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Caged Panther said:I don't mind the look of machine, although the black coloured one looks better, the controller looks absolutely terrible.
I've seen some screens (not sure what was prerendered and what wasn't) and while they look good nothing looks any better than what has been shown of the xbox 360 games.
strong_latte said:I just watched the E3 conference... the PS3's specs pretty much smash the XBOX 360 all over the park! It looks so good it's scary! And it'll run on blue lazer DVD's (can hold 50 gigs).
Caged Panther said:on the specs, sony is blowing smoke out their buttholes (as is MS for that matter) the figures they give are theoretical maximums that each component can achieve it says nothing for how they will work together or what it takes for programmers to get them to do that. It's all about the balance between components and whether programers can get the most out of them. In reality the two (PS3 and Xbox360) will be much closer that pure technical numbers suggest.
As for the use of blue ray discs, it offers no clear advantages at the moment, sure being able to put 50gigs on a single disc would be wonderful but the fact is most games don't get much over 5gigs so the 9gig discs the Xbox 360 and revolution will use should be fine for now.
Question, I heard once the PS3 is released you will be able to simply download games that are not normally available to the gamer who only use PAL (UK and AUS), any truth to this rumour? For e.g. I would be able to download the NCAA Football 2007 game only released in the USA on NTSC.
Jordan said:Did you guys see the Killzone video? Unbelievable... There have been mixed reports whether it was CG or not, but if that was in game.... wow...