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Racial slur in Parra v Souths match

fish eel

your a bigger knob than fletcher Lego if you think a racial slur is OK.

Dean Widders has done more for rugby league and its image with his little finger, than 99.9% of the other players. If the slur was made, and knowing Dean's character he would not have blown up without a reason, then fletcher should be outed.

There is a line with the verbal stuff, and making skin colour remarks is crossing it. It also shows what a bonehead Fletcher is if the wittiest thing he can come up with is a racial slur.

And bugger saying it is out of character for him, I'm surprised you said that Misty. He said it, he has to face the consequences. I'm sick to freakin death of all this its not his go its not in his character crap, what about the character of Dean Widders?

The saddest part of this is it came on a day when the eels were celebrating indigenous sportsman.


maelgwnau said:
it wasen't a good move considering all of south's aboriginal fans in redfern. It was out of character but something must be done he needs to go for that kind of rubbish. The NRL need to make an example ot of this to make sure every1 knows it's not tolerated

I hardly think the majority of kooris in redfern will lose any sleep over something theyve been copping all their lives, not saying its right, but gee some people get upset over the slightest thing.
Lets keep it in perspective, theres rapists, murderers and child molesters and name calling racists.
Lifes a bitch.

Harold Bishop

Lego_Man said:


What are words? In this day an age people are far too sensitive...professional sport is a white-hot environment and you have to expect the occasional sledge.

Whether it be "i f**ked your wife", or "you dirty black", both are offensive, and both are intended to distract the opposition and put them off the game.

If it had been Widders calling Fletcher "white trash" noone would have batted an eyelid.
I agree in a way, the NRL wont suspend him because each week there will be people saying "so and so called me this so thats why i eye gouged him", but the club has to take out a harsh penalty.
I have heard first hand John Hopoate being called racist names by opposition players, i guess thats one of the factors that made him such a grub.

shadow grinder

First Grade
Lego_Man said:


What are words? In this day an age people are far too sensitive...professional sport is a white-hot environment and you have to expect the occasional sledge.

Whether it be "i f**ked your wife", or "you dirty black", both are offensive, and both are intended to distract the opposition and put them off the game.

If it had been Widders calling Fletcher "white trash" noone would have batted an eyelid.

seen and read alot of BS on this forum and have came across many f**kwits...but this deadset takes the cake......you are a joke.


Staff member
ink has the best view on this (did I just say that?)

Yes it was wrong. Yes it was bad. But people, some perspective please.

Misty Bee

First Grade
And bugger saying it is out of character for him, I'm surprised you said that Misty

Mate, if it came out of the mouth of a known sledger like Terry Hill or Darren Senter, I wouldn't be saying that. But Fletcher, in something like his 12th season, is a virtual cleanskin. Plus, it's only an allegation at this stage. No official complaint has been made

fish eel

If he said it, its in his character. fullstop. cleanskin or not, he's lost me. Ryan Cross was a cleanskin a week ago.

Dean's word is good enough for me. He is probably one of the best playing assets the game has for all the work he does, seeking no credit. As honest as they come. If he heard something and is upset, thats enough for me.


Staff member
I love that way of looking at things fish eel. The word of one player is good enough for you, but the word of another, despite TWELVE YEARS of having a clean record, isnt.

I wonder what your view would be if their teams were reversed?


Post Whore
Renowned League Expert said:
I knew Gould would get the blame eventually!

You kids are nuts!

well mate he is a speccy at trodding out the old "its not his go" line, and fletch is still a favourite of his so id expect him to say it at one point or another when asked about it

fish eel

Its more than the word of one player. Its the word of somebody with the character of Dean Widders, somebody recognised on a national level for the work he does in helping kids who do it tough. Incidently, he is also recognised by the Human Rights Commission. You dont hear about what he does because he doesnt want attention.

As an aside, if it was another Parramatta player, I might be giving fletcher the benefit of the doubt. But knowing Dean, he wouldnt have blown up for no reason. He was seriously going right off at one of our officials after the game.


First Grade
What he's trying to say is, its not Fletcher's go.

And i agree with him...an apology is all that is required. And maybe Fletch can do a bit of community work for the aboriginals if you're that pissed off at him.


First Grade
People who see racism as a benign pastime are usually those who've never had to deal with it.


Staff member
Not at all. Just because I'm white doesn't mean I haven't encountered racism. But the fact is there are worse things in the world than racism and if the worst thing anyone ever does to you is call you a name then you're a lucky person.

shadow grinder

First Grade
racism isnt like a punch ...the pain of a punch goes away....the pain of being racialy(sp) abused or whatever you call it...stays with you for a long time. i hope widders can move on from this is...


First Grade
Timbo said:
Not at all. Just because I'm white doesn't mean I haven't encountered racism. But the fact is there are worse things in the world than racism and if the worst thing anyone ever does to you is call you a name then you're a lucky person.

So given that Widders wasn't raped or shot he should think himself lucky?


Staff member
Oh for crying out loud. 'Pain will stay with him forever'. Fletcher CALLED HIM A NAME. If he can't get on with it then there's something wrong with him. Yes Fletch (if proven guilty) will be rightly punished, but can we stop carrying on like Fletcher went on a killing spree through an aboriginal community!


Racism is more than just an attack on one person. It's an attack on years of culture. If you don't think its serious you haven't had to deal with it, and you don't truly understand.