A decade or so ago I was asked by my nephew to come watch him play in an U13 semi final, his mob weren't going to win he said because the team he was playing had been undefeated and it was stacked. By 'stacked' he meant it was made up mainly of one particular ethnic group of kids who had been drawn together, some from outside the imagined boundary of selection, and only the best were picked.
Big deal says I, they probably congregate because they are comfortable being with players who understand their customs and beliefs. Anyway, winning is not important, the only thing that matters is learning the art of sportsmanship, ffs we're talking 13 year old kids. When I turned up to the game I was told by the dads of the team I was with to watch the opposition 5/8, he was supposedly brilliant and the reason they were undefeated.
The game plan was to send all the attack at this 5/8 and to not give him an inch when he had the ball, worked a treat especially when the dads screemed out the game plan incessantly. I can guarantee no-one racially vilified anyone in this shit-hot team but they did lose because my mob played the game of their lives and listened to the sideline encouragement.
As the game was drawing to a close a small contingent of BMWs and Mercs pulled up, some of the occupants were armed with bats and iron bars, some even dressed as though a wedding had been interrupted. I wondered why there weren't many opposition dads at the game, although one bloke never took his phone from his mouth.
Anyone's guess what would have happened if a passing cop car had not intervened, at least I took it for granted to be just passing. All's well that ends well but when I was making a hasty exit I passed the young 5/8 in question and he was balling his eyes out being comforted by his mother, continuously appologising for his team's loss saying it wasn't his fault.
I have been telling myself ever since that this couldn't have happened anywhere other than inner south west Sydney. Not using the above to condone my dislike of the area nor point the finger at the Bulldogs as a club or team of players, but my nephew never played again. Being a dedicated soc every time I see a CB jersey I'm reminded of something abhorrent and I make no apologies for my obvious cynicism