney Trains employee will lose their job. Freeing the T3 line from the City Circle will open up slots and provide more services to other lines like the T2, T8, T1 and T9.
When the City West Metro, is completed, from Hunter St to Westmead, NOT ONE Sydney Trains employee will lose their job.
When the WSIA Metro line is completed, NOT ONE Sydney Trains employee will lose their job. These extra lines will actually create hundreds more jobs and provide fast reliable services.
But I am sure that is what the union would want, some guarantee that would span governments in writing.

Also I wonder what happens when we have a sick passenger on the metro. Do we just keep the train moving till Sydenham or Tallawong ?


Post Whore
As I said it is there to curry favour with punters. If the union got everything they want but not that they would not be fussed

But I am sure that is what the union would want, some guarantee that would span governments in writing.

I'm not sure if you have been reading all the reports. The 50 cent fare thing is one of their key demands.

Also I wonder what happens when we have a sick passenger on the metro. Do we just keep the train moving till Sydenham or Tallawong ?

Oh dear. I'm starting to wonder if you have ever been on the Metro.
You do realise that there are more customer service employees on every single Metro service and also at every station platform then there are on Sydney Trains services don't you? Do you also realise that if any of the "automated" trains do happen to break down or have a mechanical failure, these customer service employers have actually been trained to manually drive these trains?
Do you also realise that there are automated service help points all over each station and on every carriage of the Metro trains that link back to the control centres?
What an ignorant thing to suggest that if there was a health issue or medical emergency that the train would just continue to its final destination. OMG.
If there is anything that the Metro may lack, safety is not one of them. Customer service is not something Sydney Trains excels at.


Qantas have been pure rubbish for a while when it comes to customer service.

For a airline trying to restore there reputation amongst the Australian public post covid this is a sure way of getting people more offside.


Post Whore
So, some deal has been arranged between the ALP and the RTBU.
Jo Haylen has just announced this.
Courtesy of 2GB.
Apparently, some ST's employees might be working on the new Bankstown line. The RTBU have agreed to lift SOME bans.
I truly wonder how much this has cost the govt (and ultimately, us taxpayers) due to the RTBU's demands.

It was bad enough that it has cost us taxpayers hundreds of millions of $$ converting the previously safe NIF trains, which was the previous govt's fault for allowing this to happen and bowing to them.
This union has way too much power. They should be nuked.

Regardless of this deal, the trains are still f**ked tonight.
So, some deal has been arranged between the ALP and the RTBU.
Jo Haylen has just announced this.
Courtesy of 2GB.
Apparently, some ST's employees might be working on the new Bankstown line. The RTBU have agreed to lift SOME bans.
I truly wonder how much this has cost the govt (and ultimately, us taxpayers) due to the RTBU's demands.
Lol. Government averts the potential crisis you were so worried about yesterday, yet now the concern is how much this successful strategy might have cost. Despite earlier post pointing out how many staff are on metro carriages/needed for metro lines.

Courtesy of 2GB is right - they've got that outrage-based news cycle doing its job to keep certain listeners hanging on every word. Just like the way the footy rumour-based media works.


Post Whore
Courtesy of 2GB is right - they've got that outrage-based news cycle

Generally yes.
However, it is Clinton Maynard.
A truly honest and well credentialed journo who does proper research and is an absolutely decent political reporter. He is not outraged based.
Yes, 2GB does have one of these. The rest of that lot I don't give the time of day to.


Post Whore
Someone from Western Sydney should not have to pay 3 x the amount for a train fare to get to work. They are already having to waste more time to get there. Just because they are unable to afford a place closer to the CBD why should the cost to get to work be more? They need to introduce free public transport for work or some sort of flat rate.
Then we hammer the tourists. They are here on holidays. Hit them hard and double there fees.
Oh dear. I'm starting to wonder if you have ever been on the Metro.
You do realise that there are more customer service employees on every single Metro service and also at every station platform then there are on Sydney Trains services don't you? Do you also realise that if any of the "automated" trains do happen to break down or have a mechanical failure, these customer service employers have actually been trained to manually drive these trains?
Do you also realise that there are automated service help points all over each station and on every carriage of the Metro trains that link back to the control centres?
What an ignorant thing to suggest that if there was a health issue or medical emergency that the train would just continue to its final destination. OMG.
If there is anything that the Metro may lack, safety is not one of them. Customer service is not something Sydney Trains excels at.
As I have said, I’ve been riding this line for awhile now on and off. But again I do remember that there was a passenger needing medical attention on a train that did shut down the entire line.

I’m just not sure if that was two years ago or more.

However, any time I’ve written the Metro line either the new part in the city or the old part from Chatswood to the north west I have never seen a customer service agent.

Honestly, I have seen people walking to towards gates trying to figure out how to get out of them but not one customer service agent.

This is just passed Peak times on a Monday or Tuesday night but still it is my experience.


Someone from Western Sydney should not have to pay 3 x the amount for a train fare to get to work. They are already having to waste more time to get there. Just because they are unable to afford a place closer to the CBD why should the cost to get to work be more? They need to introduce free public transport for work or some sort of flat rate.
Then we hammer the tourists. They are here on holidays. Hit them hard and double there fees.
Using your opal card should mean a reduced price then using your debit/credit card.


May I correct or comment on a few things in your post. The two bolded lines.

Firstly, demanding 50 cent fares across the board is just ludicrous and approaches the point of greed. The govt already subsidise's Sydney Trains at a cost to the taxpayer. Sydney's rail fares are already cheap, and we also have a weekly cap on fares and discounts on trip transfers It's a pretty generous system as it is.
The NSW branch of the RTBU are demanding this as one of their claims because the QLD Labor Party have introduced them in a desperate bid to remain in power (which is looking very unlikely). It's a bribe as such by QLD Labor.
To fund these services, the user needs to pay.
If we bowed to the unions demands on this, we as taxpayers would have to make up the shortfall some other way, which would probably mean extra taxes elsewhere. Someone has to pay for these services and it's only fair that it is on a user pays based system. 50 cent fares will ultimately result in everyone paying, whether they use it or not.

The second bolded sentence is just incorrect.
With the conversion of the Bankstown section of the T3 line from Sydenham to Bankstown to Metro, NOT ONE Sydney Trains employee will lose their job. Freeing the T3 line from the City Circle will open up slots and provide more services to other lines like the T2, T8, T1 and T9.
When the City West Metro, is completed, from Hunter St to Westmead, NOT ONE Sydney Trains employee will lose their job.
When the WSIA Metro line is completed, NOT ONE Sydney Trains employee will lose their job. These extra lines will actually create hundreds more jobs and provide fast reliable services.

Just one more thing. Unrelated to anything you posted.

The Union's claims about their concerns about safety on the Bankstown Line Metro conversion ("because they are driverless trains running at ground level") is just BS. May I remind the RTBU that 5 people have died just this year on the Sydney Trains network that runs at ground level and actually does has drivers and guards. Not to mention that one guard has also fallen out of a train. If they want to talk about the safety of the Metro, I think they should look in their own backyard first.

Can I, in my opinion, correct you and maybe nudge you to see and realise that it is only ludicrous because we are literally being scammed and robbed by our politicians and their powerful friends and masters. Yes I get that in the current climate we are going broke and that 50c or free public transport would only hasten that situation.

But if we all just accept what is going on and just play this game by the rules that they are setting for us then nothing will ever change and it will only get worse as all corruption ALWAYS does and dare I say it, the world your children will inherit will be several orders of magnitude worse.

So that is why I try to always point out that abundance, especially in a country as rich as ours, is more then possible if we demand it and state why and how every time we are discussing these types of things with people. We should never get bogged down in the deflective or complicated spin doctoring narrative the pollies and their stooge front men, who will bog us down in the weeds with absolute lies and misinformation so they can keep raping this country blind to maintain their wealthy and powerful status quo.

Look around mate. How the Hell can we be only getting $2B for a resource that we are the second largest exporter in the world and the country that is 3rd largest is getting $76B per year? That resource alone would pay for a damn lot more then just 50c or even totally free public transport don't you think?

There is no excuse for such lets be kind, incompetence is there? Or could you give a logical and valid excuse for such a failing? Please do, I would love to hear it. I'm not being a smart arse, I just get very frustrated when people say we can't afford this or that and the truth is all around us that we most certainly can and much, much more if we ALL stopped playing silly bugger politics with these fake nice guy politicians and demanded what is rightfully ours.

Shoot, what we should all be getting is an annual dividend of say 1% or 2% of all the royalties from all the resources we are selling to the world. It would be in the thousands I'm sure. That way every citizen in Australia would quickly realise that yes these resources are ours and that we shouldn't be giving them away for what is essentially free. They do this in Alaska and every citizen gets, I can't remember exactly but it is around $1200 a year from just one resource. But with them we are talking miniscule stuff compared to Australia's massive annual export resource ledger.

This country is rich, freakin damn rich but we are not getting anything close to what we are rightfully owed. We need to demand more and the only way to do that is by showing anyone and everyone when they say that we can't do this or can't afford that, that no that is not correct we can and this is why and how. If everyone stopped parroting the the pollies and trans-corporations narrative propaganda and simply pointed out the truth, their lies and disinformation would then quickly melt away and we may start to see some traction in the right direction.

Sorry mate but I just get so very frustrated with statements like that first paragraph in your post. No offence I hope. Rant over. Cheers


Almost. There are negotiations ongoing for other claims.
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