Can someone provide me with the copy of the rules which state that a Captain can't be the Team MVP ??
Hi dubopov. I'm not sure that there's a rule per se, but I'd say it's viewed as poor form. I understand that captains have been nominated in the past, and I think each time it has been declined as something not really in the spirit of the game.
I guess if I was pressed to go to the rules, I'd quote this:
What we mean by 'sportsmanship' and 'playing the game in the spirit it was intended'
Congratulating the other team, thanking the referee are not mandatory but it happens a lot in the F7s and is part of the spirit of the game. Everyone enjoys winning but this is not a 'win at all costs' competition.
'Playing the game in the spirit it was intended' means that we want to see everyone have a go and come away thinking they were part of something.
Examples of sportsmanship include players from opposing teams helping each other out with advice and not wanting to see a team lose a match for a minor mistake.
As mentioned, none of this mandatory but it has happened often and is all part of the true spirit of the game.
I've always viewed captaincy as an honour all of its own - the opportunity to fearlessly lead your writing comrades into battle. One of the associated responsibilities of the captaincy is to grant a fellow teammate an MVP award. Essentially, it's a way for a captain to reward one of his or her charges for diggin really deep throughout the season.
If you're having difficulty deciding, there are different approaches to it. In my first year of captaincy, I split the award between two players - one was to my vice captain because he'd written brilliantly all year and had provided me with great backup, and the other was to someone whose willingness to take another hitup at short notice was so admirable that it couldn't be ignored, even though her marks weren't quite as high as those of some other players.
Hopefully that helps you to decide on a teammate worthy of the award. :thumn