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First Grade
I have heard from a few sources that relocation is being looked at in some detail as a 'plan B' should the longest project in the history of the world, the redevelopment, not come to fruition.

There have been serious discussions with Adelaide and the Central Coast and I believe that it is seen by SOME (and let me stress some, not ALL) members of the board that taking the cash on offer to move would be the only way to ensure the survival of the club should the development not turn money over soon enough for the club. When you consider the work that has already been done with the S.A government and now the desire to move more games away from Toyota, we look to be someway down the path.

This is a very important period for our club. Whilst not being in as bad a position as the eels, the financial situation could best be described as dire. It is yet to be seen if the development will inject cash into the club soon enough to ward off the wolves that are rattling at the gates. There are also elections next month and I believe that at least one sitting member will be retiring.

I for one am totally opposed to relocation. The sharks move, and they die to me. Personally, The Cronulla area and the football club are intrinsically linked. I would like to see the club fight to maintain its location and grow the brand within the Shire (which they dont seem to be doing)For others, its not the the case. Lets use this thread to INTELLIGENTLY discuss our feelings re the subject of relocation to try and guage the feeling of moving within the supporter base. Also, please add anything that you have heard on the subject in this thread.
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If it was to happen I'd be gutted, and more than likely never purposely watch another game of league in my life.

I can't help but feel it's inevitable.

Sad times.


First Grade
It is sad cheese. Im a bit pissed off that the club is in the state it is. The board appears to be doing the best it can with limited resources but I think their best wasnt good enough and we all may suffer as a result.


The only way I could support them is if they moved to the Sunshine Coast, I'm biased of course.

The club consistantly shoots itself in the foot at every turn. Not only do you have to have LUCK go your way but as it has and still consistantly gets proven,clubs has to take a more ruthless approach to it's success in the competition which now also includes a Sydney clubs survival.

So what do we do? Sack our star player, sit on our f**king hands re development until it's almost too late. Hire a coach and pay him out because he is useless. Try and buy a premiership wining coach that ends up in court,who releasesour star players. sack a coach that with credibility that ends up taking alot of our players with him and they win a Premmy.

It's reverberating history folks!


I was speaking recently with someone heavily involved in the development and they seemed positive but did say we were anything but safe.

Personally I have never lived in Cronulla, but still dont like the idea of them moving, even if it is somewhere closer to me (ie the central coast). They become a new team if they move.

If they moved to the central coast I guess I would still follow them but if we go to Adelaide looks like I might be forced to watch yawnion or AFL.

The Popper

I have always supported the team that represents my district. I will continue to do so no matter what shape or form that it may take.
Most of you probably do not remember the St.George 11 year premiership reign. In those days that team represented the Shire and the majority of the team also lived in the Shire. Then both Cronulla and Penrith were born to cater for the population expansion on the outskirts of Sydney in those days.
It's a bloody shame that The Sharks could relocate but if we can't win a comp as things are (and were) how the heck are we gonna win a comp as the future is shaping up.
Perhaps relocation will be the only way to keep the Sharks brand alive. The sponsors would love The Sharks to be a one city club. It would definitely give them more favoured exposure in the allocated area. Similarly, The Sharks would not have to compete with over half a dozen other Sydney clubs for the corporate dollar.
It's very sad that we could lose our icon from the Shire but for the brand - The Sharks - to survive it could be the only way to go should the development hopes not come to fruition.
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The Dodger

First Grade
i would like to know how many fans that live in sydney have season tickets, or are members, or actually go to home games.

i think thats what matters now.
there is nothing else that we as fans can do at the moment.
crowd figures.

if your not a season ticket holder, or a memeber, or do not go to games, then i suggest you start going, for that if the club does fold or relocate, you will never get the chance again.

they are our f**king team and should be followed religously, rain, hail or shine.


Been a season ticket holder for about 9 years now but I'm seriously considering whether I'll bother again after this year. The game is really being destroyed by the NRL and it seems to me that the Sharks are always the ones getting the raw end of the deal. The joy of watching my Sharkies just isn't there anymore and I feel punch drunk from all the disappointments which we've all endured since the destruction of the club by Chris Anderson. Just when you see a glimmer of hope we are again cut down by events both within and out of our control. Loyalty is the only thing that has kept me here for so long but that loyalty has not been returned by the club and its administration. The game day experience has been degenerating for the last 4-5 seasons thanks to poor management from the club. I for one will not be supporting a team based in Adelaide or the Central Coast and if that is how it eventuates the NRL will have lost one long term supporter forever.


i couldnt be more shattered if they go under. if they relocate i wouldnt follow them with the passion i do now.

i get nervous before games, like no other sporting event, i try to get score updates in all possble ways when i cant get to games. the missus knows that when we lose she needs to stay away from me for a few hours.... anyway getting side tracked. what im try ing to say is they are very important to me. the day they leave the shire they are no longer my team as far as im concerned. sounds harsh but its where i grew up they are my team. reloctaing them to another area is not keeping anything other than the shark alive, its not keeping cronulla alive. i will be lost to the game if we move or die outright.

and another code will benefit from it i guarantee....


There have been serious discussions with Adelaide and the Central Coast
i hear its Sydney FC - trial game...
the financial situation could best be described as dire.
thats putting it nicely
It is yet to be seen if the development will inject cash into the club
it's only just gone to council, and of course it would inject cash into the club

There are also elections next month and I believe that at least one sitting member will be retiring.
most likely the vice presso - there was something in a local rag somewhere recently about him having an accident

on a serious note, and looking at where it goes wrong - who is accoutable?

who manages the entity and signs off on expenses, makes the long term decisions, takes the slaps on the back when something goes well - but points the finger when it goes wrong...

as newman pointed out - the elections are next month

the current regime has let the possibility of our team relocating slip further and further toward reality - in all honesty its not as though this has happened over night

how many years now has the football club run in the red come year end fiscally?

.........too many times - thats how many



Despite what I have heard from a source close to you, I was given different info at the Raiders game. That being that it was the Central Coast as the favoured location and that it could be as soon as next year. I was also told that it could be temporary and that long term a re application would be made to bring the boys back home when the cash cow started being, well, a cash cow.

Interesting times.

FTR I'd still supoort the brand if it went to the CC. Not if it went to Adelaide and not if the colours and logo changed. In other words I could live with CC Sharks in the sky blue, white and black but couldn;t wear any tinkering to the current brand.


I have been a member & season ticket holder for over 10 years & i'm not in favour of any relocation.
One thing I was wondering if they do relocate the team, what happens to player contracts etc? I guess some players would not be in favour of moving their familys to another area let alone another state. Would all contracts become invalid & the club have to start again?


Firstly, if the Cronulla Sutherland Sharks are re-located that is the end of me.

I USED to be a Rugby League supporter and would look forward to any game of Rugby League on TV.

As Quigs has pointed out time and time again, the game has changed so much that it is an absolute disgrace. I HATE IT.

The NRL is an abomination and the double standards that come from headquarters are enough to make you cry! I am a 3rd generation Sharks supporter and a very proud one at that.

Looking from within though, how long have we known that we need to develop the land and provide an income stream?? Too much of the "She'll be right mate" attitude from the Club. Love him or hate him the one thing I do know is that if Peter Gow was still in charge of this great club, we wouldn't be in the "dire" strife we are in today.

The club hasn't learnt from it's mistakes and has tried too many shortcuts in the hope of getting the maiden premiership.

We have never been in sync with our teams regarding playing roster, we either had a premiership winning backline and no forwards or vice versa.

Only Cronulla supporters know the pain and suffering that we have all been through together.

I guess though the reality is this, If the Cronulla Sutherland Sharks wanted to enter a team into the NRL would our application be accepted??

We know what the answer is so please just win us one premiership!
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Despite what I have heard from a source close to you, I was given different info at the Raiders game. That being that it was the Central Coast as the favoured location and that it could be as soon as next year. I was also told that it could be temporary and that long term a re application would be made to bring the boys back home when the cash cow started being, well, a cash cow.

Interesting times.

FTR I'd still supoort the brand if it went to the CC. Not if it went to Adelaide and not if the colours and logo changed. In other words I could live with CC Sharks in the sky blue, white and black but couldn;t wear any tinkering to the current brand.

Interesting Frenz, although the NRL wouldnt let a club temp on the CC surely. The CC people wouldnt attend unless it was the CC's own club, and the bears are red hots for that arent they.

30 Year Sharkie

I agree with the posters who have said the game has changed and become a whole lot less entertaining in recent years. Add to that the endless stream of player indiscretions, financial problems, officiating f**k-ups and power plays and it is unrecognisable from the game I loved as a kid from the back of the old tin stand.

To answer the question, no I wouldnt follow the Sharks, or NRL at all, if they weren't the Cronulla Sharks. They are the last link I maintain to the once-great game, and I still love the odd game I get to see at Endeavour ...


There is 1 threat that has delayed the development(in terms of making sure all bases are covered & they have no argument) & that is GREENS influence.
A vote for the Greens at any level, is a vote to kill off the Sharks.
A vote for labour, as we all know, is a vote for the Greens & the same result.

Coalition politicians , as we have been shown, will give us millions.
Coalition aligned councillors, will tow the line.

Vote away, at the Sharks peril.


First Grade
If the Sharks left the shire thats me done with league. I used to love watching all the games every weekend but over the last 5 years its dropped off to the point where its a rarity for me to watch a non Sharkies game. I no longer care who wins origin, dont watch internationals.

I live for the sharks games, outside of that i couldnt care less. Absolutely no chance i would support the sharks "brand" because i dont see it as a brand, i see it as the sutherland shire, my local team, not some logo that you can add an area to. The nrl will lose a lifetime fan if this happens.


Ok question! if this were to come true...who are we going to elect as our new mortal enemy?


it would have to be someone local wouldnt it? im guessing local derby would be us v rabbits then wouldnt it?

i vote rorters
The Sharks will not go to the Central Coast, the Central Coast WILL NOT accept transplanted team, John SIngleton wants a central coast team, that is the central coast.

On seeking readmission, that will never happen, NRL wants less teams in sydney.

Adelaide well they didnt even get 10000, they would last 3 years there.

Sunshine Coast is the viable option, they have indicated that they want a transplanted team, as they dont have the players at the moment, they are currently in top 3 of juniors in QLD cup, even though Manly feeder plays there, they have said this has no bearing on who moves there, as it would be a bid to have a team.

Central QLD, like Central Coast dont want transplanted team


Who says the NRL want John Singleton?

On seeking readmission, that will never happen, NRL wants less teams in sydney.

Well I don't know about that and didn't say it would happen, just that I had been told it was talked about. As for the NRL not allowing re admission here's 2 words.

South Sydney.