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Pricey gone.... (Steve Price Merged thread)


A dogs player got fined 25 grand by the club for drug use, under a rock at the time were you? Another player under investigation by the police over a drug deal on a phone.

Rape scandal, they were not proven innocent, it was deemed .... not enough evidence to convict, and there is yet to be the legal action taken by the victim, which reports have said will be done. So it ain't over. And if nothing happened, why would Price say it was a factor in leaving the club? Bad press? A few fans giving Dogs players a hard time?

The "redneck" fans you speak of don't damage public transport and act in a violent manner like the "gangsta" wannabe dogs fans now do they?

Don't get me started on the cap, cheating bastards.

You can try the 70 years of passion, my club has none BS all you want, your grasping at straws, your team is a disgrace to league and has a lot of work to do before that changes.

Geez you would think people would move on or at least have a proper view on things before they go mouthing off all the time. Posts like this should be moderated as they add nothing to any football conversation. Seeing as it is going to be left here I might as well put the proper spin on this.

Firstly, yes someone did get fined for Drug Use. No different than what has happened in many clubs over the years, shall we go and call all club druggo's. Knights had bigger drugs problems but there is still no need to go calling them druggos. Secondly, the whole "drug deal" thing was dismissed by the police as talk about drugs only, or have you conveniently forgotten that.

If you still think they are not innocent over the Rape scandal then that is for you to live with. The facts are that they were not proven guilty so therefore they are innocent in the eyes of the law. The DPP knew that if it ever went to trial then the players would be found NOT GUILTY. Thankfully he is smart enough to save taxpayers money instead of going to trial where the outcome would already be known. Therefore as the law states THEY ARE INNOCENT.

As for the fans, how many times do people want to keep bringing it up as if we think there is no problem. Dogs fans know there is a problem with them so why so people keep attacking us over it?????????? The club has gone a long way to helping solve this problem and it is not my fault that some fans are idiots so I wish people would stop taking it on me and other decent Dogs fans. Try watching sports in other countries and see that this is not solely a Bulldogs problem. It is not even solely a Bulldogs problem in Australia.

Yes The dogs cheated the cap. That administration was sacked. What more do people want the club to do?????????????????????? You want to continually blame people at the club who had nothing to do with the salary cap drama then go for it, you are only making yourself look stupid.

As for being a disgrace to league then that is your opinion, but before making comments lilke that how about you speak to the many young kids who attend The Dogs open training sessions and get autographs from their favourite players, and see the time put in by the club to all its fans. Ask Willie Mason why he donated last Sunday's man of match fee to charity if he is such as disgrace. Tell Mark O'Meley to his face that he is a disgrace, same goes for George Peponis, Steve Mortimer, Malcom Noad, Hazem El-Masri, etc.

Yes the club has done some bad things, but at all times they have attempted to mend thier ways.

Get over your hatred people and start acting like a Rugby League community for once.


Yeah it was clearly the players fault for the salary cap scandal... They are the ones who sign all the players :roll: Well done wanker who posted that shit. There is no DNA evidence in the rape, hence they are innocent UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY. THere is nothing to suggest beyond reasonable doubt that they were guilty, and the female could not even name all six players or even identify them... Get over it, and move on...


^ Pando said:
He'll be an asset to the Warriors, much like Brian Fletcher at Souths.

And he'll bring about as much success to them as Fletcher has to Souths!!....it's absolutely SILLY money the Warriors offered him!!


First Grade
A shame to see him leave the dogs. He helped them salvage credibility after the idiotic actions of a few bad seeds over the last few years. But how much can a koala bear.
My wife is shattered, and with Hazem leaving as well, has lost heart in the dogs. Not for their skill, but Hazem and pricey kept a clean face during all the crap.
Good Luck Steve.


Who the hell are we going to buy now?? We let Hutch go to Sharks, we've let other forwards such as Hall go last year.

After 12 years of mutual benefit he leaves us in the hole with such a quick decision after so much of the market has been plundered.

Who now? Thurling?? He is still too green.
Bloody hell.


First Grade
Stuart Fieldon is an option from the UK & there is also Carl Webb who i think can be a good player if he can keep his head straight.


First Grade
^ Pando said:
You want to make allegations pal, then bring it on, WITH proof, or shut up.

Everything I said happened dipshit. Are you telling me the Salary cap scandal/cheating and loss of points, the 25 grand fine for drug use, the thug fans vandalising that train amoung other things, the rape scandal all didn't happen? Well schmuck?


First Grade
ibeme said:
drake said:
My wife is shattered, and with Hazem leaving as well

Have I missed something? Last I heard, Hazem looked like staying
Mate you'd know better than me, I've just heard a few things. I think if he did leave the Dogs, he may come to the Dragons.


First Grade
Kiwi said:
^ Pando said:
You want to make allegations pal, then bring it on, WITH proof, or shut up.

Everything I said happened dipshit. Are you telling me the Salary cap scandal/cheating and loss of points, the 25 grand fine for drug use, the thug fans vandalising that train amoung other things, the rape scandal all didn't happen? Well schmuck?

Bulldogs didn't accuse themselves of rape, someone else accused them. Given all of the evidence, the DPP decided they'd get a not guilty verdict in court. Therefore, who is responsible for the rape allegations? If you were accused of something you didn't do, would you be responsible for the fallout?

According to a report in a paper on the weekend, two backpackers tried to set some NRL players up to get some cash out of them before heading off back to England. They tried to sell photos to papers etc. As it turns out, the girls were full of crap. If that had of turned into anything big, who would have been responsible for the fallout? Until someone is convicted, they are innocent, and shouldn't bear any responsibility for the fallout.


_Anonymous said:
2002?? - CHOKE! Rooster pellets?

Pricey will be leaving a legendary club and winning culture of the Bulldogs, to a some what wooden spoon type club in the Warriors
:lol: :lol: :lol: Winning culture?? When was the last time they made a GF?? Atleast a lot of the current Warriors players know what its like playing in a GF. And now with Price, we will have another GF player.


Well Price should look at Kevin Campion and Ivan Cleary when they were at the Warriors players and the reputation they had with the club and I guess in NZ.

The Warriors have been crying out for somebody to take in a leadership role since Campion left, and Price and Wiki fits the bill nicely.


Kiwi said:
^ Pando said:
Care to name names, Kiwi?

Is that the best you can say? PFFFFT next, you wanna debate it, fine, you wanna try the name names tactic so you can say "you can't so it didn't happen", then next please.

Oh, is this the same media that has bastardised many others careers based on rumour and innuendo??

Nothing was proven. Well der! There was not enough to convict. Well der! They are both saying the same thing, that being, there was not enough there to suggest the Bulldogs took part in any rape

For f**ks sake, when will you learn? Or would you rather believe what Marlyn Mognay and all the other twats chunder out into the papers each day?


Isn't it ironic; if Steve Price stays with the Bulldogs half these convoluted so called fans of Steven Price would say "He's the sort of man who you could build a grand final around." Since he's leaving all of a sudden he's over the hill. I read with sceptism someone saying he's already showing signs of it.

23 tackles, 22 hit ups in his last NRL outing, but never let facts stand in the way of a good story.

I can understand the emotion and pain, but some of the stuff on him being stripped of the captaincy and how he's let the Bulldogs down is straight out garbage and quite frankly we won't tolerate people bagging OUR legend :lol: :lol: :lol:

Go Stevey Price!


Excuse me, i haven't bagged him once. I still admire him more than any other player in the NRL today

Thank you


Read the article at the "other" site, read some comments on here, read the other the top comments at the kennel wishing him the worst and hoping he regrets it and how dare he throws away the loyalty.

Only a small percentage of them, but gee, some of the comments are pure evil.