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Rape allegation

[furrycat] said:
The police don't make inferences like that and neither should anyone. People not believing allegations because they sound "wishy washy" is a reason why so many girls are afraid to stand up when they are sexually assaulted.
This is one of the dumbest comments I have ever heard, did you have your brain in gear before you stated it or do you always make these type of inane comments, believing allegations and jumping to conclusions is why peoples lives have been ruined in the past, as someone said before mud sticks….

I would rather believe in facts and not allegations, until any allegation becomes proven thats all it is, an allegation.


Balmain_Boy said:
So i'm not allowed to form opinions on what information has filtered through? It's not like i'm involved in an judicial decisions or investigations, nor am I casting judgment on any of the parties involved.

The police are saying

I did not mean to infer the allegation itself is lacking in credibility - obviously I wouldn't have a clue. Rather that the women has made unequivocal allegation of rape, there is a good chance nothing did transpire. Of course there is also a good chance something did.

I'll say it one more time. I'm not making any judgments on the validity of the allegations or the good standing of the woman's character etc. More that she is not alleging sexual assault definitely occurred, but that she has was drugged and may have been assaulted. Given these facts, the best outcome for all involved is that she was NOT assaulted is it not? You seem to think an equally good outcome would be that she WAS raped and the offenders are prosecuted. I'm sure any victim will tell you they'd prefer that they had never been raped before.

Again, hypocritical. You are just as bad as Ink and make the assumption I see that it happened and I think that is a good thing. I've known people who have been sexually assaulted and I agree that they would prefer to not be assaulted... I resent the fact you make the assumption, same as inky, that I see this as a good thing. Its horrible and anyone who sexually assaults a female in any way should be shot and then shot again.

But nitpicking at the word may? Please... It is the same as the word alleged. No details are being released for a REASON. The NSW police handled the Bulldogs incident TERRIBLY. They leaked reports, they made allegations, and they jeopardised the case by doing silly things. You think Iemma wants to see that happen again? Why do you think the police are refusing to confirm any details at this time?

More that she is not alleging sexual assault definitely occurred
:roll: Because the media said that? The girl hasn't publically stated that and you have no idea what the nature of the allegations are.

The women was drugged, and she believes she has been sexually assaulted. It won't take long to find out if she has and then we'll see what happens. I've NEVER said it is a good thing if she has been raped and justice occurs :roll: I would rather it didn't happen but maybe you should stop 'jumping the gun' yourself and making assumptions.


The Fruit Pickers said:
This is one of the dumbest comments I have ever heard, did you have your brain in gear before you stated it or do you always make these type of inane comments, believing allegations and jumping to conclusions is why peoples lives have been ruined in the past, as someone said before mud sticks….

I would rather believe in facts and not allegations, until any allegation becomes proven thats all it is, an allegation.

You've misinterpreted it.


Saying just because it is an allegation you don't have to take it seriously... wow, I'd love to live in a state governed by you.


I think some people need to learn how to read before making assumptions that make no sense :O

Its called reading slower
[furrycat] said:
You've misinterpreted it.


Saying just because it is an allegation you don't have to take it seriously... wow, I'd love to live in a state governed by you.
I dont think so

Where did I say anything of the sort, of course an allegation should be taken seriously, by the authorities…what you said in no way reflected that, you said people, not the authorities, people can mean anyone, Joe Bloggs down the road, and believe, not taken seriously. The Police should take an allegation seriously does not mean people should believe an allegation…you should choose your words better in future….

On the tiles

dubopov said:
Anyone else why the Child Protection Unit is involved in the investigations ???

The child protection and sex crimes more the second half of the investigating unit will be investigating.

State goverment cost cutting causes these types of divisions to merge


[furrycat] said:
Again, hypocritical. You are just as bad as Ink and make the assumption I see that it happened and I think that is a good thing. I've known people who have been sexually assaulted and I agree that they would prefer to not be assaulted... I resent the fact you make the assumption, same as inky, that I see this as a good thing. Its horrible and anyone who sexually assaults a female in any way should be shot and then shot again.
I was only making the assumption because I feel you've done the same to me mate. You seemed to assume I want the Tigers players to get away with it which from post 1 I've made clear is not my view on the matter.
But nitpicking at the word may? Please... It is the same as the word alleged. No details are being released for a REASON. The NSW police handled the Bulldogs incident TERRIBLY. They leaked reports, they made allegations, and they jeopardised the case by doing silly things. You think Iemma wants to see that happen again? Why do you think the police are refusing to confirm any details at this time?
Not nitpicking the word may at all. Picture two girls, both telling the truth as far as I know it. They allege:
Girl 1) I was drugged and raped.
Girl 2) I was drugged and may have been raped. I can't remember.

To me it seems that there is no doubt what has happened to girl 1 provided she is telling the truth. Girl 2 on the other hand MAY not have been raped as she herself has said. I would imagine the majority of allegations do not take the form of the latter.

:roll: Because the media said that? The girl hasn't publically stated that and you have no idea what the nature of the allegations are.

No because the POLICE said that THE VICTIM said she may have been raped:

Questioned about her use of the words "may have been sexually assaulted'', the police spokesman stood by the formulation used.

Understand? The POLICE are saying that THE VICTIM alleges that she MAY have been raped. The POLICE are not the ones saying that she MAY have been raped, the VICTIM is. That's a much better sign than the victim saying she WAS raped.

The women was drugged, and she believes she has been sexually assaulted. It won't take long to find out if she has and then we'll see what happens. I've NEVER said it is a good thing if she has been raped and justice occurs :roll: I would rather it didn't happen but maybe you should stop 'jumping the gun' yourself and making assumptions.


She believes she MAY have been raped in the words of the police.

You're the one that jumped the gun before reading the f**king article.


Then why did NBN news say the girl believes she was raped?

Heres a thought.

Dont f**king believe everything you read and hear and stop nit picking.


El Diablo said:
claustrophobics can also be given rohypnol if they need an MRI. they would be concious at the time too.

I think they are given Valium which is much 'gentler'...


NBN news vs a police statement. Which do you honestly think holds more weight?

I would suggest believing a news report over a police statement would be speculating.


[furrycat] said:
Dont f**king believe everything you read and hear and stop nit picking.

What the f**k? You are the one deciding to believe NBN news over a police statement.

Telling me to stop nitpicking? Why don't you address my argument instead of making snide comments on how I should form my opinions.


Balmain_Boy said:
What the f**k? You are the one deciding to believe NBN news over a police statement.

Telling me to stop nitpicking? Why don't you address my argument instead of making snide comments on how I should form my opinions.

The NBN newsreader said the police issued a statement saying that.

Read again and stop being a sook.


[furrycat] said:
Then why did NBN news say the girl believes she was raped?

Heres a thought.

Dont f**king believe everything you read and hear and stop nit picking.
Probably because they are a two bit TV station who can't comprehend a simple police statement.


[furrycat] said:
The NBN newsreader said the police issued a statement saying that.

Read again and stop being a sook.

So you are taking as goespel what a news outlet says about the police statement and I am doing the same, yet you accuse ME of believing everything I see and hear? Hypocrisy anyone?

The news article specifically mentions that the police spokesman STUCK to their original words when questioned about it. Given the article makes specific mention of it, I doubt they've just made it up or misinterpreted it.

On the other hand it's very likely that NBN accidentally ommitted 'may' from their story.



Go back up a few posts and maybe read what I said about the media.

Until then, enjoy the off season. Because I have nothing to say to someone who selectively argues