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Raw Super Thread 2010 Spoilers

zombie jesus

Staff member
WWE Monday Night RAW Results 5/24/10
By Marc Middleton
May 24, 2010 - 8:38:53 PM

- Tonight's WWE RAW kicks off with a video package with highlights from the I Quit Match at last night's Over the Limit pay-per-view. We go to the normal RAW opening video before the pyro goes off inside the Huntington Center in Toledo, Ohio. Michael Cole welcomes us to RAW.

- Justin Roberts introduces Batista and out he comes. Batista is slow to come out from the back, limping and wearing his arm in a sling. Two referees are helping Batista down the ramp and to the ring. Classic Batista here. A wheelchair is waiting in the ring and Batista takes a seat in it. Batista demands his spotlight be put on him.

Batista admits it, he said two words last night he thought he never would say. He said it because he felt his life was being threatened. Batista says he is thinking about filing a lawsuit against John Cena, WWE and every fan for supporting what happened to him last night. Batista says he could stoop to "John Lena's" levels but he won't. Batista says now because of injuries, he's out of action for weeks, months and maybe years. Batista says he will be back healthier than ever and stronger than ever. Batista says one way or the other, he will get a rematch because he deserves one.

Justin Roberts interrupts on the mic and presents RAW's new General Manager. The music hits and out comes Bret Hart. Bret's the new RAW General Manager. Bret marches to the ring as Batista throws a fit and tells him to get out of here, still sitting in the wheelchair.

Bret takes the mic and says there's a new sheriff in town. Bret says what he says, goes. Bret talks about the new Fatal 4 Way pay-per-view in June. Bret says Cena's opponents will be determined tonight. Bret says Batista can earn a shot by qualifying right now. Batista says he's sitting in a wheelchair. Bret says he knows he's hurt, but so is Batista's opponent, Randy Orton. The crowd pops for Orton's name. Batista says he will quit, leave the company and the whole business if Bret makes this. Bret announces that due to a forfeit, Batista loses and Orton qualifies for the Fatal 4 Way pay-per-view. Bret's music hits and he walks off. Batista is screaming for him to get back here. Batista says everyone is nothing without him. Batista says WWE will go bankrupt without him. Batista is throwing a fit in his wheelchair, threatening to quit. Batista screams out "I quit" and throws the mic. Batista stands up to leave the ring and down come the WWE referees to help him out. The crowd starts singing goodbye to Batista. Batista tells everyone they can kiss his ass as he sits back in the wheelchair and they wheel him up the ramp. We go to commercial.

WWE Fatal 4 Way Qualifying Match: Mark Henry vs. Sheamus

We go to the ring and out comes Mark Henry for the first Fatal 4 Way qualifying match. Out next is his opponent Sheamus. The bell rings and they lock up. Henry knocks Sheamus down with a shoulder block. Sheamus fires away with right hands but Henry responds with a scoop slam. Henry clotheslines Sheamus over the top rope and to the floor.

Sheamus comes back in but gets clotheslined by Henry. Sheamus hits a boot to the head and takes Henry's knee out. Sheamus starts stomping on Henry and dropping knees. Sheamus works on Henry's shoulder now. Henry comes back with a headbutt but Sheamus takes him down by the injured arm. More back and forth until Henry hits a big splash in the center of the ring for a 2 count.

Henry misses a splash in the corner and Sheamus goes to the top. Henry tries to bring him down but can't. Sheamus hits the big kick to the head on Henry for the pinfall and the win.

Winner: Sheamus

- It's announced that The Miz will battle R-Truth tonight to determine the new WWE United States Champion since Bret Hart is now the General Manager. We get ready for a commercial.

- Back from the break and Jon Lovitz is backstage talking to Vince McMahon, he says. He says he can be paid in stock. Maryse walks in and introduces herself. Maryse says she has hot photos that would win her Lovitz's Superstars talent search later tonight. Lovitz plugs his comedy club. Lovitz says he has a new submission hold, some finger pinch. He says he's been teaching it to Santino and wants to teach it to Maryse. Lovitz says something in French and it seems to itnerest Maryse. Lovitz says he has millions of dollars and Maryse says she might interested. Lovitz changes his mind and Maryse runs him off.

- We go backstage with Bret Hart and Edge. Edge wants a one-on-one WWE Title match. He says he doesn't even need to qualify for a four-way match. Edge says Randy Orton didn't even really qualify earlier. Edge says he wants to face the beat up John Cena tonight and if he wins, he's in the match. Chris Jericho walks up and says he demands the final spot. Edge and Jericho argue. Bret says it will be Chris Jericho vs. Edge vs. John Cena tonight. If Edge or Jericho wins, the winner qualifies. If Cena wins, they get nothing. Edge says he is a better Champion than Bret or Jericho ever was. And a better Canadian, he says. Edge says he will prove it tonight. Jericho tells Bret to not make an enemy out of himself. Jericho says he will make Bret regret taking this job and walks off. We go to commercial.

Maryse and Alicia Fox vs. Eve and Gail Kim

Back from commercial and Maryse is in the ring with her partner Alicia Fox. Out comes their opponents, Gail Kim and WWE Divas Champion Eve.

The bell rings and Alicia locks up with Gail. Gail goes to the top and takes Alicia down with a head scissors. Gail hits a spear like move in the corner and kicks Maryse on the apron. Gail goes for a roll-up but Alicia counters and tags in Maryse. Maryse comes in to kick Gail in the head and get a 2 count. Gail looks for a tag. Maryse goes to hit Eve but Eve counters and hits her. Eve is tagged in and unloads with dropkicks and a neckbreaker on Maryse. 2 count.

Eve hits the standing moonsault for a 2 count but Alicia breaks the pin up. The referee is distracted and Alicia runs back in and kicks Eve in the head. Maryse takes advantage, hits the French Kiss and gets the win.

Winners: Maryse and Alicia Fox

- We go to a replay of Bret Hart winning the United States Title last week on RAW. Cole talks about Bret giving up the belt tonight as he's now the General Manager. We see R-Truth and The Miz headed to the ring for the US Title match as we go back to commercial.

WWE United States Title Match: R-Truth vs. The Miz

Back from the break and here comes R-Truth for the next match, to crown a new WWE United States Champion. The Miz comes out next and has a mic. He says he's walking out of here with the belt tonight because he's The Miz, and he's awesome. The match starts and Miz strikes first and takes it to the corner. They go back and forth and we take a commercial break.

Back from the break and Miz has been working Truth over on the floor. He brings it back in the ring for a 2 count. Miz continues to control the match and gets another 2 count. Miz drops a knee in Truth's back and works on the arm. Truth fights back now with right hands. Miz kicks him down with a boot to the shoulder. Miz wraps Truth up in the corner and works him over. Miz gets distracted and Truth knocks him to the mat. 2 count by Truth. Truth runs into an elbow in the corner but catches Miz and drops him on his face. Truth hits a dropkick from the top for another 2 count.

More back and forth here. Miz gets a close 2 count. Miz hits an inverted DDT into his knee but Truth counters and rolls him up for a 2 count. Truth goes for the scissors kick but Miz blocks it. Truth hits the Lie Detector for the pinfall, the win and the title.

Winner and New WWE United States Champion: R-Truth

- After the match, Truth celebrates his first major singles title in in WWE as we go to replays.

- We see a replay of Bret Hart being revealed as GM earlier tonight while Batista was throwing a fit in the ring. They show us a replay of Batista quitting also. Cole and Lawler plug tonight's main event.

- We go backstage with Josh Matthews and John Cena. Cena talks about the match with Batista and says it was so brutal. He says it ended Batista's career but it won't end his. Cena says he felt good for the first time in months when Batista quit last night. He talks about the kick in the face from Sheamus last night. Cena talks about being WWE Champion and facing the challenges. Cena says he fights and promises the person who takes the belt from him will have to earn it. Cena says he's tired of accepting challenges, from now on he's making them. Cena says he will rain down a world of hurt on anyone who looks like he's a threat. Cena says he is done playing nice. He says the Cenation is here and walks off. We go to commercial.

- Back from the break and Justin Roberts plugs Jon Lovitz' comedy club and brings out tonight's guest host. Lovitz comes to the ring with a Bella Twin on each arm. The Bellas have to roll Lovitz under the bottom rope. There's a table set up in the ring and Lovitz sits at it with the Bellas. Lovitz says this is going to be a talent show with the WWE Superstars. Out first is The Great Khali and Ranjin Singh, in top hats, tuxedos and canes. They do a dance on the stage. Lovitz sounds the buzzer and stops them.

Next out is Jillian Hall. Before she can even start performing, Lovitz sounds the buzzer and stops her. Lovitz says he takes it the fans don't like her. Lovitz says this is a big waste of time, looking for hidden talents of the WWE stars. Lovitz says the real talent must be in the audience. Fans raise their hand trying to get in the ring. A guy named Joe, wearing a Santino shirt, is brought into the ring. He just might be a plant. His talent is that he can pull his eye out of his face. Lovitz says something about this being PG. The guy starts messing with his eyes and squirts some eye drops into it. He starts smacking his head and pulls out a glass eye. The music hits and out comes Ted DiBiase with Virgil.

Ted takes the mic and says he wants the eyeball. Ted asks the guy how much money does he want for it. The guy says he can't sell his eye. Ted says if he can't buy it, he's going to beat him up and take it. Virgil is flashing money to the guy. Out comes Santino Marella to the ring. Santino says he's been practicing Lovitz' submission hold and he's mastered it. Santino says he's going to apply it on Virgil if Ted doesn't leave the fan alone. Lovitz says the submission hold is not a joke. Santino warns Ted. Santino drops Virgil with the finger pinch of Lovitz. Santino tries it on Ted and it doesn't work. Ted grabs Santino and lays him out with Dream Street. Ted leaves and Lovitz is running his mouth, plugging his comedy club. The segment ends with Lovitz posing with the Bellas. We go to commercial.

The Hart Dynasty vs. William Regal and Vladimir Kozlov

Out to the ring comes WWE's Unified Tag Team Champions, The Hart Dynasty. This is going to be a non-title match. Their opponents, William Regal & Vladimir Kozlov, are already waiting in the ring. Regal and Kidd start the match first. Regal takes it to Kidd in the corner and tags in Kozlov. Kozlov hits a big powerslam for a 2 count. Kidd fights Kozlov off and tags in Smith. Smith rams Kozlov in the corner and lifts him for a big powerslam. Kozlov counters it and headbutts Smith. Regal comes back in and misses a running knee. Smith tags in Kidd and they hit the Hart Attack on Regal for the quick win.

Winners: The Hart Dynasty

- After the match, Sarona Snuka and Rikishi's sons from WWE developmental rush the ring and attack The Hart Dynasty, laying them all three out. Sarona and both of Rikishi's sons hit huge splashes off the top rope at the same time on all three members of the Harts. We go to commercial.

- Josh Matthews is backstage with the remaining four NXT Rookies. Gabriel says if anyone should go home, it's Heath Slater. Barrett agrees and says Slater also. Slater is next and he says he isn't going anywhere. Slater says David Otunga should go home. Otunga also says Slater should go home.

- Cole and Lawler plug tomorrow's NXT. We get a replay of Daniel Bryan's attack on Cole last week. Cole says he has had a hard week after that and has met with his attorneys. Cole says he will call Bryan out tomorrow night for a public apology and if he doesn't, Cole is going to sue him.

- We go backstage with Edge. Chris Jericho walks in. Jericho says they both know that Cena isn't his normal self tonight after the match with Batista. Edge says it must be a race to see who pins Cena first tonight. Edge says he will beat Jericho to it. Edge says maybe he will beat Jericho instead and walks off. We see Cena walking to the ring with the WWE Title as we go back to commercial.

WWE Fatal 4 Way Qualifying Match: John Cena vs. Edge vs. Chris Jericho

We go to the ring for tonight's main event, the match to determine the final spot in Cena's Fatal 4 Way match. Out first comes the WWE Champion John Cena to a big pop. Out next is Edge followed by Chris Jericho.

The bell rings and they start brawling. Cena has Edge in the corner. Jericho rolls Cena up for a 2 count. Cena clotheslines him but goes at it next with Edge. Cena clotheslines Edge over the top to the floor. Jericho goes for the Walls on Cena but its countered. Cena clotheslines Jericho to the floor and stands alone in the ring. We go to commercial.

Back from the break and Jericho and Edge are working on Cena. Jericho misses a clothesline and Cena clotheslines Edge. Jericho takes Cena back in the corner. Edge rolls up Jericho from behind with a 2 count. Edge charges and Jericho dumps him to the floor. Cena misses his flying shoulder as Jericho ducks. Jericho stomps on Cena now and works him over in the corner. Jericho with a 2 count on Cena. Jericho counters Cena with a DDT and another 2 count. Edge comes on the apron but Jericho kicks him back to the floor. Jericho misses in the corner and hits the ring post. Cena with two shoulder blocks and a big slam. Cena hits the Five Knuckle Shuffle on Jericho. Cena goes for the Attitude Adjustment but Jericho slides out of it and falls on his knee. Edge spears Jericho. Cena drops Edge and applies the STF. Jericho comes in, limping, and breaks the hold. Jericho applies the Walls of Jericho on Cena while Cena has the STF applied again on Edge. Edge slides out and goes at Jericho. Jericho counters and locks the Walls on Edge. Cena breaks the hold as Edge rolls out to the floor. Jericho hits a crossbody on Cena but Cena rolls through and goes for the AA again. Edge comes in and spears Cena while Jericho is on his shoulders. All three men go down.

Edge rolls on top of Cena for a 2 count as Jericho breaks it. Jericho goes for the Walls again but Edge kicks him away and rolls him up for a 2 count. Jericho kicks Edge in the head but gets clotheslined by Cena. Cena goes for the AA again but Edge pushes him into a Codebreaker from Jericho. Edge spears Jericho for the pinfall and the win.

Winner: Edge

- After the match, everyone is trying to recover when Sheamus' music hits and he comes out to the ramp. There's a staredown with Edge and Cena. Randy Orton's music hits and out he comes to the stage. Orton, Edge, Sheamus and Cena stare each other down as RAW goes off the air.


Big Pete

WWE Monday Night RAW Results 5/31/10
By Marc Middleton
May 31, 2010 - 8:40:26 PM

- Tonight's RAW kicks off with Edge attacking Evan Bourne in the ring. Edge screams this is his ring and stomps away on Bourne. Cole says that Edge came out to open RAW and Bourne came out and said it was his time. Apparently this is what led to the brawl to open the show. Edge throws Bourne off the ropes and he mounts a comeback. Bourne unloads with kicks. Bourne dazes Edge with a knee to the face then drops him with a kick. Bourne goes for Air Bourne but Edge moves out of the way. Bourne gets up and Edge hits him with the spear. Cole explains that Bourne said before RAW that if he beat Edge, he would get his spot in the Fatal 4 Way main event. Edge takes the mic now and says what just happened to Bourne will happen to his opponents at Fatal 4 Way. Edge says everyone keeps disrespecting him. Edge runs down his opponents at Fatal 4 Way. Edge gets the crowd to chant RKO when talking about Orton. He calls them sheep who hopped into the snake pit. Edge says at Fatal 4 Way, he will prove everyone wrong for all the disrespect. Edge says he will become a 10-time WWE Champion. Randy Orton's music hits and out he comes.

Cole welcomes us to RAW as Orton comes out to the ring. Edge taunts Orton and says everyone knows Orton isn't 100% because of what happened at Over the Limit. Edge says Orton won't win at Fatal 4 Way. Edge says he will hurt Orton and he isn't kidding. Orton RKO's Edge out of nowhere and climbs the turnbuckle to pose as his music plays to a big pop.

- Cole and Lawler plug tonight's tag team main event and Ashton Kutcher's appearance, which will happen next. We see Edge staring at Orton from the ring as we go to commercial.

- We see Ashton Kutcher reading his Twitter page backstage, talking about Zack Ryder talking trash. Eve walks in and gives him a hug. They talk about Ryder talking trash to him on Twitter. Eve asks what he's going to do about it. Kutcher plugs his new movie Killers, where he plays a hitman, and says tonight he's going to put a hit out on Ryder. It could be anyone who takes the hit, he says. The Miz walks in and says Ashton wanted to see him because he's the biggest WWE star. The video here looks like it's filmed different than usual. Ashton says he spoke with Bret Hart earlier and they made a match for Miz. Kutcher says they got a one-night contract for Daniel Bryan. Ashton asks Miz if he's scared. Miz says he's going to beat Bryan to a bloody pulp tonight. Kutcher says that's going to be hard to do when Bryan makes him tap out. Ashton and Miz have words. Ashton tells him to get ready for his match because he doesn't want to feel the Farm Hand. Eve asks if she can see the Farm Hand.

R-Truth vs. Chris Jericho

We go to the ring where Justin Roberts introduces the new United States Champion - R-Truth. Out comes Truth to the ring. Out next comes Truth's opponent, Chris Jericho, for this non-title match.

The bell rings and Jericho points at Truth. Truth dances a bit and they lock up. Jericho goes to the mat with a headlock and a shoulderblock. They run the ropes and Truth hits a big hip toss. Truth slingshots Jericho through the ropes and to the floor. Truth comes flying out onto Jericho on the floor. We go to commercial.

Back from the break and Jericho has Truth in a headlock after taking control during the commercial. Truth comes back and gets a rollup for 2. Jericho with an enziguri and a 2 count. Jericho slaps Truth in the head and chokes him with the ropes. Jericho hits a suplex and gets some heat from the crowd. Truth comes off the ropes and hits Jericho with a big forearm. Truth dances around and drops Jericho with a right. Truth with a head scissors take down and a big boot to the face for a 2 count. More back and forth until Truth goes for the scissors kick. He misses and Jericho goes for the Walls of Jericho. Truth kicks out of it and hits a facebuster like move on Jericho for a 2 count. The ref gets in the way and Jericho puts his thumb in Truth's eye. Jericho hits a clothesline for a 2 count. Jericho mocks Truth now and gets kicked in the face. Truth dances around some more and misses the spin kick. Jericho goes for the Walls again. Truth rolls out of it and rolls Jericho up for the pinfall and the win.

Winner: R-Truth

- After the match, Jericho sits in the ring looking shocked as Truth celebrates with the fans on his way up the ramp. We get ready for another commercial break.

- Back from the break and we get a replay from last week of Batista quitting and Bret Hart being announced as the new General Manager then putting Randy Orton in the Fatal 4 Way match via forfeit.

- We go backstage with Alicia Fox and Zack Ryder. He's upset about Ashton Kutcher. Zack is talking to Bret Hart and accuses Bret of being hired by Ashton. Bret says he has way bigger things on his plate right now and they walk off. The Hart Dynasty walks in. Bret says he brought The Uso's to RAW but didn't know they would be attacking the Harts. Bret says he isn't going to punish them though. Bret says it appears the Uso's are trying to make a statement and asks the Harts what are they going to do about it?

Eve and Santino Marella vs. Maryse and William Regal

We go to the ring where Santino Marella and the WWE Divas Champion Eve Torres make their way to the ring. We go to commercial before their opponents come out.

Back from commercial and out come the opponents, Maryse and William Regal. Kozlov comes out with Regal. Santino takes the mic and calls Regal's theme wanna-be Darth Vader music. Santino asks Kozlov why he stays with Regal when he has the chance to team with Santino and be the greatest tag team. More comedy from Santino before the bell rings. It's Maryse and Eve starting things out.

Eve and Maryse go back and forth to start the match until Regal and Santino are tagged in. A Santino chant starts up. Santino does some comedy kick attempts until Regal drops him with a right. Regal unloads with knees to the gut and a right hand. Regal continues the assault and hits a big clothesline in the corner. Regal with a nice throw and then the Regal Stretch. Eve comes in and kicks Regal. Maryse comes in and they brawl. Kozlov enters the ring and when Regal turns around, he chokeslams Regal and walks off up the ramp with Maryse behind him. Santino takes advantage and pins Regal for the win.

Winners: Santino Marella and Eve

- We see Bret Hart walking backstage as we go to commercial. Cole says Bret has an announcement regarding next week's show.

- Back from the break and WWE airs a video for Memorial Day, dedicating tonight's RAW to those we have lost. It's a nice video.

- We go in the arena where Justin Roberts introduces RAW's General Manager Bret Hart. Out comes Bret to the ring. Bret says he's been having so much fun in the past week as GM. Bret says he got together with Teddy Long to plan something special for next week. All of the RAW and SmackDown Superstars will be there for a three-hour show. Bret says he and Teddy want the fans to give their ideas for next week's RAW and says if the Superstars have ideas, bring them to him. Bret says next week's show will be a night to remember and a whole lot of fun. Out comes Ted DiBiase and Virgil.

Ted enters the ring and says he has a suggestion for next week. Give the show to him, let him be General Manager for a night. Ted wants complete control. Ted says he's willing to pay Bret and Long whatever it takes. Ted says Bret isn't too good to be bought. Ted brings up Ted Sr. and how everyone has a price. Ted says that includes Bret. Ted says Bret needs money, that's why he came back to WWE. Ted says he can make all of Bret's problems disappear if he just names his price. Ashton Kutcher appears on the big screen and says to hold up.

Ashton proposes that it be a RAW Viewer's Choice next week where the fans get to pick the matches, the stipulations and everything else. Bret says that's a good idea and announces next week as Viewer's Choice. No Chance hits and out comes Vince McMahon to a big pop!

Vince walks down to the ring and gets the fans to pop for him. He tries to get them to boo Bret and it really doesn't work. Vince says Bret looks 10 years older since WrestleMania. Vince says he's never looked and felt better. Vince talks about WrestleMania and Bret smashing him with the chair over and over. Vince said that would have injured a normal man. Vince asks if Bret got everything built up out of his system. The crowd starts chanting "you tapped out" to Vince. He says not really. Vince talks about Bret taking the job of GM. Vince wonders why he ok'd that decision to let Bret have the job. Vince says Bret will have to make some tough decisions down the road. Vince says you have to treat the fans like children. Vince says they can't make the right decisions so Bret has to make them. Vince says he came out here to wish Bret luck and asks Bret if he believes that. Bret doesn't. Vince says it's a good story that a man who was banned from the show 13 years ago has came back to run the show. Vince says he hopes Bret's career as General Manager has a happy ending. Vince looks at Bret as No Chance starts playing again. Vince gets the crowd to pop for him and struts around the ring before making his exit.

- We see Zack Ryder backstage talking to Randy Orton, asking him if he's who Ashton hired to take him out. Orton says if it was him they wouldn't be having this conversation. Alicia pulls him away to find out who Ashton hired. Edge comes out of nowhere and attacks Orton, laying him out. Edge rammed the door into Orton's shoulder and now he's holding it. We go to commercial.

- Back from the break and we see a replay of Edge's attack on Randy Orton before the commercial. Cole says trainers are tending to Orton now and questions if he will be able to perform in tonight's main event.

The Miz vs. Daniel Bryan

We go to the ring where The Miz makes his way out for the next match against his NXT Rookie. The NXT theme music hits as Daniel Bryan makes his way to the ring. Cole has already began his trash talking. We go to a replay of Bryan's attack on Cole & Miz last week during NXT. Both men are pissed as the bell rings and they go at it. Bryan drops Miz first with punches and mounts him. Bryan locks on an armbar but Miz gets the ropes. Bryan misses a splash in the corner and Miz clotheslines him. Miz works over Bryan now with a series of rights to the jaw and a kick to the head. 2 count by Miz. Miz works Bryan over in the corner now until the referee pulls him off.

Miz goes to the top and lands on Bryan. Miz slaps and taunts Bryan. Bryan rolls him up in a crossface-like move. Miz turns it into a 2 count and Bryan counters that for the pinfall and the win out of nowhere.

Winner: Daniel Bryan

- After the match, Miz attacks Bryan and throws him over the ropes and to the floor. Miz comes out to the floor and continues the attack. Miz holds Bryan up and tells him to apologize to Cole. Bryan slams Miz's face into the announcers table and throws Miz over the table into Cole. Bryan makes his exit as Miz is fuming and Cole lays on the ground. Back to commercial.

- Back from the break and Cole is pissed off about the attack from Daniel Bryan. Lawler leads us into a replay of The Uso's attack on The Hart Dynasty last week. We go to the ring where Jimmy, Jules and Tamina are in the ring, in street clothes. Jimmy and Jules say right now, they have the world tripping, wondering who they are. The crowd starts chanting "you suck." They say that the Harts aren't the only family to run deep in wrestling. They talk about being Samoan and say they're in our colleges, getting our scholarships and in law firms. Yep. Uso's said they had to make a name and the Harts were in the wrong place at the wrong time, 'patnas.' Tamina takes the mic and says that's right, brothers. She says they respect where the Harts come from. Tamina talks about her father Jimmy Snuka. Tamina says they were born for one purpose. They all say it at the same time - "dominate." The Hart Dynasty music hits and out come the Unified Tag Champions with Natalya. They brawl with the Uso's and Tamina, getting the upper-hand. They go for the Hart Attack but Tamina pulls Tyson's leg. Tamina clotheslines Natalya on the floor. The Uso's hit a double kick on Smith and a huge Samoan Drop on Tyson. Tamina comes in and they all three hit splashes off the top rope on the Harts. A hip-hop theme plays as the Uso's and Tamina head up the ramp. Lawler finally acknowledges that they are Rikishi's twin sons.

- We get a replay from earlier where Randy Orton laid Edge out with the RKO. They hype the main event but say that Randy Orton is unable to compete. Back to commercial.

- Back from the break and out comes Zack Ryder and Alicia Fox. Ryder talks about Kutcher taking a hit out on him. Ryder demands that Ashton tell him who it is. Ashton appears on the big screen. Jerry Lawler sneaks in the ring with a steel chair and sits down. They're just messing with Ryder here. It's not Lawler. Out comes Ashton's hitman... The Great Khali. Ashton says it's not him either. Khali leaves, Ryder gets back in the ring and out comes... Goldust. Ashton says it's not him either. Ashton says he's never going to see it coming. Alicia takes the mic and tells Ashton she's tired of the joke. She drops the mic and Ryder goes to pick it up. Alicia scissor kicks Ryder and lays him out. Ashton reveals Alicia as his hitman. Ashton says some stuff but at this point it really doesn't matter.

- Edge is getting ready backstage when Sheamus walks in. He says he likes what Edge did to Orton earlier. Edge cuts him off and says they should work together to take John Cena out tonight. Sheamus tells Edge that if he crosses him tonight, it will be his last mistake. We go to commercial.

Edge and Sheamus vs. John Cena and Evan Bourne

We're back and out comes Edge for tonight's main event. His partner Sheamus is out next. The WWE Champion John Cena comes out next and stops on the stage. Cena announces that Randy Orton has re-injured his shoulder and can't compete tonight. Cena says every WWE star hates Edge and Sheamus so that means he can choose anybody for his partner. Cena introduces his partner... Evan Bourne. Bourne and Cena hit the ring to a big pop.

The bell rings and it's Cena locking up with Edge. Edge strikes first and rocks Cena back into the corner, sending him to the mat with rights. Cena hits the bulldog on Edge and tags in Bourne. Bourne comes off the top with a shot to the arm of Edge. Bourne takes Edge to the mat and works on the arm. Edge fights out but Bourne hits a big scissors takedown and some spin kicks. Edge rolls out to the floor as we go to commercial.

Back from the break and Cena is brawling with Sheamus in the ring. Bourne comes in and hits a big dropkick on Sheamus in the corner for a 2 count. Bourne kicks Sheamus but gets dropped with a big shoulder. Sheamus slams Bourne into the corner and tags in Edge. Edge works over Bourne now and stomps him. Shieamus is tagged back in. Sheamus goes for a big suplex but Bourne kicks out and kicks away at Sheamus' leg. Bourne tries to tag but Sheamus lays him out for a 2 count. Sheamus stands on Bourne and tags back in Edge. Edge launches Bourne into the corner for a 2 count. Edge kicks Bourne in the face and sends him to the mat for another 2 count. Edge with a headlock now.

Bourne comes back with an enziguri as the crowd gets into it. Cena and Sheamus are tagged in. Cena unloads on Sheamus with his normal moves. Cena hits the Five Knuckle Shuffle and goes for the Attitude Adjustment. Sheamus counters it and slams Cena. Sheamus charges but Bourne kicks him in the head. Cena hits the AA on Sheamus. Edge runs in for a spear but hits the ring post. Bourne is tagged in and hits the Air Bourne on Sheamus for the pinfall and the win as the crowd explodes.

Winners: Evan Bourne and John Cena

- After the match, Bourne and Cena celebrate in the ring as Bourne's music plays. Cole and Lawler play it up as a big moment for Bourne as we go to commercial. RAW goes off the air with Bourne and Cena celebrating in the ring.



I don't see why their pushing Bourne, i see nothing special in him. Definitely not world title material. Then again they made Mysterio WHC so id be less than surprised if they made Bourne.


I thought that was a very enjoyable show.

I like Bourne being pushed. He is more then just a spot monkey as well. He is white mans Rey and is good to watch. Not everyone has to be a 6 foot giant or technical wrestler...

Miz and Daniels went hard but the match was too short!! Miz is doing great things in helping push Daniels. Cole is revving people up as well. I loved the 'go back to the indies and internet fans you loser" comment.

Geez Edge is so out of form though


Turned it on yesterday...I see john cena coming out. They say he will have a surprise partner.

Here I am thinking it may be Goldberg returning, or Batista or HHH or something.

And some guy called Evan Bourne comes out!

WhoTF is Evan Bourne!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Piper

How do we get a say in the Viewer's Choice RAW, if you get a choice at all?
I'm assuming there will be already selected matches where people just vote for the one they'd like to see the most.
Is it during the three hour show that people vote, i.e 11am or something like that our time.
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First Grade
It must piss Vince off when Bourne is booked like sh!t and yet he still is as over as anything with the crowd good on him, hes a real talent ...well maybe not his mic skills.

Big Pete

I don't know what to make of it.

Potentially it could be very good.

Otherwise, it could be detrimental to a few of the NXT stars.


Staff member
The absolute worst Raw of 2010.

The saving grace was the continued fantastic build of Orton/Edge, and the very intriguing NXT angle that panned out. It's the first time in a long time that either wrestling show has got me interested in tuning in the next week. Very curious to see where this NXT thing is going to go.

On a sad note, it looks almost as if they've just abandoned the Danielson/Cole/Miz thing by having him align with Barrett. Hope that's not the case.

Big Pete

I was thinking the same thing Mis.

Up until the main event I was very underwhelmed by the show (I mean more underwhelmed than usual) then BAM Punk/Cena was entertaining capped off by an interesting NXT invasion.

My only problem is where do they go from here. Some of these guys to me, won't work as heels.

Special K

The NXT thing was good but it would have been better if a few guys tried to help Cena imo.... Maybe one or two of the former pros from raw? Just would have stopped the amount of guys standing around doing nothing. It was similar to that brawl TNA did maybe a year ago now.

The best one I've seen was the NYC Riot with Homicide in ROH. That was AWESOME


First Grade
Imagine if it's Heyman who is leading them? Or HBK!?

Hope it was them that took out 'Taker too...


f**k the rest of the show.

The final 15 minutes was the most entertaining bit of wrestling for a long time.

Barret walking down had some real swagger about him.

Daniel Bryan does not work as THAT kind of heel.

I hope the Cole/Bryan angle is not dead.


I was thinking the same thing Mis.

Up until the main event I was very underwhelmed by the show (I mean more underwhelmed than usual) then BAM Punk/Cena was entertaining capped off by an interesting NXT invasion.

My only problem is where do they go from here. Some of these guys to me, won't work as heels.

Are you kidding me?

WWE pull the best show they have in years. Something for everyone. Stupid gimmick matches, decent laughs throughout the show, I didnt think they could top the guest appearance by Uncle Irwin, And as much as I was hoping for MR T to prove he was the real BA, Hot Rod's appearance was just as good. Good solid wrestling, The Compulsory return of the invincibility of Kane, which happens about every 5 years or so, A divas battle royale, which makes the division actually watchable, a few good solid wrestling matches, and the creation of an angle which just made potentially made 8 new superstars from Virtually nothing and reinvigorated a stale scene, with a new storyline that could easily last the next 12 months.

That Raw was absolute gold, possibly the best Raw since Paul Heyman took the WCW invasion to the EXTREME. At the very least, it was the best raw in a couple of years. I hope they dont drop the ball with the latest story lines. They are looking good and hopefully we should now see the NXT rookies, Ted Dibiase, The Hart Dynasty etc take the ball and run with it over the next few months.


It was awesome to see the rookies tear it up.
LMAO @ cole running like a girl. I really hope the cole/bryan angle isnt dead.