My God, i feel very sick agreeing with MistyStrat
Coming of drug addiction into a world of reality has its moments of nausea. Its called withdrawal, but once fully into reality, you'll feel better than ever!
In the regular season, teams & coaches work together all year round to hone their skills on the full game of Rugby League.
In a ONE-OFF exhibition match, the lead up is short; very short. The teams will NOT play together again, the coaches will not coach that group of players again, etc etc. So trying to refine the exhibition to be an A Grade match is pretty pointless and will never happen.
Well, soccer manage pretty well with the world cup final..........:?
The Allstars game is a ONE-OFF game played by two teams of ONE-OFF combinations. It's more like 'instant League' rather than the traditional game. It is NOT a pure form of Rugby League so anyone defending it as such has little understanding really.
So two teams that play each other once per year can never be playing pure Rugby League? What f*cking drugs are you on? What you are saying is that any two sides that meet only once in an NRL season are not playing the traditional game?
It's the perfect scenario to trial new ideas that have been bandied around between coaches for quite some time now.
Coaches? It was thought up by a media boy you dumb seatwetter! Come on, name the coaches who came up with that idea.
the coaches that have bandied around the power play. :crazy:
League IS a spectator sport. EVERY spectator sport has to think ahead & way outside the box if they are going to grab & keep the paying public's interest. Yes, the diehard fans will always be interested but unless you are willing to pay more & more every year to be a fan of an 'unchanged/untouched' sport then innovative ideas need to be trialed.
Again, for the braindead - this rule change HAS NO CHANCE OF EVER BEING USED IN AN NRL MATCH!!!!!!!!! And to think that fans will walk away from the game if the rules dont change means, well, dont think. It clearly doesnt work for you.
Many of you wouldn't vividly remember the feelings of sports fans when One Day Cricket came along. I can & the reaction was a mixed bag, much as I've seen here so far. I'm not saying these changes will last as long as One Day Cricket, I'm just comparing the narrowmindedness I see.
I was involved in a national sport when some major changes came through, all for the spectators' advantage. I didn't like some but slowly came to realise everything NEEDS to change & games need to be open to change.
Gee, I didnt realise that one day cricket meant one side lost players.
Again, don't knock it till you've tried it.
Do you know that rubbing a hot soldering iron on your breasts increases the inensity of orgasms? Dont knock it untill you've tried it............
Promoting attacking play is actually the crux of ANY sports development plan. And again ESPECIALLY when you 're considering a spectator sport. You HAVE to promote new ideas etc to create more exciting, watchable sport.
Rubbish. You have to have the best sport (we do), and not f*ck it up. It's not about rule changes, otherwise Union would have died a century ago
I hate to be the one to break it to you, but spectator-wise, defence is a turn off. Games (of any sport) where basically 2 defences just try rolling over each other with little gain is a huge turn off to the paying public.
Can you name me one sport - just one - where two opponents defend at the same time? I agree, seeing two teams tackling each other would be difficult to watch. Who plays the ball if there are two teams defending? Can you be offside? What happens at the end of a set of 6?
They want flair, they want point scoring & they want 'razzle dazzle'.
So as much as the 'purist' enjoys a good defensive display; it doesn't bring in the crowds.
Thatis crap. The best games are the close gripping ones. No one wants to see a 54-50 win. The best game of all time was 16-16 until the 79th minute and 54 seconds. The best finals of recent years have all been close, low scoring games.
I really doubt your mental age matches your physical one. I still remember your "everyone in NSW will go for Manly" thread, where we learned that Gold Coast was not in Queensland :lol: You disappeared very quickly once logic came in.