No actually many people have chosen to engage in good faith. You even claimed to understand their motives. A couple of them have made lol statsboy comments but you have continued to go out of your way to attack me personally.
I’ll try and understand their motivations, at least initially with you mate. I don’t think people come here to be lectured or to have their opinion made to feel menial (which I don’t necessarily agree is your intention); they are here to vent.
They’re here to vent after we’ve played like shit. They’re here to vent after they’ve spent their hard earned and been disappointed. They’re here to have their emotions known and not expose them to their loved ones. They’re upset we haven’t tasted glory in nearly forty years.
Some healthy discussion and seeing others standpoints IS GOOD. I mean, it’s synonymous with an online forum. You put people together and there’s always going to be differing viewpoints.
This said, there’s a time and a place. Your staunch defence for the club is admirable but know that some people just like getting things off their chest. They aren’t always up for a debate.