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Piggy to be a Tiger??


I can't understand how people are basing their case for Lui as halfback off one good game in September. Correct, he did get better as the year went on, but he didn't offer anything near what Moltzen showed in his corresponding game time.

Lui's made 4 LB, 10 LBA, 7 TA and 4 tries
Moltzen made 18 LB, 7 LBA, 9 TA and 12 tries

moltzen > lui any day of the week unless we suffer injuries in the centres or to benji in which case there is a solid case to move Moltz to 6 or 3/4

stats always show the complete picture right....


I am convinced that Robert Lui f**ked your girlfriend; this would explain why you are so against him.

Or is it the fact you can't stand the thought of being completely wrong regarding his ability as a player?

As for the Lui vs Moltzen debate: it is a brilliant problem to have.

I am convinced you want Robert Lui to f**k you in the pooper for you to support a woman beating grub


I can't understand how people are basing their case for Lui as halfback off one good game in September. Correct, he did get better as the year went on, but he didn't offer anything near what Moltzen showed in his corresponding game time.

Lui's made 4 LB, 10 LBA, 7 TA and 4 tries
Moltzen made 18 LB, 7 LBA, 9 TA and 12 tries

moltzen > lui any day of the week unless we suffer injuries in the centres or to benji in which case there is a solid case to move Moltz to 6 or 3/4

Couldnt have said it better.


You would believe Rob and his girlfriend would be best served being within a network of support offered by the Club. Rob himself by being with Gareth Ellis, Robbie Farah, Chris Lawrence, Keith Galloway and Todd Payten will learn about football on the field and behaviour off it. Rob is a young man still learning about life and we all make mistakes. If he learns by this and continues to improve his game, I have no doubt he will wear the Maroon jersey.

Some Tiger fans don't realise what we have until we don't have it anymore. To lose Rob Lui to another club will be a huge blow to the club. Everyone needs to get behind him and his girlfriend.

I wouldnt want Greg Bird playing with us no matter how good people think he is, and I dont want this grub either.

All this dribble about learning about life, who needs to learn it is wrong to beat a woman? Do you get drunk and smack your mrs around? Can you relate to him, is that why you are so accepting of his attrocious behaviour that you can write it off as "a young man learning about life?"



I wouldnt want Greg Bird playing with us no matter how good people think he is, and I dont want this grub either.

All this dribble about learning about life, who needs to learn it is wrong to beat a woman? Do you get drunk and smack your mrs around? Can you relate to him, is that why you are so accepting of his attrocious behaviour that you can write it off as "a young man learning about life?"


Have you heard of the words compassion or forgiveness?

As I have stated, my view is the Club offers the best support network for Rob and his partner. There are many role models in the Club for Rob to learn from and counselling for both.

As for your other comments, they are distasteful and not worthy of a reply. You need to have a long hard look at yourself before you start throwing accusations around against someone of whom you have no knowledge.


Have you heard of the words compassion or forgiveness?

As I have stated, my view is the Club offers the best support network for Rob and his partner. There are many role models in the Club for Rob to learn from and counselling for both.

As for your other comments, they are distasteful and not worthy of a reply. You need to have a long hard look at yourself before you start throwing accusations around against someone of whom you have no knowledge.

Beating a woman is more than distasteful. You seem so keen to jump to their defense I suspect you have some personal interest in doing so. As a former Paramedic I certainly had more than my share of experience with Domestic Violence, but my sympathy was all for the victim.


I wonder if you would say the same thing if it was your sister / mother / girlfriend on the receiving end
Unlikley - I suspect you've already decided in your own favour...

- or is that just sanctimonious tosh...
Yes, it is...

He's a grub.
So are many other rugby league players - at all levels of the game. You're swimming against the tide if you want to make an example out of one low profile kid from the bush, who f**ked up once then turned himself in to the cops.

Seriously mate - did you walk around with your fingers in your ears singing "la la la" to yourself the whole time you were working as a paramedic? Life sure is a little more complicated than you seem to be...


Unlikley - I suspect you've already decided in your own favour...

Yes, it is...

So are many other rugby league players - at all levels of the game. You're swimming against the tide if you want to make an example out of one low profile kid from the bush, who f**ked up once then turned himself in to the cops.

Seriously mate - did you walk around with your fingers in your ears singing "la la la" to yourself the whole time you were working as a paramedic? Life sure is a little more complicated than you seem to be...

Seriously mate, you need to review the situation before judging. The victims alleges more than one instance of assault, and there is photographic evidence of the injuries. Most court cases are open to the public, why dont you leave the safety of your computer screen and take yourself down there for a look.

Its people like you that indirectly justify domestic violence. Its easy to have opinions from your lounge chair, but no matter how you spin it, you are selling out the victims of domestic assault.

I dont give a rats if you are low profile or high profile, play league or knit jumpers. If you touch a woman you are a grub. Full stop.


Beating a woman is more than distasteful. You seem so keen to jump to their defense I suspect you have some personal interest in doing so. As a former Paramedic I certainly had more than my share of experience with Domestic Violence, but my sympathy was all for the victim.

As a former paramedic you will realise domestic violence is a symption and not the cause. Treat the cause through intervention with counselling and support.

Again, have a long hard look at yourself and you may realise compassion and forgiveness are powerful words.


As a former paramedic you will realise domestic violence is a symption and not the cause. Treat the cause through intervention with counselling and support.

Again, have a long hard look at yourself and you may realise compassion and forgiveness are powerful words.

As a former Paramedic I treated the injuries - the cause was obvious, it was the grub that hit her. Treating the cause is most effective with prison time. Take your bleeding heart sentiments and try and sell them to the abused and the children who witness it and are scarred for life.


First you ask

"Do you get drunk and smack your Mrs around?".

followed by

"Can you relate to him, is that why you are so accepting of his attrocious behaviour that you can write it off as "a young man learning about life?"

Now you tell me to

"Take your bleeding heart sentiments"

A curious contradiction.


As a former Paramedic I treated the injuries - the cause was obvious, it was the grub that hit her. Treating the cause is most effective with prison time. Take your bleeding heart sentiments and try and sell them to the abused and the children who witness it and are scarred for life.
Maybe you should venture out from behind the comfort of your keyboard and pay a visit to a prison full of DV perps. See how the system works to turn all those bad young men into model citizens who would never, ever hit a lady again...

But most DV cases are settled with ADVO's - gaol time rarely comes into. You'll find many Australian gaols full of women who got busted rorting the welfare system, because their no good layabout husbands were out at the leagues club churning through a weeks worth of wages again...
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First you ask

"Do you get drunk and smack your Mrs around?".

followed by

"Can you relate to him, is that why you are so accepting of his attrocious behaviour that you can write it off as "a young man learning about life?"

Now you tell me to

"Take your bleeding heart sentiments"

A curious contradiction.

I should know better. Never argue with an idiot, they bring you down to their level and then beat you with experience - I am done.


Take good hard look at yourself. Imagine coming onto a public forum and throwing serious accusations around you cannot substantiate.

Pull up stumps and take your bat and ball with you. It is what you would expect from a keyboard warrior.


Take good hard look at yourself. Imagine coming onto a public forum and throwing serious accusations around you cannot substantiate.

Pull up stumps and take your bat and ball with you. It is what you would expect from a keyboard warrior.


I know I said I would retire but your blatant stupidity makes me point out one glaring fact - the serious accusations thrown around were not made by me but rather made by the victim in the form of a statement to the Police with photographic evidence of injuries to support the allegations which include multiple assaults and robbery offences on more than 1 occasion - its on the public record you imbecile.

You call me a keyboard warrior because I take an unashamed stance against domestic violence offenders - what does this say about your character? People who excuse Domestic Violence in any way disgust me. I will attempt to resist responding to your next pathetic retort.


I understand 100% that the Club / NRL can only be guided by the verdict returned by the court, legally they can do nothing else. If the court clears him, he will play.

On the other hand, a court verdict is not about innocence or guilt, it is about evidence and what can be proven. Photographs of injuries dont lie, even if the people involved do lie about how they were sustained, ala Greg Bird. He was cleared by the court, but he is still a grub in my eyes.

Let him without sin cast the first stone.

Knob head.



I know I said I would retire but your blatant stupidity makes me point out one glaring fact - the serious accusations thrown around were not made by me but rather made by the victim in the form of a statement to the Police with photographic evidence of injuries to support the allegations which include multiple assaults and robbery offences on more than 1 occasion - its on the public record you imbecile.

You call me a keyboard warrior because I take an unashamed stance against domestic violence offenders - what does this say about your character? People who excuse Domestic Violence in any way disgust me. I will attempt to resist responding to your next pathetic retort.

Besides your view on Rob Lui, you have made accusations against me which you cannot of course substantiate. These have been made on a public forum.

And why? I used the words forgiveness and compassion in dealing with the entire issue which involves three parties. A bleeding heart? Well one could be alot of worse things in this world.

I am glad other forum users also feel for Rob and his family.


Let him without sin cast the first stone.

Knob head.

I have never smacked a woman around so am happy to throw grenades. Keep defending woman bashers and other criminals and I'll continue to support victims rights.