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Pritchard Stabbed


mxlegend99 said:


Does anyone beleive this part of the story as being even possible? If these islanders were armed with 2 tyre levers and bottle, what the hell is some Asian with a pocket knife going to do?

Have you ever had people approaching you with weapons? It's a bloody scary prospect. Given that his friend had already been hurt, and the fact that he seemed to believe they were advancing on him with the same intent, all logic goes out the window. Whether it's going to do anything or not, having a pocket knife for self defence is better than having nothing at all.

Of course you wouldn't happen to be trying to twist things to make it look favourable for Penrith would you?


like what?

ehhh Like a kife to the sisters throat? Find me where that's been established champ.

answered last night

Wrong yet again. I asked you if you agreed with the decision. So far you have avoided the question. Maybe you could answer it next time.. I won't hold my breath.

how do you know police hadn't been called?

this problem has been going on for some time.

Are you really so stupid to think that we wouldn't have heard this by now? The police were called by someone I'm sure when a bunch of morons decided to fight with tyre levers and knives. Bit late by then yeah?

Besides as I have already said, if the police had been called over an immediate danger and took no action, then the only reasonable thing the Pritchards could have done IMO is ensure their family members or friends were not in danger. That doesn't include going to the asians house and threatning or punching on. Or would you like to engage in more rubbish speculation about how 'nan' Pritchard was tied up in the house and contacted her family through mental telepathy?

why will i look dumber?

i'm not the one making things up, like you

Trust me you are already looking dumber to anyone reading this who has an ounce of common sense. But don't fret, I'm quietly confident that doesn't include any of your mates.

El Diablo

Post Whore
lockyrulz said:
ehhh Like a kife to the sisters throat? Find me where that's been established champ.

can you not read?

it's been posted already

lockyrulz said:
Wrong yet again. I asked you if you agreed with the decision. So far you have avoided the question.

no you didn't

here is what you asked. i also answered it.

lockyrulz said:
Oh and here is somethign to mull over genius, should the asian guy who stabbed Tom be charged and found guilty of an offence?

lockyrulz said:
I won't hold my breath.


lockyrulz said:
Are you really so stupid to think that we wouldn't have heard this by now? The police were called by someone I'm sure when a bunch of morons decided to fight with tyre levers and knives. Bit late by then yeah?


in time everything will be revealed. just because something hasn't been reported doesn't mean it didn't happen. doesn't mean it did either.

it is stupid to rule it out however when you don't know the full details. especially stupid when statements like this have already been made.


One, who did not wish to be publicly identified, said she had had to go to Liverpool police station to bring officers to the scene because her earlier phone calls to report the drama failed to draw a response.

lockyrulz said:
Besides as I have already said, if the police had been called over an immediate danger and took no action, then the only reasonable thing the Pritchards could have done IMO is ensure their family members or friends were not in danger. That doesn't include going to the asians house and threatning or punching on. Or would you like to engage in more rubbish speculation about how 'nan' Pritchard was tied up in the house and contacted her family through mental telepathy?

from what i have read you are making things up, again.

lockyrulz said:
Trust me you are already looking dumber to anyone reading this who has an ounce of common sense. But don't fret, I'm quietly confident that doesn't include any of your mates.

i believe it's the other way around


Assistant Moderator
lockyrulz, with respect you're losing your way in this debate.

Perhaps a step back isn't out of the question.


skeepe said:
Have you ever had people approaching you with weapons? It's a bloody scary prospect. Given that his friend had already been hurt, and the fact that he seemed to believe they were advancing on him with the same intent, all logic goes out the window. Whether it's going to do anything or not, having a pocket knife for self defence is better than having nothing at all.

Of course you wouldn't happen to be trying to twist things to make it look favourable for Penrith would you?
I read that he claims they were already beating on him with these weapons before he pulled his knife out.

My point is that it seems like a situation that would be impossible to get out of. Or atleast it does to me.

4 big fellas beating into one person with tyre levers. I just can't see how anyone could defend themselves against it. In the scenario this Asian claims he was in... i can't see how one would escape. Infact, he is lucky to be alive if that did happen. A big islander could shatter someones skull quiet easily with a tyre lever, letalone 4 of them. His telling of what happened, has him outnumbered 4 to 1. With the islanders having weapons.

Maybe it did happen. If so, surely anyone would agree that guy is as lucky as they come to even be alive? Letalone to turn the tables and have Tom fighting for his life in hospital.


El Diablo said:
can you not read?

it's been posted already

Can you read? That was an unsubstantiated allegation that has not been verified. It is complete speculation, and that is basically implied in the article you posted as I mentioned above. It certainly isn't established you fool. I never said everything in a media reoport should be accepted. Use your common sense for christs sake. Of course media will quote allegations and comments made by anyone. If Martin Bryant had yelled "Im innocent" after shooting 35 people, they would have reported that too. Its a matter of using common sense when reading the reports.

Aside from that, when that was reported, I accepted it as a possibility. I have already said that if any member of the Pritchard family was in IMMEDIATE danger, then any actions taken by the Pritchards, even violent ones, may well have been justified.

There is no evidence to support this, none. At best some speculation about being in a corridor and having a knife to a throat at some point. Police were still not called, which is inexcusable.

I'll ask you again. Should the asian guy who stabbed Tom have been charged with an offence? You still have not answered this question. Do you agree with the decision or not?

You have not answered this.


Willow said:
lockyrulz, with respect you're losing your way in this debate.

Perhaps a step back isn't out of the question.

With repect, care to explain how?

My argument is this.

Based on the evidence we have, including that which has been enough to charge a man and present a matter to court, the Prtichards went to an apartment block to resolve some kind of grievance and /or to assist a family member. This was done instead of calling the police.

The best those defending the Pritchards can come up with, is that a family member may have been in immediate danger. None of this has been supported by anything If she was in immediate danger then she should have called the police. They don't ignore triple 0 calls.

For that Im a wuss and a moron apprently. So be it. I'm not about to shed a tear for a guy who thinks tyre leavers and broken bottles are the way to resolve issues.


Spitty. TA. said:
It always amazes me on this forum that people continually put Sh*t on the newspapers and then the next minute there quoting it and CREATING assumptions based on the newspapers report. 90% of a newspaper story is what the police tell the media (sweet fa) and then witness testimony. Not the most reliable witness testimony! The most interesting. The other 10% is assumptions made from the police and the testimony.

What happened that night was between the Asians and the Pritchards they'll tell there story from there different perspectives and they'll both lie a little, none of us will ever know exactly what happened.


Great post.

El Diablo

Post Whore
lockyrulz said:
Based on the evidence we have, including that which has been enough to charge a man and present a matter to court, the Prtichards went to an apartment block to resolve some kind of grievance and /or to assist a family member. This was done instead of calling the police.

that is you speculating

you have no way of backing that statement up


lockyrulz said:
Can you read? That was an unsubstantiated allegation that has not been verified. It is complete speculation, and that is basically implied in the article you posted as I mentioned above. It certainly isn't established you fool. I never said everything in a media reoport should be accepted. Use your common sense for christs sake. Of course media will quote allegations and comments made by anyone. If Martin Bryant had yelled "Im innocent" after shooting 35 people, they would have reported that too. Its a matter of using common sense when reading the reports.
Common sense? You're just selectively choosing which reports to beleive. You're selecting the reports that piece together what you think happened, same as everyone here. At the end of the day, no one has the full story except for the people who were present. And their recounts of the event are going to be biased.

lockyrulz said:
Aside from that, when that was reported, I accepted it as a possibility. I have already said that if any member of the Pritchard family was in IMMEDIATE danger, then any actions taken by the Pritchards, even violent ones, may well have been justified.
Why one extreme or the other? Why not just accept that people acted in the heat of the moment. Both parties are too blame, and until further notice, we don't know who is primarily responsible for it becoming a all in brawl with weapons. We do know that if the Asians hadn't been making threats, that none of this would have happened.

If there was a heated arguement between a group of people, only one person had to do something to spark a brawl. They would have both jumped in for their group of friends.

lockyrulz said:
There is no evidence to support this, none. At best some speculation about being in a corridor and having a knife to a throat at some point. Police were still not called, which is inexcusable.
Actually, the reports say that police were called. And that the problem was a common one in these areas, and it wasn't a priority for them. Or was this one of those reports you chose to ignore?

El Diablo

Post Whore
lockyrulz said:
That doesn't include going to the asians house and threatning or punching on. Or would you like to engage in more rubbish speculation about how 'nan' Pritchard was tied up in the house and contacted her family through mental telepathy?

a)it was units

b) it allegedly happened out the front of the unit block


Police said the four brothers arrived at the unit block with a group of other men after their brother-in-law, Michael Archer, was threatened outside the building.

Mr Archer had been called to the unit by his mother, who was upset at being abused after she asked for a stop to noise in a neighbouring unit.

Outside the unit block, partygoer Huy Lu had threatened to shoot Mr Archer in the leg "for the fun of it", police said.

The group which included the Pritchard brothers, and who had all earlier been drinking with Mr Archer, allegedly armed themselves with two tyre levers and an empty bottle and confronted Mr Lu and other men at the front of the building.



El Diablo said:
that is you speculating

you have no way of backing that statement up

Look I've had enough of this nonsense.

For one final hurrah, if the police had been called, we'd know about it by now. Whilst I'm sure it takes time to gather forensic evidence, I dont think checking a phone record would be all that difficult. In fact I think you will find that the police have to present all that stuff at the committal phase which I belive is what has just occurred.

I'll explain one last thing though. The reason I posted so often an argued so hard in this thread, is because I was angry at how the Pritchards have been lionised as some sort of heores. Frankly it pisses me off.

Actually no. scratch that, it hurts. You know I spent 8 years in the army prepared to die for my country if the need arose. I still rememeber heading down to the recruitment centre at 18 years of age and signing that exact piece of paper all those years ago and really beliveing it.

Now I look at where this country is heading and think 'f**k me'. There was a time in this country when a brawl was a bloke or 2 who had too much to drink and took a swing at you. You had a bit of fisticuffs, and the next day when everyone was sobered up you would shake hands and move on.

Now in some places look at someone the wrong way and you're in trouble. A lousy karaoke night ends in tyre leavers and knives. As if that wasn't disgusting enough, everyone races to say what heroes the Prtichards are to be doing it. Apperently I am just a cowardly bastard for not supporting vigilante justice.

Admittedly some people who have posted here are just delusional and in some cases just down right stupid, but this bs element that 'puttin a cap in someone ass' when they offend you and your peeps, is an underlining factor.

This crap doesn't happen in brisbane yet, but soon it will. These people you want me to feel sorry for, are f**king this country up.

As it is, I really can't be bothered conversing with you people anymore. Those with any sense have already understood my point. The rest I couldn't give a flying crap about anymore anyway.

Stupid is as stupid does.


Assistant Moderator
lockyrulz said:
With repect, care to explain how?
Do I really need to? I'm not debating the rights or wrongs of the argument. Its clear that the discussion itself is getting the better of you.

El Diablo

Post Whore
lockyrulz said:
Look I've had enough of this nonsense.
good. glad to hear you'll stop posting.

lockyrulz said:
For one final hurrah, if the police had been called, we'd know about it by now.

why would we?

not every member of the Pritchard family has decided to tell all to the media. i don't believe anyone has actually

lockyrulz said:
Whilst I'm sure it takes time to gather forensic evidence, I dont think checking a phone record would be all that difficult. In fact I think you will find that the police have to present all that stuff at the committal phase which I belive is what has just occurred.
you have only read some of it. i don't recall reading the alleged phone call from a neighbour in the statement of facts.

lockyrulz said:
I'll explain one last thing though. The reason I posted so often an argued so hard in this thread, is because I was angry at how the Pritchards have been lionised as some sort of heores. Frankly it pisses me off.
hadn't really noticed anyone saying they were heroes

lockyrulz said:
Actually no. scratch that, it hurts. You know I spent 8 years in the army prepared to die for my country if the need arose. I still rememeber heading down to the recruitment centre at 18 years of age and signing that exact piece of paper all those years ago and really beliveing it.
and we should care :?

lockyrulz said:
Now I look at where this country is heading and think 'f**k me'. There was a time in this country when a brawl was a bloke or 2 who had too much to drink and took a swing at you. You had a bit of fisticuffs, and the next day when everyone was sobered up you would shake hands and move on.
there was a time when people used to leave their front doors unlocked too.

things have been changing for years. deal with it.

lockyrulz said:
Now in some places look at someone the wrong way and you're in trouble. A lousy karaoke night ends in tyre leavers and knives. As if that wasn't disgusting enough, everyone races to say what heroes the Prtichards are to be doing it. Apperently I am just a cowardly bastard for not supporting vigilante justice.
a) it wasn't over just the one karaoke night

b) who said they were heroes?

lockyrulz said:
Admittedly some people who have posted here are just delusional and in some cases just down right stupid
that would be you

lockyrulz said:
This crap doesn't happen in brisbane yet, but soon it will. These people you want me to feel sorry for, are f**king this country up.
it doesn't eh


Meanwhile, early today an 18-year-old man was stabbed in the lower back with a broken beer bottle during a brawl at a party west of Brisbane.

Police said when a group of men were asked to leave the party at a North Street house in Toowoomba, shortly after midnight, a fight broke out between them and another gang.
lockyrulz said:
As it is, I really can't be bothered conversing with you people anymore. Those with any sense have already understood my point. The rest I couldn't give a flying crap about anymore anyway.
good. leave.

lockyrulz said:
Stupid is as stupid does.
anyone who pretends to know the full story is indeed stupid. that is what you have done.


lockyrulz said:
Wow they took tyre levers did they.

Sensible chaps. How on earth did this ever end up violently? I mean, they probably only took the tyre levers so that they could offer to do some basic mechanics on the asians cars, you know, as a sign of good will.

Still I suppose the media will try and make ridiculous insinuations like they took them there to intimidate and brawl.

Pfft media...
I don't know who or how many of them had tyre levers. I was reporting what his defence said in court. One of the good things about being semiretired is I have time to read all the reports which I doubt you have.
My point was that the bloke charged must be the world amateur champ of pocket knife fighting.:roll:

gunnamatta bay

lockyrulz said:
Now I look at where this country is heading and think 'f**k me'. There was a time in this country when a brawl was a bloke or 2 who had too much to drink and took a swing at you. You had a bit of fisticuffs, and the next day when everyone was sobered up you would shake hands and move on.

Locky do some research on early Sydney and you will see that violence was very common. Ever heard of the 'razor gangs' ?

There was no shortage of vicious street thugs back in the 'good old days'.

El Diablo

Post Whore
lockyrulz said:
For one final hurrah, if the police had been called, we'd know about it by now. Whilst I'm sure it takes time to gather forensic evidence, I dont think checking a phone record would be all that difficult. In fact I think you will find that the police have to present all that stuff at the committal phase which I belive is what has just occurred.

oh dear lockyrulz it looks like there's some bad news for you


A detailed police version of the incident emerged today, allegedly sparked when Pritchard's sister called police to ask a nearby unit to tone down their 3am karaoke party.

so it seems the phone call you said didn't happen, allegedly did happen