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Raiders stand down Goodwin and Carney over club claims

Lol, outrun the police.The little f**ker was hiding up a tree and he must have been very fit to run to his mum's place, all the way to Goulburn.

If he actually did hide in a tree to evade the po-po then he deserves credit for that. That's some sniper-in-Vietnam sh*t right there.


my god ......please explain.

rubs lips repeatedly back and forth with index finger..

i get ya drift joanie i mean chach.;-)


Staff member

Brad Walter and Andrew Webster | July 25, 2008

TROUBLED Raiders star Todd Carney is far from guaranteed of being reinstated to the club's line-up next week, amid revelations that teammates are tiring of his alcohol-fuelled antics.

A security guard at the bar where Carney was alleged to have urinated on a friend of Raiders prop Dane Tilse yesterday accused the Canberra playmaker of a history of misbehaviour, and club chairman John McIntyre conceded the 22-year-old star might not be "right in the head".

Despite escaping any police action over an incident outside All Bar Nun nightspot that led to Canberra utility back Bronx Goodwin being charged with two counts of assault, Raiders officials are concerned by Carney's behaviour after a string of misdemeanours that resulted in him almost being sacked and jailed last year.

Claims by former Canberra fullback Steve Irwin that Raiders officials told him to tell police that Carney hadn't been drinking after the halfback led them on a high-speed chase through suburban streets before abandoning the car were strenuously denied by the club yesterday and may result in legal action.

But on a day in which Bulldogs stars Ben Roberts and Lee Te Maari were stood down over their involvement in a bar brawl at Cronulla last Sunday night, the Raiders confirmed Carney's immediate playing future would also be under threat when the club's board meets between the under-20 match and the NRL fixture against Gold Coast at Canberra Stadium tomorrow.

"When it comes to a car, you take away a person's right to drive and it's the same thing with footballers," McIntyre said. "The thing they really love is playing, so it hurts them if they're unable to do so. I'm not saying that's what we're going to do but it's something we will talk about. Whatever we do has to be in the best interests of the game and the best interests of the club and it might be a bit like what [former horse owner] Tony Hartnell did with Takeover Target. The only difference is that he had a horse that wasn't right in the leg and we've got a player who isn't right in the head."

While Carney has not been charged by police, McIntyre said he should have learnt from his previous mistakes after last year being stood down by the club and ordered to undergo 200 hours of community service for his third driving offence.

"The fact he was there and the fact he let himself get into this situation is very disappointing," McIntrye said. "One of the concerns I have is whether we as a club didn't take our eye off the ball."

The security guard who barred Carney last Sunday night claimed the Raiders star was trashing the reputation of his side and has a long history of misbehaviour - especially towards women.

Breaking his silence on the wild scenes at All Bar Nun last Sunday night that led to a complaint levelled against Carney for allegedly urinating on a patron, bouncer Ben Casey said Raiders management needed to take urgent action against their wayward halfback.

"The rest of the players aren't the problem - it's Todd Carney," he said. "He's ruining the reputation of the team and he has been doing it for years. It's just one little p---head who can't control his grog.

"His attitude towards women is nothing short of disgraceful. He barks at women because he thinks they are dogs. I've seen it for many years. The Sunday night before, he had to be quietly asked to leave for barking at a girl. He is the perfect example of someone who shouldn't drink.

"The other players are embarrassed by his actions. Adrian Purtell called me [on Monday morning] to apologise for what happened."

Tilse, who used to live with Carney, is believed to furious about being dragged into the incident between his teammate and a friend who had visited from interstate to watch him play against the Roosters that afternoon. Tilse's friend alleged that Carney had urinated on him but later withdrew the complaint to police.

The Raiders players were involved in the decision to stand down Carney and Goodwin from tomorrow's match but Canberra chief executive Don Furner said that was done to lessen the disruption on the team's preparations due to the police investigation. However, McIntyre said Carney's teammates were becoming "frustrated" with his behaviour.

"They'd be like all of us and if anything, the players would probably be more frustrated than we are because they're there day in and day out whereas we're on the sidelines looking on," he said. "We're like the handle to a mug, we're on it, we're not in it."


Staff member
Steve Irwin: Raiders told me to lie to save Todd Carney

By Dean Ritchie
July 24, 2008 12:00am


Spilling the beans ... sacked Raider Steve Irwin in Brisbane yesterday. Photograph: Steve Pohlner

SACKED Canberra player Steve Irwin last night explosively claimed Raiders management asked him to lie to police to save star Todd Carney from jail.

Irwin was sacked in June 2007 after a high-speed police pursuit with Carney driving.
Carney was later charged with driving with a suspended licence, but Irwin said he lied to save Carney from the more serious charge of driving under the influence.
Irwin said Raiders management asked him to cover-up Carney's guilt.
He was told to lie to police by saying he asked Carney - who had his licence suspended at the time - to drive home after a night out after consuming several drinks himself.
More seriously, Irwin alleged Canberra asked him to tell police Carney was not drunk - claims which could force police to reopen their investigation.
Raiders chairman John McIntyre last night aggressively denied the allegations.
Already unlicensed, Carney abandoned the car in a dead-end street after the police chase, leaving Irwin behind.
He narrowly escaped jail after being found guilty of the lesser charges of fleeing police and driving while disqualified.
Had Irwin told police Carney had been drinking, it is possible the Raiders star would have been jailed.
Despite lying to save his mate, Irwin was left stunned when he was sacked three days later after being led to believe he would be only fined a day's pay.
He has since retired from rugby league after playing in the local Brisbane competition.
It was alleged that Carney urinated on a fellow patron at the All Bar Nun nightclub in Canberra last Sunday. The complaint against Carney, from a friend of teammate Dane Tilse, was yesterday withdrawn.
But an angry Irwin said: "I lied to police for him and I haven't heard from him since. No 'thank you'.
"Key figures at Canberra told me to lie."
(Irwin named two Canberra officials but their names have been withheld for legal reasons).
"Canberra told me that I had to say to police that I asked Todd to drive. That was so he would only be charged with being unlicensed and wouldn't go to jail.
"I was worried about Todd going to jail.
"They asked me to say he wasn't p . . . . . and that would keep him out of jail. Todd was begging me not to go to jail.
"He was sending text messages saying we have to stick to our story.
"They said to say he hadn't been drinking. They were going to deduct me a day's pay for drinking while injured. That was all.
"Three days later I was in a cafe being sacked.
"I lost a contract worth $80,000. The only option Canberra gave me was to play for (feeder club) Souths Logan."
McIntyre was furious at Irwin's claims.
"Absolute bloody rubbish," McIntyre said.
"Irwin lacks credibility and discipline. That's why he has retired from footy. Wynnum (in Brisbane) didn't want him."
Asked why Irwin would make such allegations, McIntyre said: "Because he's dirty on us."
Carney was unavailable yesterday for comment while his manager David Riolo did not return calls.
The Raiders will convene a special board meeting this Saturday to discuss the dramas involving Carney and teammate Bronx Goodwin, who was yesterday charged with two counts of assault following a fight, also outside All Bar Nun on Sunday night.
Goodwin was summonsed to appear in ACT Magistrates with a hearing date to be determined.
Asked did Carney have a drinking problem, McIntyre said: "That's putting it mildly. It certainly sounds like the case.
"Counselling is one option but I don't want to pre-empt what the board and management will do.
"It is extremely disappointing.
"We were just starting to get some momentum and now this. It is certainly a dampener.
"We will sit down at the board meeting and look at the situation. We are very conscious of our responsibility to the game and the club."
A tiring NRL chief executive David Gallop is monitoring proceedings closely.
"It's difficult to comment but they are serious allegations which are a matter for police if he (Irwin) wished to pursue them," Gallop said.
Canberra CEO Don Furner stressed Goodwin and Carney would remain suspended pending the ongoing investigation.
"ACT policing has concluded their investigation in regards to the weekend's incidents, and the Raiders will now begin deciding on a course of action internally," Furner said.
"At this stage both Bronx and Todd will remain suspended by the club, and their futures will be decided following consultation with the Raiders board, coaching staff and playing group.
"The Raiders take the issue of off-field behaviour very seriously, and will assess the situation involving both Bronx and Todd before deciding on any further action."

Irwin's claim Raiders made him lie 'a stunt'

Andrew Webster and Glenn Jackson | July 25, 2008

THE credibility and motives of former Raiders player Steve Irwin have come under question after he accused the club of forcing him to lie to police to salvage the career of troubled teammate Todd Carney.

Police remain undecided about how to deal with Irwin's comments that Raiders officials told him to tell police Carney was not drunk after he had led them on a car chase through suburban streets in Irwin's car in May last year. The Raiders immediately threatened legal action after a Sydney newspaper published the claims yesterday.

"ACT Policing is assessing the claims purported to be made by Mr Irwin," said an ACT police spokesman, who would not confirm if officers had spoken to Irwin. "Police won't discuss the specific nature of its inquires."

Raiders general manager Don Furner said: "At the time of the incident and with police present, Irwin was advised by club officials to fully co-operate with police and tell the truth in regard to everything involved with the incident, including identification of the driver of the vehicle at the time."

Irwin's has gone to ground and his mobile phone was turned off yesterday but there were suggestions he had made his claims out of spite. The Raiders sacked him over the incident last year after following a lack of commitment to rehab following a knee reconstruction. He returned to Queensland club football but retired a month ago.

Carney remained at the club but had to undergo 200 hours of community service and placed on a good behaviour bond after the matter went to court. He signed a $1.6 million deal earlier this year.

Carney's manager, David Riolo, slammed Irwin's comments as a "publicity stunt" and accused his client's former teammate of "jealousy".

"Was he paid?" Riolo asked. "It surprises me that he's come out to make a ridiculous statement like this. It looks to me like a disgruntled player who couldn't make the grade trying to have a go at someone who did.

"Todd Carney didn't lie, Canberra didn't lie. Obviously Steve Irwin is saying he lied, but I find it very hard to believe that anyone in Canberra told them to lie. Maybe he's looking for a bit of publicity. I think his credibility's severely in question. It seems like sour grapes and jealousy."

Irwin's former manager, David Phillips, who was acting for the now-retired player at the time he was sacked, said he had no recollection of Raiders officials asking Irwin to protect Carney.

"No, not at all," he said. "If he's claiming it, he's claiming it. But I don't know about it."


Staff member
Steve Irwin will help police in Todd Carney saga

By Dean Ritchie | July 25, 2008 12:00am



Standing by his claims ... former Raider Steve Irwin. Photograph: Steve Pohlner / The Daily Telegraph

SACKED Raiders player Steve Irwin last night stood by his explosive claim that he lied to police to save Canberra star Todd Carney from jail - and vowed to assist in any new investigation. ACT police were yesterday considering reopening the investigation into Carney's high-speed police pursuit in June last year, after Irwin claimed Canberra officials asked him to falsely tell police Carney was not drinking at the time.
The club has vigorously denied the allegations.
Irwin, who was a passenger in the car driven by Carney on the night in question, sensationally alleged in yesterday's The Daily Telegraph that he lied to police to spare Carney a jail sentence.
Irwin was sacked from the club soon after the incident.
Yesterday, he said he would answer any questions the police may have, while his father David vowed to sell the family home to pay for a high-powered legal team if his son's claims ended up in court.
"I'll help the police, I'll tell them everything," Irwin said yesterday.
"I lied to them once, I won't be doing it again. I'll be more than happy to name names.
"If Canberra want legal action, then that's fine. Absolutely I'll go ahead with it. But they won't. They know they're stuffed."
Canberra CEO Don Furner yesterday aggressively dismissed Irwin's claims, saying he had been instructed to be forthright and honest to the police.
But Irwin's father David last night said he would be prepared to sell the family home in Brisbane to ensure his son was legally represented should the matter go to court.
"I spoke to my Dad this morning and he said he would be prepared to sell the house to help me," Irwin said. "I promised I'd tell the truth this time. In fact I hope the cops do get involved. I want this whole thing cleaned up. Let's sort it all out.
"I lied the first time and thought it was all right. I thought I was doing the Raiders a favour but they gave me an ultimatum - take some money and go."
The Raiders privately claimed they sacked Irwin because of off-field issues.
Yesterday, Furner vehemently denied Irwin's accusations against the club.
"The Raiders are taking this issue very seriously and have sought legal advice in relation to Irwin's comments," he said.
"At the time of the incident and with police present, Irwin was advised by club officials to fully co-operate with police and tell the truth in regard to everything involved with the incident, including identification of the driver of the vehicle at the time."
ACT Police yesterday confirmed they were investigating Irwin's claims.
"All we can say at this time is that ACT Policing is assessing the claims purported to be made by Mr Irwin," a statement said.
"Police will not enter into the specific nature of its inquiries."
Irwin's father confirmed he would put his house up for sale to gather money for any possible court case against Canberra.
"I don't want to take Canberra on but if I have to, I will," Mr Irwin said.
"I'm fully supportive of Steve and I would sell the house to make sure he gets the right deal. I just don't want to see him get shafted again.
"The truth must prevail.
"I was brought up in a footy culture and in the '60s and '70s, loyalty was everything."
Last night, Steve Irwin denied his claims against the Raiders were made because he was sacked, but admitted he still held some ill-feeling towards the club.
"I'm dirty with the Raiders," he said.
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Let's see Steve, you let someone with a suspended license drive your car in a dangerous manner whilst you knew they were under the influence of alcohol, and then you lied to Police about it.

Whilst Todd certainly has a case to answer, let's not forget what a spectacular f**kwit one Steve Irwin is.

The fact that Steve's former manager knows absolutely nothing about Steve being coerced to lie to Police is very revealling.


I'm fully supportive of Steve and I would sell the house to make sure he gets the right deal.
The right deal?

Are these pieces of sh*t attempting to get compensation for spectacular f**kwit Steve Irwin's irresponsible actions?


Jesus Bay.

How many times can we look the other way while he carrys on like a wanker?

Releasing Dobson was a HUGE mistake if for no reason that he KNOWS he can effectively do whatever the f**k he wants because there's noone to replace him.

Herbert NEEDS to play the next two games to belt the following fact into Carney: You are NOT irreplacable. You are NOT bigger than the Canberra Raiders.

Unless he understands that, he'll never change.
I think it will hurt us, but I agree 100%.


How the hell do you go from saying sack and deregister him, to defending him at every turn Raider?

It's pretty damn obvious something happened, what does Dane Tilse's mate have to gain from lying about it?


Post Whore
As someone who has successfully outrun Police whilst heavily inebriated I will respectfully disagree with your assertion.

Doing better then me mate, last time i ran whilst smashed i barely got 200 metres before stumbling to the ground and being nabbed by a big fat tongan fello who gave me a little roughing up:lol:

Bluesbreaker, i said initially "if the allergations are found to be true" meaning, if the allergation about him purposely urinating on someone is true then he should be sacked, as it turns out, it wasnt true, hence the charges were dropped so im well within my grounds to now defend him


Bluesbreaker, i said initially "if the allergations are found to be true" meaning, if the allergation about him purposely urinating on someone is true then he should be sacked, as it turns out, it wasnt true, hence the charges were dropped so im well within my grounds to now defend him
Hang on a second, dropping the charges does not mean that the incident never occurred. Remember this is Dane Tilse's mate we're talking about, and you can bet your life that Dane, if not the club itself, made a polite suggestion to not involve the cops with his complaint.

As I have said before, I wouldn't involve the cops in such a complaint. In fact, I've seen enough inapproriate pig responses to such complaints that I know I'd be completely wasting my time.


Post Whore
Hang on a second, dropping the charges does not mean that the incident never occurred. Remember this is Dane Tilse's mate we're talking about, and you can bet your life that Dane, if not the club itself, made a polite suggestion to not involve the cops with his complaint.

As I have said before, I wouldn't involve the cops in such a complaint. In fact, I've seen enough inapproriate pig responses to such complaints that I know I'd be completely wasting my time.

he hasnt been charged which means he's either convince the victum to drop the charges, there was a lack of evidence to persue the charges or the victum dropped the charges volentarily.
Either way its not proven he did anything wrong so he is legally in the clear, there for innocent of said charges


he hasnt been charged which means he's either convince the victum to drop the charges, there was a lack of evidence to persue the charges or the victum dropped the charges volentarily.
Either way its not proven he did anything wrong so he is legally in the clear, there for innocent of said charges
This is pure head in the sand nonsense.
I just hope Herbert has a good solid game. He's behind a hardworking and enthusiastic set of forwards and his outside men are on fire. Perfect scenario for a halfback's debut.

He's a really good kid. Intelligent, hard working, articulate and possessed of a social conscience.

I'd much rather hear entirely inappropriate gags from the footy show about "Herb" playing for the "Green", than anything to do with "Trough Man" Carney.

Go Herbert. Go The Green Machine. Grow up Toddy.

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