What happened in 2004 that only half a season was played?
From memory there really wasn't any competition in 2004.
There were financial issues because a new sponsor for the Competition could not be found and some of Teams could not field sides.
The Competition returned in 2005 with SP Brewery back as the Sponsor.
The Private Franchise Model was also introduced in 2005. Prioi to this nearly all the Teams were owned by the Local Member Leagues in each Province.
In 2005 Ownership of all the Clubs were sold to Private Companies or to the Provincial Governments in a couple of instances.
Most of the Companies who bought the Teams were already the ones sponsoring them in previous seasons.
But now they also had control of the Teams.
So the Pom Vipers got sold by the Pom Rugby Football League to the National Capital District Commission, the Rabaul Gurias got sold by the ENB Rugby Football League to the Agmark Group of Companies and the Lae Bombers got sold by the Lae Rugby Football League to the Lae Biscuit Company who renamed it to the Lae Tigers and so forth with the other Teams.