200k people bothering to enter their credit card details and show support for the team show that Albo’s financial backing will not cost him votes. The opposition down there wisely changed their position and now support the stadium.
Who is estimating $1.4B? If true I assume that would be due to site costs? They don't have that kind of money so they will find another site where it can be built for half that.
And after the struggles of GWS and GC I disagree that the AFL does not want this team. The whole narrative has changed and it has widespread support In the industry and with fans. If the AFL was wise they would cut GWS or more them to Canberra.
Sometimes it’s best to know what you are talking about.
The afl publicly stated 17 times they did not want a side in Tasmania up till three months before the negotiations. The state will add no value to tv deals as the tv base is already 100% there.
Any further fed funding of the centre will cost votes because this is Tasmania and all the money will go south. The alp already owns these electorates, they will lose votes in the North because, you know, this is tassie. If you don’t know about our north south divide then I cannot help you.
Cost blow outs have been predicted right from the outset to over 1 billion and are now predicted by stadium experts to 1.3 billion to 1.4 billion. The latest to say this is the ex Suns CEO , who has been involved in multiple similar projects and who In an extended interview stated the location of the stadium is a significant problem, it will cost up to 1.4 billion and will not be completed till after 2030.
Every opinion poll Down here has been anti stadium pro team.
Hey but you know better than me mate. The afl stated terms no sane person would accept deliberately to kybosh the team. Our premier ageeed to those terms. They are completely one sided. And by the way the alp support the concept of the stadium but prefer a model financed almost exclusively by the private sector put up by a former alp premier in a slightly different site.
I hope that helps.