Got to love the entrance!
Crowd looks good!
So we swap out Barnett for Bunty to drop the ball! At least Barnett scored first!
Pass was poor.
Shiet grab by AFB on Arthur and poor effort by CNK goes low. Arthur was smashed by Bunty in the set and got up! Lucky Bunty still on field! Late and whiplash!
0-6 3mins
Manly spreading it early.
AFB pushed in play the ball, selling it but ref not buying.
Berry clearly taken out chasing the bomb, took ref a few sec to call it.
6 again Manly inside the 10m.
Metcalf greedy with 2 men outside and tackled 2m out. But next play Captain Harris takes them in and scores next to post! Did the ball touch grass?
6-6 9mins Pompey conversion duties.
Manly knock on in their 40m.
Wow, quick hands by CNK and Berry to set up DWZ score in the corner. Great speed and execution.
10-6 13mins
Manly inside the 10m, starting on their 35m.
AFB again worked in tackle and nothing for him.
DWZ a barging run, bumping them off and footwork to score!
16-6 18mins
Niukore knocks on kickoff that's driven low towards sideline.
Saab scores way to easy out wide. Wrap around to create numbers.
Mistakes costing both sides.
16-10 19mins
DCE knocks on offload on their 40m.
Instant 6 again.
Egan bullet grubber grabbed by Manly and held in goal.
Short dropout regathered by Manly.
Manly held Montoya to long and penalised.
Starting on out 40m.
6 again Manly inside the 10m.
Metcalf scores, DCE choose to tackle Ford but called back for obstruction, DCE sets himself to tackle not slide. Poor call.
No try.
Manly starts halfway.
Ruben claiming a try, looked lost ball but Jake offload it. CNK hand under Ruben, went up no try. CNK grounds first. Lucky.
Dropout. Regathered!
Ford penalised for holding down in ruck, compared to what's happened to AFB it was nothing.
Manly on our 40m.
Saab to easy in the corner. Montoya jamming in to much. Metcalf not pushing out off Ford.
16-16 30mins
Manly 3rd man in hit DWZ knees, slow to play it. Not happy. Nothing again!
SJ kick for DWZ can't get full speed.
Pompey knocks on intercept opportunity.
Warriors penalised for inside the 10m on Manly 20m. SJ looked onside just sprinted in. Manly start on our 40m.
Manly kick it into Berry called restart, played at???
Saab scores off a ball on ground forward 3m, but Manly run into Metcalf, how can he slide out like DCE before? Harper runs into Pompey?? Thumb touch? Fix in??? f**k me. Incompetent ref bastards.
16-22 39mins converted to rub salt into the wound!
Manly kicked taken dead, but Garret in front of kicker. Challenged, successful.
Penalised and start on out 30m.
6 again 20m out on Egan to long, 6 again next tackle held to long again.
Montoya taken Into touch trying to go around outside. Needed to straighten up in tackle 1!
AFB penalised for not square! Manly on halfway.
Manly knock ball forward with tap on pass, they decided to call it this time.
SJ continued to be pulled in tackle off a held call and nothing but a walk off the mark, poor call, clear 6 again.
SJ bomb returned and DWZ held Manly up and assistance drags him out on 25m.
6 again Manly inside the 10m.
Curran over but held up and confirmed by bunker.
DWZ in the corner under HUGE pressure!
22-22 52mins converted!
Manly done for not square at marker. Starting on halfway.
Montoya knocks it on, challenged, DCE looked at kicking a low blow in there! Challenge unsuccessful 55m out.
DWZ knocks on bomb that doesn't even touch an arm 10m out. If only we had a challenge.
Manly held up over line.
Arthur's passe to DWZ 5m out, Garrick gets him 60m out, DWZ sells 2nd effort in tackle but gets nothing.
Neither Manly players square and Egan tackled, clear penalty let go on last! Fix is in.
Arthur can't take offload. Challenged.
Jake bobbles on ground let go. Challenge successful. Fix is in.
Manly been holding SJ after kick all night.
Egan off HIA!
DWZ cops a high shot and Manly penalised.
Starting 55m out. Jake looked tto effect a crusher tackle on CNK tackle before.
Berry puts down a double pump pass 20m out.
Montoya stays down. Head clash. Off HIA.
Egan apparent hamstring not HIA.
Manly lose ball 20m out in CNK and Curran tackle. Challenged, CNK pulls hand out and ball came with it! Dumb!
Manly taking the 2 and miss!!
WTF, dangerous position tackle? Never past horizontal but player ducked into it. Ford between the legs. Fix is in!!!
DCE field goal charged down by CNK, bouncing ball Garrick tackled by CNK in air but ball bouncing and lands on his back and let's ball go! Scrum Warriors!!!!
AFB stripped and Lussick regather on halfway.
SJ draws Manly out of line and put Niukore into the hole for a 35m run to score! Garrick lumbering towards him
28-22 74mins
Manly shortish kickoff. Harper forearm to Matcalfes face, Touchie right there and nothing!!! Fix is in!
Then again on Ford next tackle, refs want to do anything??? Two clear penalties!
AFB drops ball jumping and not looking at pass 30m out.
Aurthur kick regathered by Warriors but called accidental offside as it hit Metcalfe after Curran.
DCE ppass knocked on by SJ hand.
Manly knock on first tackle!
Harper finally penalised for to long in the ruck!
SJ takes the 1 point!
Manly players offside putting pressure on.
29-22 79mins.
Manly with long kickoff.
AFB been in slowmo for last 2 mins.