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Rate the coach - week 1


If you can draw a simple learning curve (where learning is not uniform over the years), you might understand.

Otherwise, pull your head in.

Straight Shooter

Gee. So sorry to interrupt you while you're busy celebrating a dragons loss. How very rude of me.

Just remember not to interrupt me when my team wins.
You have been watching to many sharks games Deano

I have to agree with most that Mary got his interchange completely wrong.

More concerning was that when the greater possession switched after that initial 15 minutes, the side looked a bit shell shocked, lost composure and structure. Mary took to long to get the message out there to adjust the edge defence.

All up I thought a great effort from the boys for round one.

Rein must go! But wait till round 3


Mary gets a 7 for me the first 15 minutes we were great the boys had no ball for the next 15 minutes due to a few mistakes. Mary isn't dropping the ball the players are & we need to keep this in context we lost by two points if we had of won this thread would look completely different with the opinions posted. I'm sure Mary should have given Havilli more time his direct running & punch out of dummy half was evident when he finally came on . We caught the storm off guard early & if it wasn't for some favorable refs decisions I don't think they would of turned it around


6/10 for me.
Poor decision with duges/aitken defensive edge swap(but it is only rd 1).
Good fwd rotation and did have them up and out of the blocks strongly.
Attack was still looking a little unorganised though and for once should of just blasted the refs in the presser for an inept performance and asked for more of a go.
Would of been worth the fine seeing its rd 1 and we are still getting shafted/walked all over.


I thought the interchange was very Bennett like. To see how the players would go without fresh legs and we held our own. We got beat by dud ref calls not the Storm.

Slippery Morris

First Grade
Took on one of the best coaches and lost by 1 penalty goal. Wow harsh markers.

1st try was from an assist from Mann. Good coaching. Then Koribeti ran around Dugan. You can't beat speed and the compressed defence was poor. That was the bad but then 2nd half I did not see that happen again so he identified the issue and fixed it in the 2nd half. Good coaching. Obviously he can fix things in a half time break which to me is pretty good. As for interchange, that was strange I admit. Rein was making some good runs but he should have given Havili more time for sure.


Rate the coach , or players . If Im rating for effort Id give a 10 to both coach and players . The effort is there but as always we seem to do it hard. There seems to be no plan B when things dont happen....... For Mary I give him a 10 for his effort 6 for his coaching....
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First Grade

Use of interchange needs to be refined as it will for all coaches, experienced or not.

Use of outside backs in defence, duges too slow to turn, aitken being quick off the mark was our only hope against the Lightning pace of Korobete. Failed experiment. Adjusted late.

I also think we were too flat in attack, especially duges. Hopefully we learn from this as well and adjust.

As we saw over the weekend with all teams with new combos, it will take alittle time to adjust and gel.

We have plenty of work to do and also plenty to be optemistic about.


A bit early to be putting shit on Mary. First Game . Some of the comments in this thread I believe will be jammed down some of the posters ????????????????????????.
I am sticking with him. After a few weeks we can re-evaluate.

On yer Mary.



First Grade
A bit early to be putting shit on Mary. First Game . Some of the comments in this thread I believe will be jammed down some of the posters ????????????????????????.
I am sticking with him. After a few weeks we can re-evaluate.

On yer Mary.


Well said LaceLot, knives have come out WAY to early, ludicrous. you would think we just got spanked by 50 against the Tigers the way some people are carrying on. Were we perfect? No but we have good things coming out way.


Well said LaceLot, knives have come out WAY to early, ludicrous. you would think we just got spanked by 50 against the Tigers the way some people are carrying on. Were we perfect? No but we have good things coming out way.

I agree. People need to relax. We lost to a team that hasn't lost 1st round in nearly a decade at their home ground who had 15 players on the Park. We did some good things and we did some bad but as the combinations develop we will start to see more good than bad.


COACH.....What coach 1/10 on this weeks effort.
You should have actually watched the game before commenting.

We played the one of the toughest teams in the game. In Melbourne. Shafted by the refs. And lost by 2. Yeah Einstein, terrible effort.
You should have actually watched the game before commenting.

We played the one of the toughest teams in the game. In Melbourne. Shafted by the refs. And lost by 2. Yeah Einstein, terrible effort.

That winning mentality right there, folks :roll:

Straight Shooter


A bit early to be putting shit on Mary. First Game . Some of the comments in this thread I believe will be jammed down some of the posters ????????????????????????.
I am sticking with him. After a few weeks we can re-evaluate.

On yer Mary.


Well said LaceLot, knives have come out WAY to early, ludicrous. you would think we just got spanked by 50 against the Tigers the way some people are carrying on. Were we perfect? No but we have good things coming out way.

I agree. People need to relax. We lost to a team that hasn't lost 1st round in nearly a decade at their home ground who had 15 players on the Park. We did some good things and we did some bad but as the combinations develop we will start to see more good than bad.

I'm sorry, is this thread not about rating the coaches performance for round 1? Bunch of high-and-mighty do-gooders claiming we are carrying on...the fact is that no, the coaching wasn't near perfect and there was a whole bunch of areas that could have been lifted from the coach and won us the game.

No one is calling for Mary's head yet, except for OV. But he's gotta up his game.

Old Timer

The coach is responsible for picking the players and outlining the game plan to be followed.

Skills coaches, attack coaches etc etc take care of all the rest by the look of it.

Without seeing the actual game plan hard to know what the team achieved in relation to it.

However if the game plan had centre to wing and vice versa for defence, boring 1 out plays, 1 set move, halves not taking control at clutch moments of the game and a fairly mixed use of the interchange bench then he must get 10 because we did achieve all of that.


Mary gets a 7 for me the first 15 minutes we were great the boys had no ball for the next 15 minutes due to a few mistakes. Mary isn't dropping the ball the players are & we need to keep this in context we lost by two points if we had of won this thread would look completely different with the opinions posted. I'm sure Mary should have given Havilli more time his direct running & punch out of dummy half was evident when he finally came on . We caught the storm off guard early & if it wasn't for some favorable refs decisions I don't think they would of turned it around

FFS...coach isnt dropping the ball etc.
Used to regularly see this crud excuse when Chinless was at the helm..

No one is calling for Mary's head yet, except for OV. But he's gotta up his game.

First and foremost, I wish the team every success. I simply hate losing.

But I suspect we'll be singing from the same hymn book by the end of the year. Hope I'm wrong (unlikely).

Straight Shooter


Memories came flooding back to the last time Duges was playing in the centers. He is not a right center and just because he wants to play there, doesn't mean Mary should put him there.

This compressed defense plan worked fine last year until opposition coaches got wise to it. To try and pull this off against the Storm was madness. Leaving 20 odd mtrs between Dugan and the sideline was just plain stupid. Nightingale should have been on the right wing.

It was Mann's first run at fullback and for me, he did not impress. Jittery under the high ball and no real mtrs gained in ball return tells me he is just another Quinlan.

Our kicking strategy was poor. Billy lapped it up and we kept feeding it right down his throat.

Our forward pack was good - Packer, Ah Mau and Cooper were great.

Mary got a 4 from me. He will not learn from this game because the same mistakes were made last year.

I’d like to see:
1. Duges
2. Milne
3. Aitken
4. Lafia
5. Nightingale
6. Widdop
7. Marshall
8. Ah Mau
9. Havili
10. Paker
11. Thompson
12. Frizell
13. Cooper


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