A bourbon and beetroot face photo shoot would make my day.
Too late..........
Here's beetroot face. Now find a matching one for bourbon:
Those 2 photos are the stuff of nightmares. She makes Bronwyn Bishop seem like a bit of a looker by comparison
I have a Chinese friend who's mother is only a few years younger than Bourbon (born in the late '60s) and fair dinkum, the mother looks young enough to be Bourbon's daughter. I don't know if that's attributed to her not drinking bourbon, let alone not picking up two DUIs or driving without a license
Hook a brother up?
She is absolutely obsessed with Dave Smith, everything she writes is about him or references him in some way, again tonight on SportsNight she droned on about some speech he made at the DallyMurdochs, it's obsession territory & very creepy.
Rugby League fans will respond by not buying Murdoch's newspapers and Rugby League friendly bosses will not put advertisements in Murdoch's newspapers.Re Wilson,
In NEWS CORP Murdoch has made it clear that his newspapers and other outlets will promote AFL at the expense of Rugby League, Wilson has just been practising for when the edict comes into being
From 9:30 to the end of the clip, it looks like Bourbs was either a closet Bulldogs fan or a faux Bulldogs and rugby league fan.