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Rape allegation


nrl was in the news for all the right reasons this morning (dally m awards) and semi finals this weekend,and now rape allegations ffs i hope this is not true this will take the shine off the semis if not resovled quickly

The Colonel

Pantherjim. said:
Let's just let the N.S.W. Police and The Wests Tigers Board complete their investigation. If there is truth behind the allegations we should all support whatever criminal charges are laid by the Police and whatever disciplinary measures the Wests Tigers board takes.

Pretty much it.


the female involved stated she may have been assaulted.yes or no or maybe cant remember wtf


LeagueUnlimited News Editor
Staff member
If any Wests Tigers supporter thinks that Bulldogs supporters of any walk of life are taking joy or comfort out of this, think again.

This is bad thing for the GAME, not just Tigers fans, if proven true. Unlike a lot of opposition fans here, if proven true, I won't be going around labelling Tigers 'rapists' and whatnot. All we know so far is that the alleged event occured at the apartment of one of the Tigers players. Past that, I don't want to speculate, and I pray it's not true.

Having said that, no doubt innsaneink will find something to attack for.


Tigers cheer girl in 'drug rape'

September 06, 2006

POLICE are investigating claims that a cheerleader was raped in an attack at a unit owned by a Wests Tigers player.
The woman, believed to be part of the club's cheer squad, believes she may have been drugged then raped at an apartment block in Abbotsford, Sydney.

But a New South Wales Police spokeswoman would not confirm a radio report that suggested the alleged incident involved first-grade players.

The police spokeswoman said a 26-year-old woman told officers she may have been sexually assaulted on Monday at a unit in Five Dock, in Sydney's inner west.

"Detectives from the Child Protection and Sex Crimes Squad and Burwood Local Area Command are investigating an alleged sex assault at Five Dock on Monday,'' she said.

"At 10.40am on Monday, a 26-year-old female attended Parramatta police station and alleged that she may have been sexually assaulted at a home unit in Five Dock.''

Questioned about her use of the words "may have been sexually assaulted'', the police spokesman stood by the formulation used.

The phrase is believed to refer to concerns the woman had been drugged - and that details were therefore unclear.

Wests Tigers chief executive Steve Noyce confirmed the woman had made the allegation that she may have been sexually assaulted on early Monday morning “at a place where both Wests Tigers players and others were present’’.

“We are not aware at this stage of any specific allegation against a Wests Tigers player and the club is very keen to work with the police to establish what may or may not have taken place,’’ Noyce said.

The claim that the attack involved first-grade players was made by 2GB presenter Ray Hadley.

"A club involved in the NRL is currently investigating allegations of a rape involving a number of first-grade players,'' Hadley said.

"I've had two different sources from the NRL confirm that they have been advised by the club that police are investigating allegations that a young woman claims she was sexually assaulted last night.''

"The club at this time is meeting behind closed doors to discuss exactly what they will do in relation to all the media inquiries they are getting.''



Spot on dodge. I'm fairly sure I didn't make one rape comment toward bulldogs fans. It's not on.

Anyway the whole allegation seems very wishy washy. I'm not insinuating the woman(en?) are lying, just that they ain't sure if a sexual assault happened and if it did there's a reasonable chance the perpetrators weren't Tigers. Let's hope the best possible outcome for Rugby League (and my Tiges) and the women involved comes out of this.


You have no idea about the details of the allegations, yet you call them "wishy washy"?

The best possible outcome is that justice is served. Personally i dont give a f**k if Rugby league or the tigers suffers a black eye. If it happened, then maybe they will all wake up to themselves.

If nothing comes out of it, that is just as good.


Have a read of what I wrote again. Evidently you've jumped the gun simply because I'm a Tigers' fans posting about this issue.

I hope justice is served, but hopefully that justice is that nothing needs to be done and because nothing happened. If something did happen, I hope the people or players involved are hit with the book.


[furrycat] said:
You have no idea about the details of the allegations, yet you call them "wishy washy"?

The details the police are divulging are that she was drugged and therefore thinks she MAY have been sexuall assaulted. The only inference I was making is that there is at least a decent chance nothing happened, which would be a brilliant outcome for all involved, as was written in the post you evidently skim read.


Balmain_Boy said:
The details the police are divulging are that she was drugged and therefore thinks she MAY have been sexuall assaulted. The only inference I was making is that there is at least a decent chance nothing happened, which would be a brilliant outcome for all involved, as was written in the post you evidently skim read.

Decent chance?

That is not up for you to decide and you are not an expert to determine from a biased media report.

The police don't make inferences like that and neither should anyone. People not believing allegations because they sound "wishy washy" is a reason why so many girls are afraid to stand up when they are sexually assaulted.


Balmain_Boy said:
Have a read of what I wrote again. Evidently you've jumped the gun simply because I'm a Tigers' fans posting about this issue.

I hope justice is served, but hopefully that justice is that nothing needs to be done and because nothing happened. If something did happen, I hope the people or players involved are hit with the book.


I didn't even look at your username when I was replying, hence nothing to do with who you support.


[furrycat] said:
Decent chance?

That is not up for you to decide and you are not an expert to determine from a biased media report.
So i'm not allowed to form opinions on what information has filtered through? It's not like i'm involved in an judicial decisions or investigations, nor am I casting judgment on any of the parties involved.
The police don't make inferences like that and neither should anyone. People not believing allegations because they sound "wishy washy" is a reason why so many girls are afraid to stand up when they are sexually assaulted.

The police are saying
At 10.40am on Monday, a 26-year-old female attended Parramatta police station and alleged that she may have been sexually assaulted at a home unit in Five Dock
I did not mean to infer the allegation itself is lacking in credibility - obviously I wouldn't have a clue. Rather that the women has made unequivocal allegation of rape, there is a good chance nothing did transpire. Of course there is also a good chance something did.

I'll say it one more time. I'm not making any judgments on the validity of the allegations or the good standing of the woman's character etc. More that she is not alleging sexual assault definitely occurred, but that she has was drugged and may have been assaulted. Given these facts, the best outcome for all involved is that she was NOT assaulted is it not? You seem to think an equally good outcome would be that she WAS raped and the offenders are prosecuted. I'm sure any victim will tell you they'd prefer that they had never been raped rather than having the offenders prosecuted.

I sincerely don't know why you are getting so tetchy. I've made it perfectly clear that I hope
a) No assault occurred and everyone can get on with their lives.
b) Failing that, the offenders are prosecuted no matter WHO they are.

You seem indifferent between the two options.

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