Heheheh. I remember that day only too well. We spent that day down at Mick Moylens pub in Dolls Point. Mum put me in Saints jersey and for some reason she put my poor younger brother in a Canterbury jersey! I don’t even know where it came from. Poor bastard. Looking back now, it just shows she had absolutely no idea. The old man was probably too busy trying to get to the bar to notice but f**ken hell.
That day is burned into my memory. I couldn’t work out (6 years old at the time) why everyone went from being so happy to so sad in such a short time. Everyone was having such a good time and then all of a sudden, there were grown men crying and I didn’t understand it!
Hahaha. I’ve since discovered that that is just being a Saints supporter!
What me and my brothers (one older and one younger at the time) were focused on was playing Summer Games below. Looking back now, this thing must’ve been riding high on the ‘84 Olympics but this thing was the f**king shit. My older brother would have us trawling the bar for for 20c coins, checking the vending machine every 15 minutes or flat out scabbing coins off the most pissed merkins in the place. Safe to say, my brother in the bulldogs jersey wasn’t as successful as me in Saints jersey and the Slippery Steve Morris hair-do!
Anyway, we’d just hand it over to my older brother (the family scam artist

) and only he would play! And we would f**ken love it!

Doing the 100m sprint, you just had to bash the buttons as hard and fast as you could. We found this thing, a plastic cylinder thing, I think it held 10c pieces and he’d put his fingers in to help slide across the two buttons.
Hehehe. Good times!
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