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Pritchard Stabbed


Panther said:
My point was that the bloke charged must be the world amateur champ of pocket knife fighting.:roll:

You're an idiot. The reports stated that he was slashing wildly in defence of himself. If you've got a knife and you're waving it around wildly in the immediate vicinity of other people, you're probably going to cause injury of some sort.


skeepe said:
You're an idiot. The reports stated that he was slashing wildly in defence of himself. If you've got a knife and you're waving it around wildly in the immediate vicinity of other people, you're probably going to cause injury of some sort.

Dont bother pointing out the obvious. Just let the penrith fans continue imagining their own story so they can sleep well at night.


badav said:
Dont bother pointing out the obvious. Just let the penrith fans continue imagining their own story so they can sleep well at night.
And it sounds to me like the story of someone defending themselves for being charged for stabbing multple people multiple times. I'm highly doubting this guy was just an innocent person who happened to be carrying a knife on him.

So far there is no way of knowing exactly how it went down, short of being present. The only fact of the story is a young man is in hospital as the result of multiple stabbings.


Post Whore
can anyone seriously blame this bloke for carrying a knife, in that area id be looking to have some protection just in case aswell. And if 4 islander lads armed with tyre irons and bottles approached me id have no hesitation in using it either.


gunnamatta bay said:
Locky do some research on early Sydney and you will see that violence was very common. Ever heard of the 'razor gangs' ?

There was no shortage of vicious street thugs back in the 'good old days'.

I have a book called "RAZOR" by Larry Writer, on the cover it says, "A true story of slashers, gangsters, prostitutes and sly grog."

During the depression my grandfather was beaten up by the razor gang and due to that bashing and slashing, he was not able to play his saxophone again, which was a source of income for his family. My mother lived through the depression and has verified a lot of what is in the book and even knew a couple of the people mentioned in the book, not personally of course. Have a read, I'm sure it will enlighten you Locky as to just how long this sort of violence in Sydney has been going on....


skeepe said:
You're an idiot. The reports stated that he was slashing wildly in defence of himself. If you've got a knife and you're waving it around wildly in the immediate vicinity of other people, you're probably going to cause injury of some sort.
You know when people have to resort to insults to make their point it usually means they don't have much of a point.Have you any idea how big Frank Pritchard is and I am told that a couple of his cousins are bigger.Are we supposed to believe that a bloke with a folding knife the size of a small p***s managed to get through the guard of four monsters waving tyre levers and put them all in hospital?


Raider_69 said:
can anyone seriously blame this bloke for carrying a knife, in that area id be looking to have some protection just in case aswell. And if 4 islander lads armed with tyre irons and bottles approached me id have no hesitation in using it either.
It's people carrying weapons that make that area dangerous though. :shock:

The latest reports claim that Mr Lu and Mr Lee were standing outfront of the building. After having threatened one of the Pritchards family members. This is after having made threats to the Pritchards family members. Anyone out at those hours with weapons threatening people and blocking the entrance to a building... is probably not the sort of person who is a victim of the environment he lives in.

He was the victim in his story, yet he comes out of it better then the people with the tyre levers who were punching and kicking him. I won't rule out the possibility that he was defending his friends... but IMO it's just someone trying to get themselves out of sh*t for attempted murder.


El Diablo said:
oh dear lockyrulz it looks like there's some bad news for you


so it seems the phone call you said didn't happen, allegedly did happen

Can't belive im letting mysaelf get dragged back into this whirlpool of stupidity.

I have acknolwodged many times that they called about a NOISE COMPLAINT. My point has been they should have called 000 about a KNIFE THREAT.

Instead the family was called to come sort things out. We all know the results.

Get it yet?


Panther said:
I don't know who or how many of them had tyre levers. I was reporting what his defence said in court. One of the good things about being semiretired is I have time to read all the reports which I doubt you have.
My point was that the bloke charged must be the world amateur champ of pocket knife fighting.:roll:

Bearing in mind my whole point has been that they should have let the police handle it instead of resorting to vigilante justice, does it really matter how many were carrying tyre levers?

El Diablo

Post Whore
lockyrulz said:
Can't belive im leeting mysaelf get dragged back into this whirlpool of stupidity.

Is english your second language champ? I have acknolwodged times that they called about a NOISE COMPLAINT. My point has been they should have called 000 about a KNIFE THREAT.

Instead the family was called to come sort things out. We all know the results.

Get it yet?

Where have you ever stated they called police about anything??


El Diablo said:
good. glad to hear you'll stop posting.


why would we?

not every member of the Pritchard family has decided to tell all to the media. i don't believe anyone has actually

you have only read some of it. i don't recall reading the alleged phone call from a neighbour in the statement of facts.

hadn't really noticed anyone saying they were heroes

and we should care :?

there was a time when people used to leave their front doors unlocked too.

things have been changing for years. deal with it.

a) it wasn't over just the one karaoke night

b) who said they were heroes?

that would be you

it doesn't eh


good. leave.

anyone who pretends to know the full story is indeed stupid. that is what you have done.

Lol one second you were bagging me for stating I didn't have the full story, now your suggesting I'm stating I do have it.

Honestly mate you are a complete and utter moron. At least make your stupidity consistent.

There has been more then enough facts provided to suggest the Pritchards chose to sort the matter out themselves with violence instead of letting the police handle it.

That is all that matters to my argument. If you are so freakin thick you can't understand that, you have serious problems. The police don't need the full story to charge someone, and a jury or a district court judge wont need it either. They will asses the evidence and make a decision on the balance of probabilities.

You haven't noticed anyone calling them heroes? So you didnt noticce the posts stating how they raced to their sisters aid? You know, all those speculative ones you forgot to edit?

You don't notice a whole lot do you?

And you right this country is changing for the worse, thanks partly to brainless f**kwits like you.


El Diablo said:
Where have you ever stated they called police about anything??

I've conceded she may well have called about a noise complaints many times. Go read them. Do you need me to do it again? I would happily concede a call was made regarding a noise complaint which sadly was not dealt with.

My point has been no phone call to 000 saying "hey my life is in danger, I need assistance"

That call went to the family - hence streeet brawl.

Get it yet?


lockyrulz said:
Bearing in mind my whole point has been that they should have let the police handle it instead of resorting to vigilante justice, does it really matter how many were carrying tyre levers?
The latest report claims the Asians were crowded around the front of the building. And the original reports also said that the person who was threatened, rang the police. Even the police report stated that they were called.

Unlike you, the Pritchards weren't going to leave their family member inside with a gang hanging around. No one here knows exactly how the events went down. But i can't picture very many Kiwis that would leave a situation where a family member was in danger alone, especially if the situation wasn't a priority for the police.

Obviously to the Pritchards, their family was a priority. Who knows what they were intending to do, or what they were willing to do.

lockyrulz said:
My point has been no phone call to 000 saying "hey my life is in danger, I need assistance"

That call went to the family - hence streeet brawl.

Get it yet?
Yes. You think you know more then the police, and the Asians who were guarding the front of the building, are completely innocent in all this.

The Pritchards who showed up with the sole intention of protecting a family member, are completely at fault.

El Diablo

Post Whore
lockyrulz said:
Lol one second you were bagging me for stating I didn't have the full story, now your suggesting I'm stating I do have it.
you're as thick as a brick

* you think you know the whole story - fact

* you actually don't know the full sory - fact

i have never stated you know the full story. i have stated the exact opposite.

lockyrulz said:
Honestly mate you are a complete and utter moron. At least make your stupidity consistent.
i am lol

you're the one making things up as you go along

i thought you'd finished with this topic? lol


lockyrulz said:
There has been more then enough facts provided to suggest the Pritchards chose to sort the matter out themselves with violence instead of letting the police handle it.
is that so

you have no idea what their original intentions were. fact.

lockyrulz said:
That is all that matters to my argument. If you are so freakin thick you can't understand that, you have serious problems. The police don't need the full story to charge someone, and a jury or a district court judge wont need it either. They will asses the evidence and make a decision on the balance of probabilities.
and you are calling people morons lol

they don't need the full story eh

thank f**k you don't run the courts in this country

thank f**k you're not the DPP

lockyrulz said:
You haven't noticed anyone calling them heroes? So you didnt noticce the posts stating how they raced to their sisters aid? You know, all those speculative ones you forgot to edit?
so now you're saying it was wrong just going there :?

still can't find anyone saying they're heroes

and point out what should be edited. there's a report post feature.

lockyrulz said:
You don't notice a whole lot do you?
i have noticed your stupidity. wasn't hard though.

lockyrulz said:
And you right this country is changing for the worse, thanks partly to brainless f**kwits like you.

feel free to live in another one then. i doubt you'll be missed.


El Diablo said:
you're as thick as a brick

* you think you know the whole story - fact

* you actually don't know the full sory - fact

i have never stated you know the full story. i have stated the exact opposite.

i am lol

you're the one making things up as you go along

i thought you'd finished with this topic? lol


is that so

you have no idea what their original intentions were. fact.

and you are calling people morons lol

they don't need the full story eh

thank f**k you don't run the courts in this country

thank f**k you're not the DPP

so now you're saying it was wrong just going there :?

still can't find anyone saying they're heroes

and point out what should be edited. there's a report post feature.

i have noticed your stupidity. wasn't hard though.

feel free to live in another one then. i doubt you'll be missed.

1. I don't think I know the full story. I know that the Pritchards took matters into their own hands instead of allowing the police to do their job. If we knew about a noise complaint phone call, we'd know about a triple 000 call. Besides which I have already said that if the Pritchards acted in genuine need in defence of a life, even a complete strangers for that matter, I would fully support them, and I WOULD think they were heroes. Nothing reported supports that however, plenty supports they weren't. In fact no statement from the Pritchards supports an immediate threat. A knife to the throat at some point whilst a sh*tty thing to do, does not constitute an immediate threat. Go ask your state DPP if you don't believe me.

2. What exactly am I making up? Give an example? I'm relying on police reports.

3. Go find me where I have said I have the full story.

4. No they don't need the full story ehh. One thing we do agree on is that they will never have the full story. I doubt in many criminal cases they do. The Police and DPP will collect evidence and on the balance of probabilities a court will make a finding. Possibly even before a jury. Lucky hey, or poor old Tom would never get justice would he?

5. I never meant it was wrong going there. As I have already said a number of times, if they went there to protect their family only, fine. To get her away from the place, hell yeah. To go start a brawl no. Again if it turns out that their violence was required to genuinely protect then I will sing their praises and the law should find in their favour. No evidence provided in the committal points to this however. Nor do any of the statements made by anyone. By all means if you have one I'll gladly change my mind.

Oh and in case I forgot to mention it, you're a moron


mxlegend99 said:
The latest report claims the Asians were crowded around the front of the building. And the original reports also said that the person who was threatened, rang the police. Even the police report stated that they were called.

Unlike you, the Pritchards weren't going to leave their family member inside with a gang hanging around. No one here knows exactly how the events went down. But i can't picture very many Kiwis that would leave a situation where a family member was in danger alone, especially if the situation wasn't a priority for the police.

Obviously to the Pritchards, their family was a priority. Who knows what they were intending to do, or what they were willing to do.

Yes. You think you know more then the police, and the Asians who were guarding the front of the building, are completely innocent in all this.

The Pritchards who showed up with the sole intention of protecting a family member, are completely at fault.

I never said the asian gangs were innocent, what a load of crap.

I have said the exact opposite in fact. Interesting that El Diablo has no such concerns over unsubstantiated made up claims about them from you.

El Diablo

Post Whore
lockyrulz said:
1. I don't think I know the full story.
you most certainly do

lockyrulz said:
I know that the Pritchards took matters into their own hands instead of allowing the police to do their job.
you don't know that

lockyrulz said:
If we knew about a noise complaint phone call, we'd know about a triple 000 call.
you said there was no phone call

lockyrulz said:
Besides which I have already said that if the Pritchards acted in genuine need in defence of a life, even a complete strangers for that matter, I would fully support them, and I WOULD think they were heroes.
the facts are unknown atm

the Pritchards as yet have not been charged with anything

lockyrulz said:
Nothing reported supports that however, plenty supports they weren't. In fact no statement from the Pritchards supports an immediate threat. A knife to the throat at some point whilst a sh*tty thing to do, does not constitute an immediate threat.

it doesn't :?

afaik the Pritchards have not given Police statements, yet

lockyrulz said:
Go ask your state DPP if you don't believe me.
so you've consulted the DPP?

lockyrulz said:
2. What exactly am I making up? Give an example? I'm relying on police reports.
that they went there solely to go around and flog them. that has not been reported anywhere.

lockyrulz said:
3. Go find me where I have said I have the full story.
you've made up stories and posted them as facts. you think you know exactly what went on. you don't. i don't either.

lockyrulz said:
4. No they don't need the full story ehh.
they certainly do if they want a conviction

lockyrulz said:
One thing we do agree on is that they will never have the full story.
i have never said that. we do not agree on that at all.

lockyrulz said:
I doubt in many criminal cases they do. The Police and DPP will collect evidence and on the balance of probabilities a court will make a finding. Possibly even before a jury. Lucky hey, or poor old Tom would never get justice would he?
so you have already found this Lee bloke guilty.


lockyrulz said:
5. I never meant it was wrong going there. As I have already said a number of times, if they went there to protect their family only, fine.
until they tell their side of the story nobody knows that isn't what they went to do before things got violent

lockyrulz said:
Again if it turns out that their violence was required to genuinely protect then I will sing their praises and the law should find in their favour.
that's why most people are waiting to hear both sides of the story. not you though.

lockyrulz said:
No evidence provided in the committal points to this however. Nor do any of the statements made by anyone. By all means if you have one I'll gladly change my mind.
as yet they have not got statetments from everyone so it is too early to pass judgement on anyone.

why do you think only one person has been charged so far?

good ole lockyrulz seems to think he's Judge Dread

why don't you just wait and let the police do their business before hanging all and sundry from the closest tree



lockyrulz said:
Bearing in mind my whole point has been that they should have let the police handle it instead of resorting to vigilante justice, does it really matter how many were carrying tyre levers?
I don't actually know if any of them were.But I can't agree that rushing to the aid of your sister, if that is what happened, is vigilante justice.


El Diablo said:
you most certainly do

Nope I don't. Go find me where I have stated I have fool.

you don't know that
There was no triple 000 call regarding an immediate threat. Deal with it. So yes I do know that.

you said there was no phone call

I said there was no triple 000 call regarding a life threatning situation. I wonder if your tiny brain will ever comprehend this fact. Seemingly not.

the facts are unknown atm

Some are unkonwn, some are known. This is another simple concept seemingly all too hard for you to grasp.

the Pritchards as yet have not been charged with anything

According to the police, this is due to the injuries they sustained.


it doesn't :?

afaik the Pritchards have not given Police statements, yet

No it doesn't. learn the law tool

so you've consulted the DPP?

Don't need to. I know what self defense is. Clearly you don't.

that they went there solely to go around and flog them. that has not been reported anywhere.

Never said they did. But they flogged them anyway and did not call the police to resolve a life threatening situation. That is taking the matter into your own hands deal with it. and no report anywhere suggests it was purely an act of self defence. Again produce one if you have it.

you've made up stories and posted them as facts. you think you know exactly what went on. you don't. i don't either.

No I havent. I've gone on police reports through the media. You're just to dumb to realise this.

they certainly do if they want a conviction

No they don't. Go learn the law fool.

i have never said that. we do not agree on that at all.

Then you are even stupider then I thought.

so you have already found this Lee bloke guilty.

No. I thought you said the courts did that?

until they tell their side of the story nobody knows that isn't what they went to do before things got violent

Who cares. It's what they did do that matters.

that's why most people are waiting to hear both sides of the story. not you though.

Could have fooled me. Most people, you included seem to have the asians guilty and the Prtichards innocent of everything.

as yet they have not got statetments from everyone so it is too early to pass judgement on anyone.

why do you think only one person has been charged so far?

Again, I have commented on what has been reported to date. I have said countless times their actions were excusable if they acted in genuine defence of another life. No statements from either side has suggested this to be the case.


El Diablo

Post Whore

it's like talking to a brick wall

you just keep making it up as you go along and tell lie after lie

there is no point in talking to you

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