Derpex and Pops, deadly derp duo
Des didn't want to leave his box until the lights were turned off. Could have at least shook Geoff's hand after playing
for nine years together. Toovey looks as though he gave up on big George losing weight and played him . . . good decision.
Can't get weight off a big indigenous man unless he gets game time.
Both the Stewarts need to play for NSW imo. Once again Josh Reynolds showed a player can't do any more than his best.
Des didn't want to leave his box until the lights were turned off. Could have at least shook Geoff's hand after playing
for nine years together. Toovey looks as though he gave up on big George losing weight and played him . . . good decision.
Can't get weight off a big indigenous man unless he gets game time.
Both the Stewarts need to play for NSW imo. Once again Josh Reynolds showed a player can't do any more than his best.
If even the search function is too much for you to grasp, what are you doing on this forum? :roll:Give us an example of one of your contributions fella. I haven't seen anything worth writing home to mum about.
Or is it mum that writes the non inflammatory ones. Not sure why you want to attack me from the grassy knoll,
I'm too old to count your sister as a concubine . . . maybe you're just scared of fearless leader
didn't your understand?I have little patience for people who ride on their high horses into Internet forums, only to make absolute idiots of themselves.
If even the search function is too much for you to grasp, what are you doing on this forum? :roll:
Which part of didn't your understand?
Speaking about concubines, I'm sorry to deny your mum, but if you send your daughter over, I'll see what I can do. She might even get something to write home about...
Oh wait. You were fishing :roll:
Too easy.
Nah old mate I took a piss on the grassy knoll before I felt the need to wet my pants. My piss was a potent fertiliser and this helped the turnips grow into yabbies which were farmed by Bellamy and turned into the team of the generation. Too easy.
Hahaha you're talking like you consider Dollar Des a man of honour old digger! The bloke is a mercanery and would walk over a family member for an advantage.
Why would a "bloke" like that shake hands with the opposition?
Big George was bloody awesome and gave them some awesome runs right when they were needed.
You should top yourself.You ought to get out amongst the real first settlers as I do and you'll realise only fat white guys can't run
You should top yourself.
You forgot the Grassy Knoll and ol' mates down at the pub that would leave you pissing your pants if you met them.
You forgot the Grassy Knoll and ol' mates down at the pub that would leave you pissing your pants if you met them.
Popeye gives me the creeps, I get the impression he's one of those annoying old men in your neighbourhood who stops you for a long chat every time he sees you walk by, even though you clearly have somewhere to go and leaves you wishing you hadn't crossed the road.
Gee that's ironic. My missus was just saying to me last night how in my old age I've mellowed when
confronting fools. I am confident that if your redneck hoard were standing in front of me you wouldn't
have the ticker to repeat a word . . . maybe this forum is like rehab for me