& you bet i hate the abortion of a sport.
I never used to(never really cared one way or another,it was just another sport).
But after awhile of listening to insular fans calling anyone who deosnt like it Unaustralian,as well as the amount of bullshit spoken about skills ,the corrupt deals with the police,to keep things quiet to protect "The Brand".The protection of players by the media/police etc.
Then there is the holier than thou attitude taken by the Victorian media & Fans in relation to player indescetions..the AFL outstrip us by 4-1 ..but RL still is sneered at & has to mentioned when a football fan player f**ks up.
Then there is The outright lies when it comes to actual playing numbers,& in the end
I realised what a insular little bubble the AFL world is.
& as for UnAustralian ,you show me where the Aussie tradition of a fair go is in relation to tanking.
Any sport where you get rewarded for losing on purpose is not having a go or being fair..
But it seems you fans are too stupid to realise that...
If it happened in RL there would be a riot..
Maybe you should step out of the bubble & realise your sport is about as Australian as any other ..it was created in a British colony ,using British Rugby rules & played on a ground that is home to another British sport..
About as Australian as Yorkeshire pudding GUV.