Is this the drugs and hookers argument again? we aren’t talking about what the limits are … we are talking about this specific thing .. money to start up and run a football team and pathways
I get it… you aren’t in favour of it…not many are …and logically it doesn’t make sense, particularly when there are much better expansion options ..
It doesn’t mean it’s not going to happen though… this idea has been around forever .. there has been plenty of time to quietly tell PNG no…
Instead the opposite has happened the last few weeks with the NRL, PNG and Aus governments are talking about it and details being leaked to the media…
Makes me think at the very least .., where there is smoke there is fire ..
The fact is, that they can ask all they want, but we shouldn't give them something that is unreasonable.
They have asked for the NRL team in return for not building a Chinese military base, and apparently we are willing to fund it for 10 years, but what happens after that? They have not shown that they can, or will, fund it after that. The team is unlikely to be able to pay for itself, especially with all the extra costs of having the players live in Australia and therefore have to travel every single week. So then in 10 years time when the team goes bust, do they let China build a base, or do they threaten us again?
People keep pushing this idea that since they asked for the NRL team, we should give it to them, so my drugs and hookers reference is an extreme example to show why we shouldn't just give them whatever they ask for.