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Players who used to be good but then lost the plot

Shaun Hewitt

First Grade
Raiders Plight said:
lockyer was nothing short of terrible? the broncos were only leading the competition for most of the season jackass.

Who rattled your cage?

How old are you anyway, reverting to name calling, especially when i didnt direct anything your way.

Mr Saab

JamesWebster's#1fan said:
When he was a QLD and Aus rep. When he was at the bronco's.

he has never ever played for australia...and never ever will.
Walker was "good" 2001/2, but not THAT good


He was also an embarrassment to the Qld jersey.

So he's quick - who cares? That never made up for his uselessness

Manu Vatuvei

Sun_Down said:
Mark Hughes
Matt Gidley
Dane Carlaw
Chris Walker
Luke Lewis
Mark Tookey
Ali Lauititi
Clinton Toopi
Francis Meli

Ali has played 2 seasons in the ESL and made the team of the year twice, dunno what you expect.

Manu Vatuvei

Big Pete said:
Motu Tony - Whatever happened to this bloke? Why did the Broncos drop him?

Motu hasn't lost it, he is the same player as ever (some people would say that is terrible, personally I think he is good.) He should never have lost the Warriors stand-off spot to Lance Hohaia in 2002, and he was damn unlucky to lose the fullback spot to Brent Webb in 2003. He then actually played quite well with the Broncos- I think he played about 3 matches, first up he was outstanding off the bench against the Warriors, then he ended up playing on the wing which was a joke, then he scored 2 tries in a loss against Parra, then he left. He must've been pissed off that he was more or less guaranteed the fullback spot and then Hunt was preferred. He is now playing a utility role at Hull, where he is playing quite well but a bit of a bit part. Should play for the Kiwis in the tri-nations considering the lack of halves imo.


Misty Bee said:
Cayless and Hindy got a mention because Kiwi can't face the fact that the ultimate worldbeater to lost the plot is...BRISBANE

They are always title faves mid year. 2 months later - cannon fodder. To consider Civoniceva haead of Cayless is like backing the Datsun 12Y in a Formula one Grand Prix. Cayless is NOT the best prop running around, but the Eels play a lot better wneh he's there than when he isn't. Civoniceva is the most boring footballer ever -he makes Martin Lang look like Benji Marshall.

You're clearly don't watch Civoniceva play. And the Bronco's history does extend before 2000 (2001 and 2002 weren't complete disasters either).

Misty Bee said:
Brisbane are the kings of the mega hyped player becoming average. Examples include:

Ben Walker

When was he ever "mega hyped"? Sure he was Alfies first replacement but I don't remember him being mega hyped. And besides wasn't he one of a resurgent Souths best players this year?

Misty Bee said:
Chris Walker

Walker always had question marks over him relating to his attitude and defence. He hasn't lost any of his speed or acceleration the last time I checked either. He was also a great beneficiary of having Darren Lockyer as a teammate.

Misty Bee said:
Shane Walker

Once again, when was he ever "mega hyped"? Besides never?

Misty Bee said:
Brad Myers

Meyers had potential, until he got knocked out in his first appearance for Australia. He was never quite the same after that, not sure what else Brisbane could have done for him.

Misty Bee said:
Dane Carlaw

Has gone off the rails. Not sure he was ever "mega hyped" though certainly hyped.

Misty Bee said:
Barry Berrigan

Baz has never had a full season to get any kind've rhythm going. Plus he was a nobody before he went to the Bronco's.

Misty Bee said:
Brent Tate

Funny, isn't this guy touring with the Kangaroos? Yeah REAL average.

Misty Bee said:

The kid is 18. And shown more than a LOT of other 18 year olds at that stage. For f**ks sake.

Misty Bee said:
Julian O'Neill

Yeah I'm sure the Bronco's fed him booze too.

Misty Bee said:
Wendell Sailor

Left league the best winger in the world. Not the Bronco's fault his game didn't translate to union or that the Reds never gave him enough ball.


bjm8 said:
S Hill
T Hill
Hodges (granted he has bounced back)
Jane Carlaw (was always over-rated, has now lost whatever little talent he had)

Up until about round 15 this year I'd have thoroughly agreed on Lance Hohaia.

However, his end to the season in a new position was very very very good. He was killing it out of hooker.

I think he'll be close to the Warriors best in 2006.


Knight82 said:
Even comparing him to Rauhihi and Asostosi is a joke.

I said close to NZ's best prop this year.

Asotasi and Wiki would be equal first, Cayless third. Rauhihi, meh, I didn't rate his form TBH. I know he played in the Grand Final, but he didn't appear as devastating this year.


Craig Frawley - was nearly a QLD bolter last year then moved to the raiders played very little games but in the games he did play played Crap.


Pierced Soul said:
Stacy Jones has seemed pretty disinterested for the past few years.

Why don't the players think that?

2nd in the RL Players Associations Players Player of the Year Award 2005.

Next thing you'll come out with a Wayne Pierce commentary moment..

"The Warriors are just too big, you just have to turn inside balls against them and the likes of big Jerry and Tooks will fall over.." - despite the Warriors having a pretty light pack this year, its his favourite. Always relying on the generalisation rather than fact.


Thierry Henry said:
Ali has played 2 seasons in the ESL and made the team of the year twice, dunno what you expect.

A miracle.

Another Junior Pierce commentary generalisation moment.


thuganomics said:
Craig Frawley - was nearly a QLD bolter last year then moved to the raiders played very little games but in the games he did play played Crap.

Wasn't Frawley injured for most of the year?


Raiders Plight said:
lockyer was nothing short of terrible? the broncos were only leading the competition for most of the season jackass.

Just because they were leading the comp doesnt mean Lockyer was good... Jason Smith was great and look where Raiders ended up...


First Grade
Misty Bee said:
Ben Walker
Chris Walker
Shane Walker
Brad Myers
Dane Carlaw
Barry Berrigan
Brent Tate
K Hunt
Julian O'Neill
Wendell Sailor

Ben Walker - Fair Call
Chris Walker - Was playing Origin when at the Broncos, was tearing teams apart in attack running off Lockyer, only died in the arse after he left. Was going so bad at the Broncos when he came on during origin the Blues were shouting Walkers on countless times to warn their players. I would love to see him back at the club, because if he could refind that form we'd only need to find one winger.
Shane Walker - There was hype surrounding this guy :?:
Brad Myers - Fair Call
Dane Carlaw - Fair Call, and I hate that he has become a dud because he has loads of talent, but no heart
Barry Berrigan - WTF
Brent Tate - Has had one bad year whisst struggling with injury, otherwise lives up to all the hype, his only downfall is he doesn't pass as often as he should.
K Hunt - In his second year yet you want to judge him already, doing the work of both our wingers aswell all year this year.
Julian O'Neill - Fair Call
Wendell Sailor - Like him or not, was only the best winger in the comp when he left to go to union, only Tuqiri challenged him for that title.

It looks like you were running out of names so threw in a few players you don't like.


First Grade
jono078 said:
Just because they were leading the comp doesnt mean Lockyer was good... Jason Smith was great and look where Raiders ended up...

Didn't Lockyer set up more tries this year than any other 5/8?

If thats poor form look out when he is in form.


bullsh*t, Wendell had nothing on Doogs. How many times did Macdougal smash Wendell all over the park when the Broncos were playing the Knights?

Lote was the best winger in the world, both Doogs and Tahu were better than Wendell and not far behind Lote.

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