It's just depressing how bad we are. We were in this game for a little bit but we just let every mistake we make compound by letting them score it seems.
I've been fairly supportive of Roberts staying in the team. I think he has a lot of potential and has given a lot of glimpses of great football but any support I had ended today. He's atrocious. f**k him off and let Houston play halfback as at least we'll have some decent defence. He had a chance to grab this game by the scruff and he's ballsed up everything.
For all Gidley's usual spastic play, he's been decent today with some good options that just haven't turned out. I'm going to continue watching this game but my relationship with the Knights is becoming more and more like an abusive one. They just keep beating me, raping me and spitting on me but every week I think well they were terrible last week but this time, maybe they'll change. :crazy: