Lol jealous. I'm a climber, big muscles is the last thing I want, in fact I had to take lifting heavy weights completely out of my workout routines, but when I was doing heavy weights, it only took me a few weeks to be benching above my body weight, it's not that hard if you put the effort in (a lack of discipline is why not everyone can do it.) Everybody has different priorities with their training, I put the most effort into body weight workouts because they assist with my climbing, like pull ups, one handed pull ups, campus board training, plank, etc and stuff that works your core and more subtle muscles.
I'm also a girl, so no I'm not jealous of a guy being able to dead lift more than me, wouldn't be jealous if a girl could either.
Maybe I went a little overboard with my response, just thought posting that video was a little bit lame.