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Parramatta Stadium Rebuild and other stuff


since when is it up to unions to set the train fares ? how the f**k would they know what it costs to run a rail network ?

boggles the mind

What I do know though is that Qatar collects $76B a year in royalties for its LPG every year being the 3rd largest exporter in the world and Australia collects $2B a year and we are the 2nd largest exporter in the world. Let that sink in.

Hmmm I wonder if we could afford free public transport nation wide and a Hell of a lot of other goodies if we actually got what is owed to each and every one of us. These resources are ours after all ffs!

I know this is a totally different issue, but they are all related. We are all just squabbling over crumbs when the multinational rats are making off with the full 10 layer cake and then the pollies retire in nice cushy high paying jobs when they retire from office.

Whenever we argue on public forums and the like, we should ALWAYS highlight and point out these I think enormous criminal failings by our politicians, otherwise nothing will ever change and then are just playing with us while making off like bandits. Australia is going broke and no one seems to be noticing or care.
While the RBTU claims might seem far fetched. They are nice to haves for the most part. 50c fares for people who ride the busses and trains on the regular it would be a massive saving especially in the current cost of living environment. These are publicity winning demands.

Their main claims and reasons for being upset is the job losses. Less drivers and guards mean less members for the union.

But also from a member standpoint it means worrying times for drivers and guards, especially those getting just getting into their careers.

it would be like the world creating a robot builder the promised you a porch and then got chased by ACA, actual builders would wonder what the future held for them.
Also Fridays are the quietest time in the city these days. As most office workers are still doing some level of work from home, most don’t go in Fridays. Like me. But I did go in for a Friday a few weeks ago and the city is barren.


While the RBTU claims might seem far fetched. They are nice to haves for the most part. 50c fares for people who ride the busses and trains on the regular it would be a massive saving especially in the current cost of living environment. These are publicity winning demands.

Their main claims and reasons for being upset is the job losses. Less drivers and guards mean less members for the union.

But also from a member standpoint it means worrying times for drivers and guards, especially those getting just getting into their careers.

it would be like the world creating a robot builder the promised you a porch and then got chased by ACA, actual builders would wonder what the future held for them.

The 50c fares are about the only thing I agree with. We should actually have free public transport and very, very cheap energy prices if our pollies were doing their jobs properly and looking out for the public which we elected them to do and not the transnationals.


Staff member
The 50c fares are about the only thing I agree with. We should actually have free public transport and very, very cheap energy prices if our pollies were doing their jobs properly and looking out for the public which we elected them to do and not the transnationals.
Here lies the problem with our two party system. We have one party and their philosophy is make it easier for people and that will lead to productivity and growth.

The other party don't like government to be the providers of transport or health etc and prefer that the user pays for it. They think smaller government is the best way to productivity and growth.

I am not saying either system is right or wrong, but when you have both that are the polar opposites in policy, you're going to run into problems. Especially when there is a change in government.

At he moment NSW Transport has been set up as being semi autonomous with many bus and ferry routes already privatised. Our light rail (I think) is also privatised. Heavy rail is not, but is expected to make coin. It's all over the place. Metro is privatised too ? Dunno.

The chap in QLD has made 50c fares across the board, but we all know that if he does not win the election (polls suggest that the appetite for change is there) that the new government will want their public transport back to where it was and switch it immediately sighting irresponsible budget management. The reality is that it just doesn't fit in with their political mindset.

There are cities across the world that have free transport and even zoom zoom broadband and productivity high. Yes, nothing is really free and ultimately your taxes will need to increase to pay for it. As I said, it's just a different mindset. Provide the infrastructure, or make merkins pay for it via private enterprise.

T.S Quint

What I do know though is that Qatar collects $76B a year in royalties for its LPG every year being the 3rd largest exporter in the world and Australia collects $2B a year and we are the 2nd largest exporter in the world. Let that sink in.

Where did you source this information from?


Where did you source this information from?
Numbers don't seem to add up between various reports, but definitely not enough excise is charged on our LNG exports.



Staff member
^^^ I think I posted a graphic a few weeks ago from the Australian Institute that showed that the AU government gets more cash from HECS payments than it does from the gas industry.

The fossil fuel industry should be paying for our resources and we should be using that to pay off student debt.

Santos - our biggest gas exporter paid $6m tax from it's $30B income.


  • P1256-APPEA-Tax-Briefing-Note-UPDATED-13072022.pdf
    329.1 KB · Views: 1


Where did you source this information from?

I've posted about this a few time on this forum, but sure I don't mind if I can help a fellow Aussie understand the hoax that is being played on us all and all we get is bullsh*t and blatant coverups by all the shills in the media.

Watch the links below mate. Very eye opening stuff. This guys channel is awesome actually. He is relentless and keeps on drilling down(pun intended) on this subject and more, like housing and the duopoly supermarkets. Sure you might say well what's the point we can't change or fix it, but I think we can if we tell and or show as many information poor Aussies just like you(not having a go at you mate) or even one at a time that eventually there will be a tipping point and we may actually see a positive change and even some people may go to jail too.

You know there are even instances where it would be cheaper for us if we just left our resources in the ground? Yes in some instances it cost us more to give licences to these dicks to mine then do nothing at all. That's how bad it is.

There's one video on his channel that shows how many things we could have if we just got our rightful share from LNG in one year. If that doesn't get you cranky, well then you aren't breathing.



Numbers don't seem to add up between various reports, but definitely not enough excise is charged on our LNG exports.

Watch the above guys videos and then you will know why there SEEMS to be confusion in the reporting.


Here lies the problem with our two party system. We have one party and their philosophy is make it easier for people and that will lead to productivity and growth.

The other party don't like government to be the providers of transport or health etc and prefer that the user pays for it. They think smaller government is the best way to productivity and growth.

I am not saying either system is right or wrong, but when you have both that are the polar opposites in policy, you're going to run into problems. Especially when there is a change in government.

At he moment NSW Transport has been set up as being semi autonomous with many bus and ferry routes already privatised. Our light rail (I think) is also privatised. Heavy rail is not, but is expected to make coin. It's all over the place. Metro is privatised too ? Dunno.

The chap in QLD has made 50c fares across the board, but we all know that if he does not win the election (polls suggest that the appetite for change is there) that the new government will want their public transport back to where it was and switch it immediately sighting irresponsible budget management. The reality is that it just doesn't fit in with their political mindset.

There are cities across the world that have free transport and even zoom zoom broadband and productivity high. Yes, nothing is really free and ultimately your taxes will need to increase to pay for it. As I said, it's just a different mindset. Provide the infrastructure, or make merkins pay for it via private enterprise.

Mate stop it. The only real problem is that you seem to think debating which party is right at any given time or issue is going to solve anything. We all just end up picking a side or colour and think that one or the other is on OUR side and will fix things.

No it doesn't and it never will. Both sides are in it for themselves and protect the interests of their friends and multinationals. We get crumbs, IF we get anything at all.

I didn't bother reading your post past the first paragraph because the only true answer is to not vote for either party at all and only vote for candidates solely on issues and hold them to them or vote them straight out again. These two parties are now owned and bought by corps and billionaires. Trying to convince either side to work for the public again is a truly ridiculous notion at this point.

If you can't see that sorry you are to far gone and one could justifiably say you(and you aren't alone by a long shot) are suffering from a sad case of Stockholm Syndrome.

Anyway I couldn't be bothered debating the merits of either side. They are both in my view bordering on the T word, but of course they have regulated and or changed the laws so they can do what they are doing and not be prosecuted for it.

Unless we collectively vote them all out, then it will only get worse and never better.


^^^ I think I posted a graphic a few weeks ago from the Australian Institute that showed that the AU government gets more cash from HECS payments than it does from the gas industry.

The fossil fuel industry should be paying for our resources and we should be using that to pay off student debt.

Santos - our biggest gas exporter paid $6m tax from it's $30B income.

Yes you did after I posted the analling we are receiving from our Gove and the Multinationals.
Unless we collectively vote them all out, then it will only get worse and never better.
But that's the problem - they can't all be voted out, someone has to be elected each time.

And in all honesty no matter which side, gets in or out, they aren't going to "fix it" - or at least fix what you see as the problem that you're trying to see solved.

So I respectfully suggest your approach of just sitting back and continually voting people out to achieve a "change" doesn't/won't work - and that it does sadly come down to just picking a side each election, and holding them accountable for what they set out to/can achieve during their term - and somehow (by becoming involved or a member of a party?) pushing them to achieve more.

I am no longer a member of any party and I do pick my side based on policies each election - but due to the philosophies behind the policies of the parties and candidates we have to pick from each time, unfortunately I've found very little reason to select and vote for say a LNP candidate, on any occasion in my lifetime.


Old Mate Johnny Howard sold our gas on a 25 year contract.

The good news is we can tear up any or all of these contracts and or restructure our sales business plan whenever we want and demand we get paid what we are entitled to just like Norway did.

If you are being analled you can as a Sovereign nation change the rules. Hell we could even walk away from our Government debt if we so chose to do under the international "Erroneous Debt' clause. Not that we ever would of cause. The enslaved bitch would never stand up to her pimp master.


Staff member
The good news is we can tear up any or all of these contracts and or restructure our sales business plan whenever we want and demand we get paid what we are entitled to just like Norway did.
Norway were very smart from the 1970's about their resources. They created a framework which gave them control over their resources and this resulted in significant profits.

Unsure about the ripping up contracts assertion. The repercussions would be substantial and we would face legal, financial, and reputational damages. Australia’s reputation as a stable, reliable partner in the global marketplace is a valuable asset and breaking contracts would risk undermining that. We have to suck it up and maybe look at reserving domestic gas and (smart idea) f**king sell it to our own peeps cheap instead of the international spot price.

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