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Raiders Social Thread

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First Grade
Memorable Quotes from
"Batman" (1966/II)
Batman : Mr. Freeze, give yourself up. We can get help for you... medical help!
Freeze : In prison? This I do not believe. No, you must PAY for what you did to me, for forcing me to live like this: never again to know the warmth of a summer breeze, never to feel the heat of burning logs in vintertime! Revenge. That is what I need! Revenge! I will have revenge!

[answering a riddle]
Batman : Why is a woman in love like a welder? Because they both carry a torch!

Joker : Either I get The S.S. Gotham, or your precious Dynamic Duo gets launched... to eternity!
Joker : [Batman and Robin enter]
Batman : Wrong, Joker! YOU get launched!
Robin : Right back to the pen where you belong!
Joker : Egads! What sorcery is this? There was enough paralyzing gas in that cork to keep ordinary men unconscious for hours!
Batman : No sorcery; merely the precaution of a Universal Drug Antidote PILL!
[slugs The Joker]
Robin : You've tripped on one of your tricks this time, Joker!
Batman : That replica of your utility belt was too exact!
Robin : We analyzed the cork and had found paralyzing gas!
Batman : And I happened to notice that the seal around the bottle of that cork was NOT discolored with age... odd in a 1949 vintage!

[Defeated by a gizmo from Batman's utility belt]
Joker : I swear by all that's funny never to be taken in by that unconstitutional device again!

[Batgirl rescues The Dynamic Duo from peril]
Batman : How did you know?
Batgirl : Through the one thing you couldn't possibly have in your utility belt, Batman... a woman's intuition.

Joker : [laughing] Have a SNEEZE on me, Batman!
[Joker administers sneezing powder upon Batman, which has no effect]
Batman : No use, Joker! I knew you'd employ your sneezing powder, so I took an Anti-Allergy Pill! Instead of a SNEEZE, I've caught YOU, COLD!

Commissioner Gordon : I don't know who he is behind that mask of his, but I do know when we need him... and we need him now!

Penguin : Here comes the bride, all bagged and tied!

Riddler : Batgirls wilt just as quickly as other women!

Robin : Maybe you can bully an aging mogul, but not me, Catwoman!

Batman : I'm just going to hang around the bar. I don't want to look conspicuous.

[Catwoman has Robin trapped]
Robin : Catwoman, you are not a nice person!

Robin : Holy bill of rights, Batman!

Robin : Holy haberdashery, Batman!

Batman : [to Mr. Freeze] Naturally you didn't know I was wearing my special Super B long thermal underwear.

King Tut : If the caped crumb is here, the cowled creep can't be far behind.

King Tut : [to Nefertiti] How many times must I tell you? Queens consume nectars and ambrosia, not hot dogs.

Commissioner Gordon : You know I'm violently opposed to police brutality.

[Organizing his election]
Penguin : Plenty of girls and bands and slogans and lots of hoopla, but remember, no politics. Issues confuse people.

Catwoman : I'm not just pussyfooting around this time, Batman!

Dick Grayson : [to Miss Klutz] Why, you're no dance teacher! You're Catwoman!

Robin : The way we get into these scrapes and get out of them, it's almost as though someone was dreaming up these situations; guiding our destiny.

[Figuring out a riddle]
Robin : The opposite of a girl is a boy!

Batman : I'll be back in three minutes and twenty seconds.

Batman : It's Alfred's emergency belt-buckle Bat-call signal! He's in trouble!

Batman : Poor devil. Forced to live in an air-conditioned suit that keeps his body temperature down to fifty degrees below zero. No wonder his mind is warped.

Batman : Robin, warm up the Bat-spot analyzer while I take a sample of this affected cloth.

Batman : I never touch spirits. Have you some milk?

Batman : You better leave the crimefighting to men.

Bruce Wayne : I'm just reminded I'd promised to take my young ward, Dick Grayson, fishing.

[about to zoom out of The Batcave!]
Robin : Atomic batteries to power. Turbines to speed.
Batman : Roger. Ready to move out.

Narrator : Same Bat time, Same bat channel.

Chief O'Hara : When it comes to the human brain, we're not equipped.

Robin : Holy atomic pile, Batman!

Robin : You're a blot on the name of Gotham City University. When the students find out what kind of a person you really are, they'll hate you forever.

Batman : Just a second while I retrieve my beanie, my hair, my tweezers, and my notes.

Batman : I've just perfected an Electronic Hair Bat-Analyzer which may hold the key to this baffling question.

Batman : Oh, Catwoman, Catwoman, will you never learn?

Batman : So you didn't tell the truth!
Catwoman : Did you ever hear of a crook who did?

Batman : Nothing's sacred to those devils.

Robin : Under this garb, we're perfectly ordinary Americans.

[Batman has been lured into a trap by Catwoman]
Batman : Four against one...
Robin : Four against two Batman!
Batman : Robin!
Robin : I couldn't resist. You were taken in by her, but I'm too young for that sort of thing.

Robin : Holy priceless collection of Etruscan snoods!

Robin : Horrors! One lemon!


Post Whore
Greenraider said:
Nick, your a F**king Grimalkin

shut up plebeian!
back to your cage gimp

BTW. do you even know the meaning of that word? i assume you partly do but im anything but old ;-)

DJ Raida

Batman: "Cattail Lane and Nine Lives Alley. The Grimalkin Novelty Company is on that corner."
Robin: "Grimalkin? What kind of a name is that?"
Batman: "An obscure but nevertheless acceptable synonym for cat, Robin."

nuff said


Of for himself, Grimalkin is beautiful gattone a black one that its Tabatha companion sleeps placid on my bed with, completely unaware of, opportunely and also hour, to have given its stregonesco name and Shakespeariano to a situated one for gets passionate you of fantastic literature. But this is an other history, a history that belongs to the past.

"Grimalkin is born from the love for fantastic the novellistic kind and all the sottogeneri of which it it is made up. This firm interest not to the literature, but extends to all the novellistic shapes: cinema, comic strips, television series, games of role, insomma, all how much is fruit from the fantasy and of the creativity. We have intentional to contribute of the sort to the increase creating this situated one, in order to allow we and to it gets passionate to you like we of having a "virtual literary drawing-room", in which knowing, it makes to us to know some, to publish our storys us and to read of others. We hope that you will appreciate our efforts, and those of how many have contributed with their works to the creation of this situated one, and we augur ourselves that you want to join to we."

This, until little time makes, has been for approximately three years programmatico The Manifest of Grimalkin, been born then with much enthusiasm like story review on-linens created from gets passionate you of all that that wheel around the fantastic one. To times, a moment arrives in which being fruitori "it passes to you" is not more sufficient, and it tries the great jump from simple consumers to producers and promotori, for same himself but also for giving way to others to express itself, to exchange ideas, opinions and comments. Insomma, is like a search of other analogous spirits, student a particular kind all dicircolo. E' therefore that, with great and ambitiouses plans, us unexpected authors and editori of amatoriali situated-reviews ­ to tutt' today are born themselves some still, like fungi, impossible to distinguish them between they.

For this hour, with the ideas clearer thanks to the experience, Grimalkin rinasce trying an ulterior jump of quality: not more only small amatoriale review for little intimate ones, but great display window and container. Enough to cliccare and to ramble to the search of that it interests to us, to lose to us in the maze of strange names that we will forget as soon as seen ­ Grimalkin it heads to become the binder of all this, the place where to go in order to approach directly and with rapidity the things that to more interest us. And above all, the better place where to put on linens the fruit of the own ideas, sure not to have abandons them to you in the limbo, sure to know and to be known from a number infinitely more wide one than persons, all how many on the same length of onda.Questo, are true, are not only an ambitious plan and impegnativo ­ it is impossible, most laborious plan the nearly, that it will not demand only the enthusiasm, it wants to make and the joy to make it, but also the seriousness of "an important" idea. More or little dispersed small and are passed nearly unnoticed, but all entirety can be constituted something truly remarkable, something that cannot be ignored. Insomma, in order to use a marine image a lot in order to remain in topic with the ocean of Internet, the choice is if to remain many pesciolini scattered or to try to become all with one species of Moby Dick, only, impossible to lack. You join to we!


First Grade
Now now now cats, err I mean children, lets get this thread back on topic ehh
:) :lol: :) :lol: :)
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