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Pricey gone.... (Steve Price Merged thread)

Shaun Hewitt

First Grade
Yeh!! Another great buy from the people who bought Ruben Wiki and Nathan Fien (whom i dont Fien). :clap: :clap:

Dayum, awesome forward pack which includes the likes of feka, villasanti, faumuina, betham, guttenbeil, temata,koopu and now wiki and price, dont get much better than that.

Now we need are backs, desperately #-o


the cost of living in Auckland is undoubtedly much lower than Sydney and the tax rate might be better as well.

i agree he must have been sick of being in a club that is always in turmoil year after year, one scandal after the next.

now the Warriors need a good goalkicker, i reckon el masri is next on the list


ucantseeme said:
the cost of living in Auckland is undoubtedly much lower than Sydney and the tax rate might be better as well.

i agree he must have been sick of being in a club that is always in turmoil year after year, one scandal after the next.

now the Warriors need a good goalkicker, i reckon el masri is next on the list

Yeah hopefully he goes... SHerwin is more then capable of taken the kicks and Utai is heaps better then El Masri...
Then the Bulldogs should use the money to keep Asotasi, Mason, Anasta, O'Meley, Sonny Bill Williams etc long term...
Price will be missed but he a young pup will step up and make his mark! No Big Loss...
ibeme said:
Kiwi said:

The dogs aren't to blame?

The salary cap scandal?
The drugs scandal?
The rape scandal?
The violent fans that get a slap on the wrist from the dogs at best?
The fact that even when the Dogs were cheating the cap Price was only on 180k, well under paid when one considers his importance on and off the field to the club. He is worth atleast a legit 250k a year.

Yeah they had nothing to do with him leaving. :roll:

They were offering him $280000 a year.

Those issues might have had something to do with his decision, but you blamed it entirely on the club, but a few weeks ago he was saying how much he loved the Bulldogs, and how he wanted to finish his career with them. Hardly the sign of a man wanting out. He's done what he thinks is best for his family, bottom line. If Warriors didn't offer so much he would have stayed - again hardly the sign of a man who is unhappy with his club.

only offered that when they realised he was pretty serious about leaving.


omeley signed a month ago for three years, now with price gone captiancy must go to andrew ryan


First Grade
douglasallen91 said:
ibeme said:
Kiwi said:

The dogs aren't to blame?

The salary cap scandal?
The drugs scandal?
The rape scandal?
The violent fans that get a slap on the wrist from the dogs at best?
The fact that even when the Dogs were cheating the cap Price was only on 180k, well under paid when one considers his importance on and off the field to the club. He is worth atleast a legit 250k a year.

Yeah they had nothing to do with him leaving. :roll:

They were offering him $280000 a year.

Those issues might have had something to do with his decision, but you blamed it entirely on the club, but a few weeks ago he was saying how much he loved the Bulldogs, and how he wanted to finish his career with them. Hardly the sign of a man wanting out. He's done what he thinks is best for his family, bottom line. If Warriors didn't offer so much he would have stayed - again hardly the sign of a man who is unhappy with his club.

only offered that when they realised he was pretty serious about leaving.

Which is the most they could offer. Can't ask for anymore than that. They put other players on the line to try to keep him.

I don't have a problem with the Warriors. They wanted him, and they got him. Good luck to them. I don't have any problems with Steve Price. He's made a decision based on his family. Judging by his agonising, he's also made a personal sacrifice for the benefit of his family, which confirms why he's such a valued human being and clubman. His loyalty is first and foremost to his family, and nobody can be criticised for that.

I did have a problem with people laying the blame fairly and squarely on the Bulldogs, because it's a load of crap. There's nothing to say he wouldn't have been enticed by such an offer if the Bulldogs hadn't have had the recent troubles. He's been offered twice as much as what the Bulldogs could offer. Not too many people would need as much convincing as he did to change jobs for such an increase.

Steve Price owes the Bulldogs nothing. He's given more than enough already. The Bulldogs' fans frustration at his decision to leave is testament to this. He's the shining light in rugby league, and represents what everyone wants their club to be. He is the heart and soul of our club.

I can only hope that he's made the right decision, because there's no turning back. He has blue and white blood, and it won't be easy to get black, grey and white running as smoothly through his veins after all of these years. I hope I'm wrong, but if he's not happy over there, his family won't be happy, which defeats the purpose of going over in the first place. I hope it's everything he wants it to be, and I hope that when his playing career finally ends, that he goes out the way he deserves to go out.


First Grade
I just cannot understand how having Steve Price leave the Bulldogs at this stage of his career is good for rugby league.

Where the hell did that comment come from? Steve Price is supposed to take into account the good of rugby league when making a decision about his future? All this talk about loyalty for your club and so on gives me the shits sometimes. I don't know anyone who wouldn't take a better paying job, with better conditions and a better lifestyle, if it was offered to them. One comment he made was that it would be a nice change not having himself and his family have to read about the bulldaogs front page and back every day in the papers.


Look, that's DAFT money we could never hope to compete with....I don;t care WHAT you say Steve - you had E V E R Y T H I N G you ever wanted beyond footy lined up 4 u at the Bulldogs club...and the more I think about it, the harder it becomes to deal with at face va,lue - and the LESS I believe it was not to do with financial offers...and the ever-present influence of "her indoors"

It just akes NO sense otherwise...no matter which way u turn it this way & that....

Everything I though I knew about Steven Price......false?????
:shock: :(


I know that every time a profile player in League makes a decision on his future it's waited upon by his loyal fans with baited breath.

Well the Doggies breathen will definately be baited after Price shows no loyalty what so ever to the team and club that made him what he is.

*edit - speculation and innuendo*


JoeD said:
I just cannot understand how having Steve Price leave the Bulldogs at this stage of his career is good for rugby league.

Where the hell did that comment come from? Steve Price is supposed to take into account the good of rugby league when making a decision about his future? All this talk about loyalty for your club and so on gives me the sh*ts sometimes. I don't know anyone who wouldn't take a better paying job, with better conditions and a better lifestyle, if it was offered to them. One comment he made was that it would be a nice change not having himself and his family have to read about the bulldaogs front page and back every day in the papers.

Then he should have kept his mouth CLOSED abvout wanting so badly to be a one team player....as recently as earlier THIS YEAR!!...And THAT I do believe you will find - is where 90% our frustration comes from...and the other 10% in the fact this deal was done so LATE - now leaving us with little worthwhile options to spend the now free ca$h on...

THOSE are the onyl 2 points that are very un-Bulldog, and EXTREMELY un Steve Price-like to me personally!

Look, we owe him N O T H I N G - and vice versa....which is where the LOYALTY part of this equation MOST DEFINITELY comes into play!!!!!!!!!!!!


The Warriors must think it's Christmas!!

Steve Price is a great man, and a teriffic player. Definitely one of my favourite non-Sharks. He was a rock for the Bulldogs during the scandals of the last couple of years through no fault of his own - he owes them nothing.

Best of luck Pricey


old_man_smythers said:
Edit waffle CRAP

Geez, u can't half tell it's school holidays, can you?!

A bright future no doubt ahead for THIS one!!...Tip of the day: Start your training weilding that dunny brush NOW son....it'll give u a nice headstart on your peers for your future...


Dog-E said:
JoeD said:
I just cannot understand how having Steve Price leave the Bulldogs at this stage of his career is good for rugby league.

Where the hell did that comment come from? Steve Price is supposed to take into account the good of rugby league when making a decision about his future? All this talk about loyalty for your club and so on gives me the sh*ts sometimes. I don't know anyone who wouldn't take a better paying job, with better conditions and a better lifestyle, if it was offered to them. One comment he made was that it would be a nice change not having himself and his family have to read about the bulldaogs front page and back every day in the papers.

Then he should have kept his mouth CLOSED abvout wanting so badly to be a one team player....as recently as earlier THIS YEAR!!...And THAT I do believe you will find - is where 90% our frustration comes from...and the other 10% in the fact this deal was done so LATE - now leaving us with little worthwhile options to spend the now free ca$h on...

THOSE are the onyl 2 points that are very un-Bulldog, and EXTREMELY un Steve Price-like to me personally!

Look, we owe him N O T H I N G - and vice versa....which is where the LOYALTY part of this equation MOST DEFINITELY comes into play!!!!!!!!!!!!

Get over it we had the same situation with Hegarty.........he in fact came out a few days earlier saying he wasnt going anywhere , and then a week earlier in RLW article stated he wanted to stay as well this was in the space of a week prior to signing with Souths !!!......Things dont always transpire as players initially dictate....and interms of money the difference was only 50k a season. with the Hegarty contract...unlike Prices dilemna which over 3 years works out to to just under 400k .....so you can see in this instance and at this stage in his career the money was to good to knock back.

Saint 60

yup when he finishes his footy he may want to retire...

taking this money is a good way to start that....as everybody knows u only have a certain ammount of time playing, your last contract has to b a booty :clap:

my op anyhows.

Cheers and good luck to the Queenslander.


you'd also have to figure there could be a coaching/administrative position for him at the Warriors after he retires if he wants it given his playing status and character.

they could put him on as forwards coach, also I doubt that Tony Kemp will still be the head coach in 2008 so maybe head coach, who knows?

he could do what Nathan Brown did at the Dragons, be a waterboy for a year then walk into the coaching job.


First Grade
Has there ever been a week where the one club has managed to take the 'heart and soul' player out of two others? What a coup :cry:

^ Pando

Steve Price can walk away from the Dogs with his head held high.

A man of lesser integrity would have walked away after the salary cap scandal and made a lot more money than he was getting.

He stuck with the club when he was being called a rapist while walking down the street with his family. He's paid his dues and more.

This could be his last contract, and I for one, don't blame him for taking it.

Thanks for the memories Pricey and good luck!!! :clap: