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Plane Crashes Into World Trade Centre

600! Get the stewards out....is this some sort of record for a discussion board chat?? But honestly, i think it has been amongst the most intelligent conversations that i have ever seen on a discussion board...pity the contributions of myself tarnished it a bit ;)
We batting on for 700??? Legends record is gawwwnnnn!
Let me guess Tigger....you were waiting up all night to pump out the 600th reply....
U beat me to something....You $@!^!&(*^!($*^!$(*! lol


MASTURBATES also has eleven letters, and this thread hasn't been without it's share of that.



MFC, I still have the power to delete threads you know so it stays at my mercy unlike my worst player thread which none of us can delete. Because Willow is an alright bloke I will give this thread a stay of execution. He's a Saints fan so I can't take away one of very few highlights.

Bebeto in Japan

In hindsight, Mark Taylor's example may have been followed and we could have declared at 594, and have a Plane Crashes Into World Trade Centre IIthread just to continue the discussion.

Ok I am being a goose! I had better stop!


Just realised that I should have postedthis here. Itis cut froma thread inthe boxing section. Can anyone help? especially with the articles showing the other view:

"I've been reading a fair bit by a writer Noam Chomsky lately. I think he puts up an excellent case and I encourage everyone to read his speech about the War on Terror http://www.zmag.org/GlobalWatch/chomskymit.htm

However, if anyone has other references on these sorts of topics, especailly if they argue the opposite point of view, I would be most interested in reading them. I'm trying to take my own adviceto keep my mind open."



Assistant Moderator
"Just realised that I should have postedthis here. Itis cut froma thread inthe boxing section. Can anyone help? especially with the articles showing the other view"
Happy to help TB. What is it specifically you want to have done? We can't transfer posts over if thats what you mean.


Thanks Willow,
but I already cut and pasted the appropriate bit (in the " ") above. What I was requesting was articles or arguments on both sides of the US responsibility angle so I could think about the issue a bit more. I'm alsogoing to read this thread right-through when I have a few weeks to spare

My first reaction when I heard of the terrorist attack was 'well, it was always going to happen someday.'

America is possibly the most hated country in the world. The question is - why? Is it because the most powerful country in the world will always be envied, and therefore hated, or is it due to the attitude of Americans themselves. I think it is a mixture of both.



Assistant Moderator
lol. fair enough TB, I browsed through it not long ago... it's an impressive read...

BTW, the Mundine controversy has shown once again that politics and sport do indeed have their fair share of crossovers.



can iplace a$10 bet that this post won't see 700 posts? hello willow!!!!



Assistant Moderator
Pepe: I could sit here for an hour and get it to 700. Nah... not worth my time for $10.


El Duque

It'll get to 700.
In 6 months people will come back and reflect over it.
I enjoy reading the posts on the night it happened.You can sense the shock in the posts and the feeling of terror and not knowing what's next.


Assistant Moderator
There's a chance (unfortunately) that the 'war on terrorism' will never reach a conclusion.
There is the ever present threat of strike and counter strike as we hear news of the USA being on alert and preparing for another terrorist attack. In the meantime, the US led attack on Afghanistan goes on unabated and the threat of an expansion of this conflict is always on the cards.
For all we know, we could be talking about this topic well into next year ...and beyond.



Excellent post El Duque. I was thinking the very same thing myself and was actually talking about that very thing with a mate the other day. He was asking me about Sept 11 and I said some silly bugger had started a topic as a live commentary so to speak and you could see the very graphic and horrific picture unfold on LWOS which makes for sensational reading and will never be deleted.


On the radio this morning I heard that the Taliban has said the jihad is against Australia as well now that they have sent troops to support America's campaign against them. Meanwhile there has been anotherMundine-type response to the WTC disaster but this time from a pollie by the name of Peter Knott....Kim Beazely has since made a statement that that isn'tthe view of theLabor party.

What happened in New York is absolutely tragic and if someone would have said something like Mundine or Peter Knott said at the time it occurred most of us would be appalled, and rightly so....but surely there has got to be point in time where we can discuss what happened without fear of being persecuted forbelieving something.It has become almost a taboo topic and that is part of the reason why there is a growing sense of unease. This thread has been the only place where I have seen people talk freely, without hesitance, without a quick turn of the head, without fear of reprisal.We fight against terrorism but have almost become terrorists ourselves becauseit seems we can only have one opinion and that is in support of the government.
_____, an excellent point. I briefly heard about what that Peter Knott guy said, and lets face it, some of what he said had truth in it. Im in no way saying that America deserved it, any terrorist act is never deserved. But lets look at it, the Americans ask why such an attack happened....Well, IT IS because of their foreign policy in the middle east. People who come out and say this are not lying. Its stating the bleeding obvious, i cannot understand why a pollie like Knott is being persecuted for stating the bleeding obvious.
How the wheel turns.
Way back when this thread was at around 380 to 420 we had Meltiger wanting to shoot John Pilger for being a traitor for saying much the same in the print media.
Question time.
How long before we start seeing anti war slogans?
How long before we start seeing people actually organising demonstrations and street marches chanting the likes of U.S foriegn policy sucks?
Being a labour side of politics supporter I have to admit that I am disappointed with Beazleys jump in and have a fight attitude to this war on terrorism.
At his policy launch he stole Goughs opening yet Gough was the man who delivered us from the clutches of the U.S and Vietnam.
My feelings really don't differ to much from any one else in that the "planes in the towers" bussiness was a grossly appalling act how ever couldn't we have just simply jumped in with a rhetorical summing up of our shock and sympathies and made a solemn promise to be there in the cleanup and rebuilding of New York and simply let the U.S get on with their war.

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